Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

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I could only agree with this if the power drain was boosted to a point where you would need to use a huge amount of effort to keep it operational.

Why is everyone obsessed with having all their storage in a few blocks anyways? Visually it's unimpressive and logically it's insane. Even at its current super end game position, it seems way OP for a pack which is supposed to be difficult. Maybe if we had only the storage bus instead of the ME drive so that it just connected all chests to a central hub block it would make more sense.
I guess I don't associate making a ton of chests and trying to keep track of what I put in each one as difficult. It's just rather annoying to me to manually sort and organize all the things. And then run out of room in one chest so you have to split it up into more chests, etc... AE storage just fixes that annoyance for the cost of materials and power.

As for the insane logic... it's Minecraft. It's insane to try to punch a tree down with your fist. Or to build a dirt pillar 100 feet tall. Or store 100 trees worth of logs in a little chest that was constructed by somehow chopping logs into planks with our bare hands and then having them magically nail/glue themselves together in a crafting grid. It's all insane in real-world terms. But it's Minecraft and as long as it fits the progression reasonably, I don't see AE as much of a bigger stretch than regular chests or anything else.[DOUBLEPOST=1404333388][/DOUBLEPOST]
redcom9 already confirmed finding a village in 1.1.2, but I also ran a test (in 1.1.1) creating a new world both with BoP installed and without. I used the seed "Village?" and luckily enough that spawned me right next to a village to start. On both worlds I drank the brew of sleep while standing in the village in the overworld, and in both cases I was standing in the village when I made it to the dream world.

@Boundary and anyone else having this problem, are you sure they are not appearing in the spirit world, or you just haven't found any yet? I could be wrong, but I don't think I've seen anyone confirm that they checked against a known location of a village from the overworld. Perhaps you've just been unlucky so far with your world gen, or maybe accidentally turned generate structures off. Also, I believe they are only (or at least mostly) found in plains and desert, in case that helps limit where you look.
Good info @silentrob . I know Batch_2 had a village in the overworld, but didn't have it in the dream world in his Let's Play videos. Don't know if others have confirmed this or not, and I haven't done any direct testing. I just noticed those with BoP off were reporting no villages in the dream, but looks like your test disproves that guess.
I don't care so much about AE as at least being able to make the metal chests that I can put side by side. The metals turning into other metals is annoying as hell for making some things. Only have it happen on the pledge server though.
I guess I don't associate making a ton of chests and trying to keep track of what I put in each one as difficult. It's just rather annoying to me to manually sort and organize all the things. And then run out of room in one chest so you have to split it up into more chests, etc... AE storage just fixes that annoyance for the cost of materials and power.

As for the insane logic... it's Minecraft. It's insane to try to punch a tree down with your fist. Or to build a dirt pillar 100 feet tall. Or store 100 trees worth of logs in a little chest that was constructed by somehow chopping logs into planks with our bare hands and then having them magically nail/glue themselves together in a crafting grid. It's all insane in real-world terms. But it's Minecraft and as long as it fits the progression reasonably, I don't see AE as much of a bigger stretch than regular chests or anything else.

Ok I'll admit, the insane logic part was a bad argument. :P
You have no clue as to how powerful an ME system is, especially combined with any form of auto mining/farming. The amount of power it consumes is trivial compared to the auto processing it adds.
A fully set up, automate all the with AE is the ultimate "I survived to live in comfort," to this pack. Every other pack shoots for automate ASAP.
Eyamaz this BnB pack is awesome and addictive a shell. Great Job. Thanks for the nightmares
I'd still like to see the basic storage as early-mid game (Nether?), the crafting terminal as mid-game (Fantasy Ores?), and then save the crazy auto-crafting stuff until the end.

Early on, gathering materials and dealing with the constant power drain will force you to be a bit clever about how to hook it up and how much space you create. Later you progress enough to make the power drain trivial, but then the challenge is to get the fantasy metals to upgrade to the crafting terminal. Then yeah, end, dragon, life of luxury, etc... :)

My 2 cents at least.

I didn't make it clear in that post, but we were talking about villages spawning in the spirit / dream world. It's a different dimension from Witchery. Yes they spawn in the overworld with or without BoP, but current guess is that they don't spawn in the dream world unless you have BoP enabled. (But it's still just a guess)

Yes man.. gotta be really rare... could not find none @ dream world so far :/
I don't care so much about AE as at least being able to make the metal chests that I can put side by side. The metals turning into other metals is annoying as hell for making some things. Only have it happen on the pledge server though.
it happens constantly on our server too with all metals except the overworld ones. silentrob is busy constantly fixing them for me lol
I guess I don't associate making a ton of chests and trying to keep track of what I put in each one as difficult. It's just rather annoying to me to manually sort and organize all the things. And then run out of room in one chest so you have to split it up into more chests, etc... AE storage just fixes that annoyance for the cost of materials and power.

