Killing yourself to save food is always going to be something that happens. When you have 5 berry juice and your starving and down to 2 hearts, it may mean the difference between starting a new map or not

Suicide will happen. Better to keep the food scarce. The Natura berries are a renewable resource. Everyone would just have big berry farms. I'm undecided on the suggestion of a wooden hoe. Right now i'm fighting for my life and hoping to gather enough resources for a smelter to get a mattock to start farming. Logged into the server and something bad happened last night when i went to sleep, and my mates in NZ kept going (6 hour time difference). When i came back on, there were holes in the walls, and zombies all over. I was killed 30 times before i was able to break my bead and spawn back in outside

. Lost were my stacks of gravel and clay. Now I'm in a new base, starting over, but we've used up the food in the area. Looking Grim.
And i like that. There is a definite time limit to how long you can be in an area before you just flat out lose. Moving on is the only option. Hopefully with enough food to get to a new area, along with a bed.
As to Infernal Mobs, while i love them, they would make things a few times harder than they are now. We have huge spawns of mobs, a good chunk of infernals would be created, and early on you have no way to deal with one of them, let alone a couple of infernals mixed in with the rest of the horde.