BigReactors Vs ReactorCraft

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hrm, seeing as MFR doesn't always play nice with RoC/ReC, there isn't a laser focus that would favor Pitchblend and/or fluorite is there?


RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
It isn't much, but it's a start: Pebblebed Reactor Guide. Based off the version in Monster v1.1.1 (v23 I think?).
Monster 1.1.1 is v19. That tutorial is now seriously out of date, and while the broad strokes are still true, it is dangerously misleading at times.

Also, I challenge the OP to build a fusion reactor. :p

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also, I challenge the OP to build a fusion reactor. :p

If more challenge is needed, effectively use that monsterous power output.
Some day I hope to build one of these, and a functional city to consume all it's power output (assuming everything in the city was being used.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Monster 1.1.1 is v19. That tutorial is now seriously out of date, and while the broad strokes are still true, it is dangerously misleading at times.

Also, I challenge the OP to build a fusion reactor. :p


Are there different fusion reactors or is it all the same one design as the main reactor multiblock thing as shown in one of your videos. There isn't different setups you can do with the reactor correct?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
He does mention that there are more efficient/powerful setups. However certain parts of it would be static, such as were The magnet toroid goes, solenoid, etc. I'd guess variations are mostly to do with plasma production, and neutron absorption/steam production.

Basically the infrastructure supporting the reactor, and extraction of useful energy from said reactor.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Monster 1.1.1 is v19. That tutorial is now seriously out of date, and while the broad strokes are still true, it is dangerously misleading at times.

Also, I challenge the OP to build a fusion reactor. :p


...challenge accepted. But don't you need a massive amount of power to start a fusion reactor? Are there any guides anywhere? I watched all of your videos, Reika, as I'm the kind of person that wants to know /everything/ about a mod before diving into it, but I'm not sure I fully understand it yet.

Plus, a fusion reactor powering spawn would just be too awesome.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
...challenge accepted. But don't you need a massive amount of power to start a fusion reactor? Are there any guides anywhere? I watched all of your videos, Reika, as I'm the kind of person that wants to know /everything/ about a mod before diving into it, but I'm not sure I fully understand it yet.

Plus, a fusion reactor powering spawn would just be too awesome.
You do need quite a considerable amount of power to start it, but a simple fission reactor could easily provide the power for that. And the power you get in return makes the amount you spent look like a survivalist's generator.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes, I have RoC + ReC at the top of my to-do list. I'm doing my first, full GT playthrough. Am also playing with GC for the first time. Not sure what I'm going to do with all that GT fusion power. Maybe make a huge tank of UU-matter.

What do ReC people do with power beyond the 1GW "starter" HTGR reactor ? I can think of ways to use 177k RF/t, but what to do beyond that ?

Sooooo many things to do in modded MC, so little time.
Pfft, I dunno marvel at the nonconstructive use of their intellect/ time? What do people do once they have finished their reconstruction of Westoros from Game of Thrones? or Their 20 block high fully functional Computercraft game of pong? Or insert random Minecraft project.

Nothing real, they just sit back and marvel at how clever they are. That's all you really need to do anything in Minecraft for, self satisfaction and a burst of a achievement.
Which is what setting up a fission reactor does.


RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
Pfft, I dunno marvel at the nonconstructive use of their intellect/ time? What do people do once they have finished their reconstruction of Westoros from Game of Thrones? or Their 20 block high fully functional Computercraft game of pong? Or insert random Minecraft project.

Nothing real, they just sit back and marvel at how clever they are. That's all you really need to do anything in Minecraft for, self satisfaction and a burst of a achievement.
Which is what setting up a fission reactor does.
I have no idea what you are talking about. I routinely use over 8-12GW.


Jul 28, 2013
Yeah I find power consumption scales up with power generation quite nicely.

Once you factor in multiple boring machines (some for rock and ore, one for bedrock), a bank of extractors (I try to keep these around a GW each), several rotational dynamos (each eating 67MW) etc, your power usage is fast approaching epicness.

