Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

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Speaking of the ore spreadsheet, I notice that none of the Metallurgy3 ores are listed on it. Specifically carmot. I have no experience with Metallurgy3 other than Blood n Bones, but from what I can tell looking in the NEI it is a naturally occurring ore, not an alloy. And it doesn't show a nether version of it's ore. So I'm just curious where to find it. I mean does it just not show the nether version but there is one, or is it found in the over world and it's just not listed on the spreadsheet?
Is there an issue with Tic Bows not letting you upgrade the tool rods? when repaired to full it still doesnt work.

EDIT: Tested it more on creative and seems to not like upgrading using M3 metals. Copper, Iron, Steel, and Wood seem to work fine though. Is this intended?
Must be a bug in the ExtraTiC/TiC Iguana Tweaks interaction. I tried to make replace my wooden bow with Bloodwood rods, which are also added by ExtraTiC, and it didn't work. Either way, you're better off with slime rods, I think. There's a neat thread in these forums, let me get it for you. Here.

Mine is made of green slime rods and flamestring. For the arrows I use ignatius arrowheads (because it has decent weight and good damage, and I don't use it for anything else so I have a lot to spare), slime or wooden rods, and feathers.
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Speaking of the ore spreadsheet, I notice that none of the Metallurgy3 ores are listed on it. Specifically carmot. I have no experience with Metallurgy3 other than Blood n Bones, but from what I can tell looking in the NEI it is a naturally occurring ore, not an alloy. And it doesn't show a nether version of it's ore. So I'm just curious where to find it. I mean does it just not show the nether version but there is one, or is it found in the over world and it's just not listed on the spreadsheet?
I think Carmot is a fantasy ore, so you can find it in the Spirit World, the Witchery dimension.
Trying to decide which is less lethal right now, exploring the nether, or a dungeon... Either way I realized that to get into the Thermal Expansion machines, I need a diamond draw plate... curse you evil one... I LOVE IT! None of the packs I've played have had this level of tweaking or integration. You put a lot of work and effort into it, and it shows. It doesn't feel like it's just a mod pack with stuff thrown together, it feels like everything is meant to be together. But anyway, diamonds. I was gonna use the gas furnace to make diamonds, but I'm having issues. I put in a stack of coal, it runs for quite a while, the progress bar eventually fills up, then it stalls for a moment, then suddenly just starts smelting all the coal into graphite. I was using green gas, if that matters. Did I miss a step? It's kinda hard to find info about this mod online. Or is it perhaps just disabled in this pack?

If you take your time and stay underground Nether is better Red gas is just crazy
Speaking of the ore spreadsheet, I notice that none of the Metallurgy3 ores are listed on it. Specifically carmot. I have no experience with Metallurgy3 other than Blood n Bones, but from what I can tell looking in the NEI it is a naturally occurring ore, not an alloy. And it doesn't show a nether version of it's ore. So I'm just curious where to find it. I mean does it just not show the nether version but there is one, or is it found in the over world and it's just not listed on the spreadsheet?
The spreadsheet only covers the overworld metals. As andrivious said, Carmot is fantasy so that's in the Witchery dimension. You'll probably want to refer to this metallurgy spreadsheet and this mining tool level video by @Batch2
I think I've found it in the lower levels, but I can't say for sure.

By the way guys, I found out something neat about ExtraTiC. Some nether metals have special effects as TiC tools or weapons, but some of those effects are not working atm. I checked the code, and it seems that in the current version that is in the pack, Kalendrite and Midasium don't have working effects:
    TConstructRegistry.addToolMaterial(107, "Amordrine", 4, 1300, 1400, 3, 1.8F, 0, 0.0F, "§D", "Life Steal");
    TConstructRegistry.addToolMaterial(108, "Ceruclase", 3, 500, 700, 3, 1.4F, 0, 0.0F, "§B", "Slowness");
    TConstructRegistry.addToolMaterial(109, "Ignatius", 1, 200, 400, 2, 1.0F, 0, 0.0F, "§C", "Ignite I");
    TConstructRegistry.addToolMaterial(110, "Inolashite", 4, 900, 800, 3, 1.7F, 0, 0.0F, "§2", "Poison II");
    TConstructRegistry.addToolMaterial(111, "Kalendrite", 4, 1000, 800, 3, 1.75F, 0, 0.0F, "§5", "");
    TConstructRegistry.addToolMaterial(112, "Midasium", 3, 100, 1000, 3, 1.0F, 0, 0.0F, "§7", "");
    TConstructRegistry.addToolMaterial(113, "Sanguinite", 6, 1750, 1200, 4, 2.3F, 0, 0.0F, "§4", "Wither I");
    TConstructRegistry.addToolMaterial(114, "Shadow Iron", 1, 300, 400, 2, 1.3F, 1, 0.0F, "§7", "Weakness I");
    TConstructRegistry.addToolMaterial(115, "Shadow Steel", 2, 400, 600, 3, 1.3F, 2, 0.0F, "§7", "Weakness II");
    TConstructRegistry.addToolMaterial(116, "Vulcanite", 5, 1500, 1000, 3, 2.0F, 0, 0.0F, "§C", "Ignite II");
    TConstructRegistry.addToolMaterial(117, "Vyroxeres", 3, 300, 700, 3, 1.3F, 0, 0.0F, "§A", "Poison I");

