Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

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As far is it is concerned, both BnB and inFlux will be out sometime this week. inFlux will be going onto the launcher straight away while BnB will be first released on the patreon server and to a select number of people for videos/guides. T-Shirts with the BnB logo (Marrow) will also be available once I have time to sit down with @Big Bad and work out a couple things.

I will have to admit the last few months of my life have not been, ideal, for the lack of better terminology. Some things I just need to try and turn around, but none of those issues belong here.

No, these are not ETAs these are straight facts. Merry Xmas or something.

Screw you, it's a ETA as far as i'm concerned! You just won't admit it :p
I will have to admit the last few months of my life have not been, ideal, for the lack of better terminology. Some things I just need to try and turn around, but none of those issues belong here.

No, these are not ETAs these are straight facts. Merry Xmas or something.

Sorry about you having a tough time recently. I for one would like to say thank you for your work on Blood and Bones. My friends and I have spent 12 months over the course of the last 3 years playing minecraft with about every modpack that came out. Obviously things were getting stale and alot of the modpacks had the same mods in them. Your modpack was totally different and we loved the challenge. I remember during our early starts that 3 of us were literally crying from laughing so hard. We were laughing because we spent so much time building a "safe" base only to have it totally destroyed by a couple stupid mistakes. Was awesome times. We are really looking forward to the next one.

You didn't go into details about your hardship, but I would at least specify if its money related. Obviously we can't help if its woman related (actually on second thought, you are welcome to have mine), but we definately can through some money your way in terms of a patron or otherwise.
There needs to be a dislike button........

Some of us need to learn patience, and to consider that there may be things going on that are far more important than FTB.
Alright, I started going a little overboard there... I have a tendancy to do that. But, when people announce a specified time of release people will be somewhat dissapointed when that deadline is not met.
Sorry for being that guy.
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Alright, I started going a little overboard there... I have a tendancy to do that. But, when people announce a specified time of release people will be somewhat dissapointed when that deadline is not met.
Sorry for being that guy.
I'll join you and then you won't just be that guy. We will be those guys! :p

As for stuff being more important than FTB, i agree. There is the case of @Eyamaz trying to gather other people's womens lol. (Yah i'm gonna pin on that for a bit then i'll move on to something less FTB :D)
Alright, I started going a little overboard there... I have a tendancy to do that. But, when people announce a specified time of release people will be somewhat dissapointed when that deadline is not met.
Sorry for being that guy.

You do realize the BnB release is not the public release? It's only going out to a select group atm. inFlux is still on the way for public alpha before Xmas.

And yes, I am always late on ETAs. Its called being a parent.
You do realize the BnB release is not the public release? It's only going out to a select group atm. inFlux is still on the way for public alpha before Xmas.

And yes, I am always late on ETAs. Its called being a parent.
Oh. 0.o
Didn't know that you were a parent OR that the release is diffrent from the public release... But ya, being a parent is a big responsibility and I do not blame you for any ETA's in that case.
I'm going to go sit in the corner and feel guilt.
I made a world and i had A LOT of food.I have started to be happy with that modpack because i made some damascus steel armor and i started the not-boring period.One day i went to the nether to find:dark steel and lemurite? Anyways i didnt find these and my pick needed repair.I went back to overworld and as always like Ssundee,I crashed.Then my world wasnt there anymore.I asked there(on the forums) to help me.A guy(Nunoagaphto) told me something(I dont remember)to fix it.I tried it.Then i was able to join my world but anything that i did went back from start like i had 7 cobble,I placed 1 cobble and broke it,rejoin,cobble dissapeared and i had 6.Tried mcedit to reset chunks...absolutely fail.My world was created in another place.Tried to fix regions...nothing.Please I dont want to play it from scratch its really annoying with those flint crappy tools. Please if you can,help me. Thanks
quick dupe report

If you feed a lycanites kobald (or any mob that has some form of inventory i guess) some items and then capture with a safari net you can clone it and its inventory with an autospawner and dupe a lot of items at once. you can even automate it with a grinder lol. not entirely sure how you'd fix this it seems like a problem with mfr... you could stop kobalds taking items but still you have theif skellys and endermen to account for, not to mention vanilla zombies. might even have to mess with the way autospawners clone information... idk.