As for the insane logic... it's Minecraft. It's insane to try to punch a tree down with your fist. Or to build a dirt pillar 100 feet tall. Or store 100 trees worth of logs in a little chest that was constructed by somehow chopping logs into planks with our bare hands and then having them magically nail/glue themselves together in a crafting grid. It's all insane in real-world terms. But it's Minecraft and as long as it fits the progression reasonably, I don't see AE as much of a bigger stretch than regular chests or anything else.[DOUBLEPOST=1404333388][/DOUBLEPOST]
Good info @silentrob . I know Batch_2 had a village in the overworld, but didn't have it in the dream world in his Let's Play videos. Don't know if others have confirmed this or not, and I haven't done any direct testing. I just noticed those with BoP off were reporting no villages in the dream, but looks like your test disproves that guess.

" AE storage just fixes that annoyance for the cost of materials and power."
This is like the difficulty for finding villages in the dream world. A difficult pack does not mean a boring pack. At least as far from it concerns me, I am really enjoying this pack (specially thanks to @Anesos @Batch2 and sisho's videos) and the progressios so far. But spending hours looking for a village is exteremelly boring. And feels like some automation, some improved storage, sorting and autocrafting for at least simple things would start to be good at this point.
" AE storage just fixes that annoyance for the cost of materials and power."
This is like the difficulty for finding villages in the dream world. A difficult pack does not mean a boring pack. At least as far from it concerns me, I am really enjoying this pack (specially thanks to @Anesos @Batch2 and sisho's videos) and the progressios so far. But spending hours looking for a village is exteremelly boring. And feels like some automation, some improved storage, sorting and autocrafting for at least simple things would start to be good at this point.
Thanks @hellpox . Glad you're enjoying the videos and hope to get more multiplayer ones going again soon. Just RL getting in the way of fun and stuff.

If you're looking for something immediately, check out Red Power pipes as a way to make a sorting system. Pretty expensive material cost, but doesn't even need power. I'd still prefer AE and can see how AE can have progression and grow over time from basic storage to crafting to auto-crafting. But this is available in the current pack. I think Batch_2 and I both did episodes on it a while back if you check the old playlists.
While defending minecraft "logic" is by nature a loosing battle I would point out that basic tools and storage are quit possible with wood materials harvested by bare hand..... Yes punching down a full grown tree is not possible, but saplings can be readily converted into wicker storage, bark based fiber can become cordage, and simple branches can become tools/weapons fairly readily. While the chest avatar would be quit an achievement for a "survivalist", is it illogical for a developer to lump wicker baskets, fiber nets and such into one readily recognized avatar.
a small chest can hold 1728 cubic meters of materials...... is it logical to be crying about it not being big enough? Yes, inventory management is a part of the game, and a part of MANY games. I'm sure we all occasionally get frustrated about the need to organize storage, but I don't think the vanilla products are exactly unreasonable, and BnB mods provide several early game options that greatly expand on vanilla storage mechanics. I don't think BnB was ever meant to be horribly tech based and we're discussing blocks based on the ability to convert matter into energy so that it may be stored on hard drives. Such a device should be an achievement that takes a bit of effort. I'd argue that if you are playing for early game automation there are plenty of packs that make such available at a very early stage.
" AE storage just fixes that annoyance for the cost of materials and power."
This is like the difficulty for finding villages in the dream world. A difficult pack does not mean a boring pack. At least as far from it concerns me, I am really enjoying this pack (specially thanks to @Anesos @Batch2 and sisho's videos) and the progressios so far. But spending hours looking for a village is exteremelly boring. And feels like some automation, some improved storage, sorting and autocrafting for at least simple things would start to be good at this point.

Regarding the difficulty of finding a village in the spirit world.... depending on just how much you want to "cheat" you could always look up your seed, create a creative world based on the same seed and use creative flight to explore.
Thanks @hellpox . Glad you're enjoying the videos and hope to get more multiplayer ones going again soon. Just RL getting in the way of fun and stuff.

If you're looking for something immediately, check out Red Power pipes as a way to make a sorting system. Pretty expensive material cost, but doesn't even need power. I'd still prefer AE and can see how AE can have progression and grow over time from basic storage to crafting to auto-crafting. But this is available in the current pack. I think Batch_2 and I both did episodes on it a while back if you check the old playlists.

Thank you for the hint, @Anesos ! In fact I saw the video a few days ago and it is very cool indeed.
About RL into the way of fun I know how is that... Besides recording, editing and uploading takes a big bunch of time... Besides having to work and the PhD deadline being close, all my friends all have kids and stuff an NOBODY plays MC anymore which is bad... Singleplayer is not always that fun lol! Anuway... Whenever you can please give us some more videos ;)[DOUBLEPOST=1404356801][/DOUBLEPOST]
Regarding the difficulty of finding a village in the spirit world.... depending on just how much you want to "cheat" you could always look up your seed, create a creative world based on the same seed and use creative flight to explore.
I got so frustrated that in fact I used some backup world for a creative flight... Flew like there was no tomorrow and yet no :( village
Any idea on when the update is and pledge server resets? Trying to put in as many hours around the house and do those little chores the wife wants done so i can justify a couple of long nights dying horribly on a new map. :)
Any idea on when the update is and pledge server resets? Trying to put in as many hours around the house and do those little chores the wife wants done so i can justify a couple of long nights dying horribly on a new map. :)
Don't hold your breath, it's a big update, it will still be a while.
You have no clue as to how powerful an ME system is, especially combined with any form of auto mining/farming. The amount of power it consumes is trivial compared to the auto processing it adds.
A fully set up, automate all the with AE is the ultimate "I survived to live in comfort," to this pack. Every other pack shoots for automate ASAP.