But, I did find out that to have the effect on your tool, you only need one of the parts be of that metal. So I made a Scythe with Shadow Steel scythe head, Amordrine binding and Inolashite and Vulcanite tool rods, which give it Weakness II, Life Steal, Poison II and Ignite II. Sufice it to say that it's a very nice weapon :D
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Anyone else having trouble loading the pack from the FTB launcher? I was fine earlier, but then tonite when i went to load BnB crashes partway through while at the "Mojang" screen. I can load other packs though.
So I died in the nether, game crashed as the nether was unloading (not entirely unusual), but when I started it back up... that world wasn't on the list anymore... There's still a folder for it, but it doesn't show up when I go to play. Anything I can do to fix this, or am I just screwed?
umm i suddenly cant launch blood and bones...
jūl. 28, 2014 11:01:11 AM net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LogWrapper log INFO: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
jūl. 28, 2014 11:01:11 AM net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LogWrapper log INFO: Using primary tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
jūl. 28, 2014 11:01:11 AM net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LogWrapper log INFO: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option PermSize=256m; support was removed in 8.0
thats what console says
So I died in the nether, game crashed as the nether was unloading (not entirely unusual), but when I started it back up... that world wasn't on the list anymore... There's still a folder for it, but it doesn't show up when I go to play. Anything I can do to fix this, or am I just screwed?
This has happened to me a lot. If you have a backup, you can just place the "level.dat" file from the backup in the current save folder and it will work. If you dont have one, try using one from a world with the same seed (press "Re-create" inside Minecraft on the world list). You will lose your inventory, but that will be mostly it, the world itself should stay the same.
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So I went into the folder, and the level.dat was indeed missing. I tried making a copy of the level.dat.old thinking that it was a back up, but that didn't fix the problem. I also tried making a copy of the folder and renaming it, and that also didn't work. And I can't push the re-create button, because to do that, you have to be able to select the world that you're recreating. And seeing as how the world doesn't show up on the list, I can't select it to re-create it. :-/
So I went into the folder, and the level.dat was indeed missing. I tried making a copy of the level.dat.old thinking that it was a back up, but that didn't fix the problem. I also tried making a copy of the folder and renaming it, and that also didn't work. And I can't push the re-create button, because to do that, you have to be able to select the world that you're recreating. And seeing as how the world doesn't show up on the list, I can't select it to re-create it. :-/
Oh yeah, I forgot that :/ I found this, maybe that could work for you.
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Oh yeah, I forgot that :/ I found this, maybe that could work for you.

Actually yes, it did, thank you so much :-D It ended up not really being that bad. The whole part where he talks about just walking back to your base made me laugh. You can't go very far in Blood n Bones without any food. And it didn't help that as soon as the game started, I spawned inside of a glacier and died, lol. But that tested my curiosity as to if it would still have my spawn point set (seeing as how all I replaced was the level.dat file), but it didn't. Funny thing was that it didn't really generate that much new land even, so the maps not that funky. And where it did, I was actually about to head that way next. So it was almost even a little bit of a short cut, lol.

There is one down side though. Right next to spawn is a village. Which wouldn't be so bad, except that seeing as how it's so close to spawn, those chunks are force loaded by the server. So I imagine that the first time night falls... that village is screwed. Probably gonna kinda cheat a little bit and set spawn back to where it originally was... mostly just to save the village...

But this leads me to two questions I have. First: I read that it's not possible to unload spawn. Which is really dumb and annoying in a single player game. I mean all it does is forces my computer to have twice the area loaded that it needs, to no benefit. But the post I found about that was a few months old. So I just thought I would see if that has changed, or if anyone has found a work around. I know I could move spawn to my base (where I am most of the time), but I don't want to use it as a free "chunk loader". I'd rather just have it gone.

Second question: Why isn't world spawn set at 0,0? It seems to me that would be the logical place to start a map. Not at some random coordinate.
As far as spawn always being loaded, I believe it only keeps a single chunk loaded there, so the village may be safe. And that also means it's nowhere near twice the loaded chunks. At a view distance of 10, your current chunk plus 10 in each direction is loaded, which is a 21x21 area, or over 400 chunks. Move up to a view distance of 16 and there are over 1000 chunks loaded. One or two extra loaded chunks at spawn aren't going to make any difference, especially since there won't be any entities for the game to deal with there...