another thing, pretty sure you're aware of this but i havent seen it fixed in the latest ver- swapping out tool heads for upgraded versions doesnt wipe the boost xp. this allows people to get away with antics like boosting a flint pick to 99% boost xp and then swapping it out for desichalkos, bypassing the 8k hits or whatever it is.

looking forward to both bnb2.0 and inFlux, i love RF themed tech mods so much! not gonna ask for an ETA for these- it's clear how much work you put into these packs so no need to rush! but a quick modlist would be really cool if you're feeling generous :3
I'm drooling over the thought of bnb2.0... And I'm sure inFlux will be awesome too. Simply because I know how much effort and work he puts into his packs. I still say that the best part about bnb is the fact that everything is so integrated with each other. I love that. It doesn't feel like it's just a bunch of mods all slapped together. I feels like a full on game. Because you can't just skip stuff or be like, "yeah, I just don't want to deal with this mod." That and I'm a masochist and love how hard it is. The greater the challenge, the greater the sense of accomplishment.
So I was just reading the forum thread about the Resurrection mod pack. I didn't even get half way through it. All I saw were a bunch of people whining and complaining that this mod was added, or that this one was left out. People DEMANDING to be told why the choices that were made were done so.

And it made me realize something: You mod pack developers take so much abuse from the community it's not even funny. I mean you guys (and gals) put your time, energy, effort, sweat and tears into making amazing mod packs for us. You go through and iron out all the bugs and try to make 100+ mods all work together and play nice. Which can't be easy. I mean I try and add one mod (not to BnB, it is perfect as is, lol) to my server and the hole thing tweaks out and does random stuff that makes no sense. So I can't even fathom how hard it is to do what you do.

And in return, people just hop on the forum and get in your faces and tell you how they think you screwed up and they could do a better job than you and this mod or that mod should be in it or shouldn't be in it. Not to mention all of us (me included at times) getting all impatient and wanting it all NOW or at least to be told a firm date when it will be out, that way we can just yell at you when it's not. It's crazy. I don't know how you put up with it. It's just not fair. You don't deserve any of that. You deserve to be told every day how what you do is amazingly awesome (eyamazingly awesome in the case of Blood N Bones, that's right, I got a tool up that high). That you bring so much joy, and fun to so many of us.

I mean do you even get to play Minecraft anymore?

So on behalf of my fellow players, I want to apologize to you for all the crap we give you, and to make sure that you know that at least some of us really do appreciate what you do and think you're f'ing awesome.
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Quite honestly, I haven't even had time to work on packs since before Xmas. I've been dealing with several personal issues and things in my local life over the last several months that are far more pressing than any dev work. I know @slowpoke has been patiently waiting on inFlux as well as all my beautiful BnB people out there waiting for 2.0. I've made several promises over the last few months dealing with these two packs that I feel I just need to say something about something.

Some are just things I don't generally share.

For the majority of my life, I've battled with being self destructive and depressed. Chalk this up to being bullied as a kid, or just not getting along with my family of 3 brothers and 3 sisters, or just having some axon not liking the dendrites it was stuck with. Who knows. I've never gone to a shrink for it, I've just dealt with it, though not always in the best way.

To keep it short, I've been down dark roads and have the scars to prove it. Not something I generally talk about because I hate the fake ass people that use shit like that to get attention.

With the birth of my son 3 years ago, my outlook on things changed dramatically and I made drastic changes to my life (for the better, trust on that.) Started fixing things in my life and getting back into programing and other things I just gave up on decades ago. Over the course of the last year, however, more than a few issues have cropped up in my personal life that I have to deal with. Some of these were things I looked over until I took a job working from home and had things thrown into my face as fact when I hoped they were just paranoia.

I've found myself at the bottom of the bottle looking up more than a few times in the last couple months. I crack a joke about it on twitter from time to time, probably shouldn't.

Doing the work I do, in any dev environment, makes me happy. Little things like the post from @DigitalWino are one of the reasons I do it. Just need to get some of a greater priority taken care of first, then I'll get some stuff out to ya all.
Doing the work I do, in any dev environment, makes me happy. Little things like the post from @DigitalWino are one of the reasons I do it. Just need to get some of a greater priority taken care of first, then I'll get some stuff out to ya all.

I'm glad I was able to bring what sounds like was a much needed smile to your face. Heh, I also like how in your quote of me you summed up what I said into <3, lol. At one point I was worried that what I said my come across the wrong way or something, but that made me realize that my point came across just fine.

And @NunoAgapito is right, take all the time you need man.
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