Why make the components that give basic storage even more expensive if that is the issue? Seems like the wrong thing got nerfed if that is the reasoning behind it. I could see making crafting CPUs and that sort of thing more expensive. Maybe even the buses and interfaces. But there's nothing overpowered about about a basic ME storage system. It is doing the same thing the metal chests are except in exchange for a lot more materials and the need for constant power. If that is overpowered so are the metal chests. And the barrels would be even more overpowered because they require nothing other than wood to build (it is trivial to build dozens of them) yet they hold a lot.

But in reality I doubt the pack would be any more difficult even with only vanilla wooden chests in it for storage. You can still store all your stuff in wooden double chests. It is just a lot more tedious. Tediousness should not be confused with difficulty.

One of the things I like best about the AE system is that it is a system with its own progression and it takes a long time to build everything and get things set up the way you want. As opposed to chests which basically have no progression it is just a matter of digging up some basic ores and turning them into chests and throwing them down wherever there is space. Then when you are out of space you make another one.

a small chest can hold 1728 cubic meters of materials...... is it logical to be crying about it not being big enough? Yes, inventory management is a part of the game, and a part of MANY games. I'm sure we all occasionally get frustrated about the need to organize storage, but I don't think the vanilla products are exactly unreasonable, and BnB mods provide several early game options that greatly expand on vanilla storage mechanics. I don't think BnB was ever meant to be horribly tech based and we're discussing blocks based on the ability to convert matter into energy so that it may be stored on hard drives. Such a device should be an achievement that takes a bit of effort. I'd argue that if you are playing for early game automation there are plenty of packs that make such available at a very early stage.

I don't think we are talking about early game - because even with the regular recipes you couldn't consider starting a ME system until after you are done with the nether. And at that point we are talking about a basic chest replacement storage system with the goal of eventually getting all your stuff in it (building all the storage units will certainly take more resources than you have)... not the auto-crafting / auto-smelting / keep x of these in inventory at all times type of stuff. As for the theme, there's a decent amount of tech stuff in here. Machines are a part of the basic progression - as soon as you get your first 10 diamonds you start building machines.

If you're looking for something immediately, check out Red Power pipes as a way to make a sorting system. Pretty expensive material cost, but doesn't even need power. I'd still prefer AE and can see how AE can have progression and grow over time from basic storage to crafting to auto-crafting. But this is available in the current pack. I think Batch_2 and I both did episodes on it a while back if you check the old playlists.

The Extra Utilities pipes? They do sound cool but how do I get recipes on those? If I click them in NEI or hit R I get a description of what they do - which is great to have (I wish everything had that) - but no recipe. I tried the default recipe from the wiki for sorting pipe and it didn't work.
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@Boundary and anyone else having this problem, are you sure they are not appearing in the spirit world, or you just haven't found any yet? I could be wrong, but I don't think I've seen anyone confirm that they checked against a known location of a village from the overworld. Perhaps you've just been unlucky so far with your world gen, or maybe accidentally turned generate structures off. Also, I believe they are only (or at least mostly) found in plains and desert, in case that helps limit where you look.
I have not found a village in either the spirit world or the overworld. When I found out about the eye of ender trade from villagers I was already in the spirit world so decided to explore in that safety assuming villagers would be mirrored between the two. I have yet to find a village, I may conceed some creative flight to find one, this would mean I would have to find the same village in a much harsher overworld environment which will be interesting, alternatively i could use this time to establish myself here in prep for 1.2 update. I definetely did not turn structures off, I think its just bum luck with world gen now. Thanks for the biome tip I will keep that in mind.
I haven't found a villager yet that has Eye of Ender to trade in the Spirit World. Is it a first level trade or do you have to trade other items until it is available? Also, what items are they trading for it? The usual wheat, chicken, etc. or something else?
usually the priests are the ones that trade for it. it might be first trade but it might not be- have to keep trying til you get one. ours wanted emeralds in trade for an eye
I haven't found a villager yet that has Eye of Ender to trade in the Spirit World. Is it a first level trade or do you have to trade other items until it is available? Also, what items are they trading for it? The usual wheat, chicken, etc. or something else?

Villager trades always involve emeralds. Either you give them an item (e.g. wheat, chicken, etc.) and they give you emeralds, or you give them emeralds for an item. For the eye of ender, it's going to cost at least half a dozen emeralds, maybe more.

As Larae said, the priest (purple robes) is the one who will trade for it. The priests don't have tiers to their trades, so it's possible to be the first trade, but it only has a 14% chance. You may need to go through a few levels of trade, or even a few different priests in order to get it. This is all vanilla mechanics, so as long as you can find a village with two villagers, you can breed them to eventually get a priest or two, and get the eye.
Just reporting a bug: upgrading a backpack causes it to lose its content.
(If I had to guess, I would say it's due to the fact that the recipe has been changed.)