Closed questions like this:
Show up when you click unanswered questions.
Also, there is no option to uncheck the email notifications checkbox automatically.
Also, I just got this error when I tried to do the email confirmation thing:
Also, you might want to tell the users that it is an Q&A board, and not a normal forum.
Show up when you click unanswered questions.
Also, there is no option to uncheck the email notifications checkbox automatically.
Also, I just got this error when I tried to do the email confirmation thing:
Question2Answer fatal error:
Could not send email confirmation
Stack trace:
require() /var/www/vhost/support/index.php:31
require() /var/www/vhost/support/qa-include/qa-index.php:163
qa_get_request_content() /var/www/vhost/support/qa-include/qa-page.php:755
require() /var/www/vhost/support/qa-include/qa-page.php:188
qa_send_new_confirm() /var/www/vhost/support/qa-include/qa-page-confirm.php:50
Also, you might want to tell the users that it is an Q&A board, and not a normal forum.