The dedicated UE converters, seeing as they do not work anyways, may be repurposed for this, especially given that I have talked with DarkCow (a leading UE developer) and he has stated he would prefer to handle conversions internally due to configurability in their ratios.I heard some rumours about Shaft Power <-> EU converters being planned, is this true? If so , great, if not, i'm requesting itI have an idea to make the Shaft > EU converter not actually convert to EU, but instead to IC2's Kinetic Power(which is outputted by the Wind Generator and Steam Generator), just because it fits better thematically. However that should not apply the other way, that would be very impractical.
I only have two concerns for adding EU conversion ability. One is the fact the IC2 power system seems to change daily, and often fundamentally. I do not have time to play "catch-up" with a moving target of this nature. It needs to stabilize before I can even consider interfacing.
The other is the scale of the power. As far as I know, the most powerful EU generator ever made is the GT fusion reactor, topping out at 40kEU/t. Compare that with ReactorCraft-scale power, which, converted, can go as high as 5.8MEU/t, and you have a recipe for me trampling every other power generator in the EU ecosystem. I do not want to completely obsoletize the majority of the IC2/GT content, and I also consider end-game IC2/GT to be "Greg's Territory" on which I have no right to encroach.
On the other hand, I do wish to implement IC2 power conversion on a personal level, as it is both convenient for gameplay and will help keep IC2 alive, something that I feel must be done.
The pneumatic engine and air compressor are likely to be reused for PneumaticCraft if they are no longer useful in their original roles. However, asie has indicated that "BC RF" is substantially different from natural RF, and so the converters may not yet be obsolete.Also: What do you plan to do with the MJ support things, now that it's getting deprecated?