I must also ask, how evil mr eyamaz actually is.... :-} I have played on servers where it would not be unusual for certain players to engineer portal traps.Ha! yes, chunk is loaded, it's the Tower Eyamaz uses for a baseDefinitely loaded. The portal is down 40 levels and out a bit into the ocean.
I also wonder if a spark turned random obsidian doorway into a portal. I went into the dungeon with the portal a dozen times, trying to kill spiders and wall off the portal so I could destroy it. Sadly, spiders are constantly spawning and dropping. Even armor isn't going to help when you have 4 of the suckers attacking and poisoning you. I'm limited in metals for armor, and of course, boosted damascus steel picks.
I may just go down to level 31 at my base, and tunnel under the ocean to that bit of the dungeon, try to work around it until i can isolate the spot with the portal and break it. Need to mine at that level anyway, might as well do a freeway to the dungeon.
Sure, right after I get done starting drama for stating my opinion that I don't like pulling mods from Jenkins. I swear, some people are just looking for a witch hunt all day long.
No. It's a bug with the damage multiplier for use. I think I can fix this.
Also, please don't quote random things from months ago. Iguana is not even the current maintainer of the mod.
Enviromine was in the early 1.6 alpha builds.
Nice idea actuallyAre Golems immune to poison? Could you take some pumpkins and cobble into the nether, build cobble Golems. Shove them through the portal, they just may distract the spiders enough to give you a fighting chance.
Naw, he isn't evil on the server.I must also ask, how evil mr eyamaz actually is.... :-} I have played on servers where it would not be unusual for certain players to engineer portal traps.
I'm not sure how antagonistic your server tends to be. That said if building a trully evil portal trap you never would have gotten out of the portal.
I got the impression you two where friendlier than that, but then I've played anarchy servers so..... I had to ask.Nice idea actually
After quite a few more suicides trying to kill the horde of spiders in the nether, (24 flint and crystal hatchets for sale, barely used each!) I got into the room on the overworld side of the portal, found the spawners, and managed to take two out that were nearby. Portal partially blocked off now with stone.
Sadly, it turns out it's a tower near Eyamaz and my bases, not actually his. So I can't sue him for the many dozen deaths that technically happened on his property[DOUBLEPOST=1406053251][/DOUBLEPOST]
Naw, he isn't evil on the server.
In my family, my brothers and uncles counted up "evil points" we earned pulling stuff on each other. So calling him The Evil One is a sign of respect and affection. We like evil, evil is more fun.
I need to find some grassland..... I like having a bit of desert nearby but there are numerous crops that beat out cactus any day of the weekA bit more on that answer... There is a biome dictionary that's part of Forge which is what Mikhaila was referring to. There's a post way back many pages ago with a link to the source file that sets up the biomes. Here's the post for reference:
And here's the specific line for grassland:
BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(BOPBiomeHelper.get("grassland"), Type.PLAINS, Type.SWAMP, Type.HILLS);
So grassland should return plains, swamp, and hills to any mod that checks for the biome, which is cool since Plains is good for most crops, and Jungle/Swamp is good for most other crops. Seems like grassland should cover pretty much all of them!
Can someone tell me how to get stuff into spirit world in 1.1.3? In 1.1.3 recipe for enderchests has changed and we need to create brew of flowing spirit to craft it. Also there will be no ender chest in overworld until other item transportation is enabled (because player must bring back brew earlier). How to get bonemeal in spirit world for mutandis?
For the first half of your question, the brews of flowing spirit in your inventory stay in your inventory when you leave the spirit world.
For the second half...I must say I'm stumped...
I'm glad we got to the spirit world before this change was made![]()
Also. there seems to either be a bug with beds or it was intended but everytime that someone trys to set a spawn point with a bed they now respawn in the world spawn. that really sucks because on the server im on i am about 2000 blocks away from spawn. can anyone let me know about the exp issue i posted above this one and this one?
Odd, but harmless. That bug in the recipe has been around for a while.When using jelly in food crafting, it gives a glass bottle that was never required to make the jelly.