I still have a few things running off individual RoC engines too (mostly the uranium pellet production but also the pump that feeds my sprinklers), those need hooking up to the main base power shafts once I run the numbers, if I can be arsed. They seem to run perfectly happily by themselves.

steve g

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@Reika, whats the power output like with the HP Turbines? i just noticed it and now im really interested what a 7 stage turbine can do...and what it takes to get one going ;)

also...what do i need to make a grinder run faster? directly attached magnetostatic gets it at around 5 secs, but i saw it drop to like 0.5 with a turbine connected directly to one...just curious if theres another way besides dedicating a turbine to generating lubricant faster


Jul 28, 2013
@Reika, whats the power output like with the HP Turbines? i just noticed it and now im really interested what a 7 stage turbine can do...and what it takes to get one going ;)

also...what do i need to make a grinder run faster? directly attached magnetostatic gets it at around 5 secs, but i saw it drop to like 0.5 with a turbine connected directly to one...just curious if theres another way besides dedicating a turbine to generating lubricant faster

Put a CVT betwixt Magnetostatic and Grinder, set to 32x speed (if your Magnetostatic is Tier 5). More than enough to get you down to 0.05s per operation


RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
Once you factor in multiple boring machines (some for rock and ore, one for bedrock),
Time to update.... :p

@Reika, whats the power output like with the HP Turbines? i just noticed it and now im really interested what a 7 stage turbine can do...and what it takes to get one going ;)
That is why there is a graph.

also...what do i need to make a grinder run faster? directly attached magnetostatic gets it at around 5 secs, but i saw it drop to like 0.5 with a turbine connected directly to one...just curious if theres another way besides dedicating a turbine to generating lubricant faster
Better gearing. :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@Reika, whats the power output like with the HP Turbines? i just noticed it and now im really interested what a 7 stage turbine can do...and what it takes to get one going ;)

also...what do i need to make a grinder run faster? directly attached magnetostatic gets it at around 5 secs, but i saw it drop to like 0.5 with a turbine connected directly to one...just curious if theres another way besides dedicating a turbine to generating lubricant faster

Caps at 8.59 GW. ( Water btw. I wouldn't want to try to run one with ammonia. Is there even a way to reclaim Ammonia from a HP-Turbine? )

A single 4 injector Fusion plant will run 11. ( I'm going with 12 for the symmetry. ) 92 GW is the final number btw.

I'm actually rather amazed how easy the Fusion plant itself is to do. It's the infrastructure that is a nightmare. The turbines, generators, and mostly the water generation. It's astronomical. You have to really look at the efficiency of every step for the water, or your demands will sky rocket even more. Throughputs, IO, initial generation, surges, It took me 2 days in creative to get a design worked out. However, do note that my Fusion plant will actually run continuously. Most people design theirs to run for a minute or 2, then shut them off. A sort of proof of concept. However, I've had mine running for 10 minutes, then had some stuff melt. You really need to build in some redundancy.

Also, Fusion plant takes very little power to run. The heat rays are a big chunk of it, and they're just 2 MW each. Even running all 4 and you're just looking at 8 MW. ( Note though that at this rate, you're looking at easily 30 minutes to start it up. ) The solenoid is the biggest, at 8 MW, but you only need 1. Then, I'm running 4 Van De Graaffs on the Toroids at 8MW each. Finally, 4 Van De Graaffs running 64KW each for the conductive pipes. That's a grand total of just over 48MW. By the time you have the resources for this, 48MW should be trivial. Then, you get around 2,000 times that out. ( It uses extremely little fuel btw, which is also pretty easy to get. )

That water though. Ugh.

...a bank of extractors (I try to keep these around a GW each)...

Extractors cap out at 512 MW btw. That's where you can run all 4 stages simultaneously at max speed. ( 512 NM and 1 million r/S. )
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Caps at 8.59 GW. ( Water btw. I wouldn't want to try to run one with ammonia. Is there even a way to reclaim Ammonia from a HP-Turbine? )

12.78GW with ammonia and to reclaim the ammonia, place reservoirs below the turbine under the last stage or under the output.
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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
12.78GW with ammonia and to reclaim the ammonia, place reservoirs below the turbine under the last stage or under the output.
Reika once mentioned that he wasn't confident that ammonia reclamation would work 100% reliably. This was several weeks ago though when he initially completed the code for it; dunno if that's still true.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
I haven't tested an ammonia loop on an HP Turbine, but on LP Turbines it seems rather lossy.
Have you tried using a pipe-pump to ensure you've extracted as much steam as possible?

Some steam will always get stuck in the pipes no matter what, but so long as you're looping (and don't need the ammonia back for some other mysterious purpose) it should hold up I think.