Best way to get power??

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I want to get some EU but solar panels are kind of expensive, I know I can put stuff in a generator but i'm looking for something automatic, any ideas? :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
30 pages + of vague information and 99% of the pics are really advanced..

I'd suggest to get a coal coke oven, and put your coal into there. and then into a generator (the coal coke) it lasted me a long time before i got geo.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Geothermal energy.

A lot of people may give you crap for using it, but don't give them too much attention. Set up a BC pump in the nether, which you then attach to a Endertank, and you have a nice, easily moveable energy source. After that, you can always move on to something like... Boilers+Steam Turbines, or Boilers + Power Converters.

I'd like to mention that I don't consider these to be the 'best' way. There's really no 'best' in a game like this. They're just methods that I happen to like.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Geothermal energy.

A lot of people may give you crap for using it, but don't give them too much attention. Set up a BC pump in the nether, which you then attach to a Endertank, and you have a nice, easily moveable energy source. After that, you can always move on to something like... Boilers+Steam Turbines, or Boilers + Power Converters.

I'd like to mention that I don't consider these to be the 'best' way. There's really no 'best' in a game like this. They're just methods that I happen to like.
With a few enderpearls its really easy. Dont forget a chunk loader.

(ender pearls are real easy. Use minium shards to make a minium stone, and transmute iron to enderpearls).

Im going to set up a boiler or something soon, and convert the power around. But for now, geo is really handy. Plus, the lakes in the nether are giant.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So you suggest we hold the hands of all the new players so they have no idea how to actually learn on their own?

If we were really concerned about them learning on their own, we'd exile them from the forums. No matter what we do here, we'll still be holding their hand to a degree.

Showing off power rooms is holding their hands even more than a thread like this. Not only are we telling them what to do, but we're showing them. It's up to the new players to learn on their own if they want to. There's really nothing we can do about it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So you suggest we hold the hands of all the new players so they have no idea how to actually learn on their own?

No, but actually helping them learn is better than just dumping a ton of vague and often contradictory pictures on them without explaining what the pictures mean. If you'd linked to a youtube tutorial or one of the guides in the guide thread, sure. But linking to the power room thread doesn't actually help anyone who doesn't already know what the different power options are. He's not asking for aesthetic help, he just wants to know the best place for a noob to start generating power automatically.

And yeah, geothermal is the best way to go for a first step. Every build I do, I make a set of 6 geothermals and an MFE on my first day. You can supply the geothermals from overworld sources for a while until you get ready to hit the nether.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Want a tip?
There's something magical out there.
The freaking Wiki.
It's not forbidden magic, though.
It's clean magic.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Generator + small SC oak tree farm, by small I mean a 7 block circle. Just feed the wood into an electric furnace and then feed the charcoal into the generator. You could get really high-tech and make a filter a few tubes and a timer and a barrel and pipe the charcoal into the barrel and have the filter and the tubes putting items into both a hobbyist steam engine and a generator that way you have both MJ and EU going.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Want a tip?
There's something magical out there.
The freaking Wiki.
It's not forbidden magic, though.
It's clean magic.
don't be so obtuse.
Just saying GO TO THE WIKI is very vague and if this person you are trying to "help" is asking on the best way to get power he doesnt need a wiki, the wiki gives information on specific items/blocks you search, and i would hope you wouldn't expect a person to go through EVERY power source in FTB as that would take a few hours at least, to read, understand and put into use the knew knowledge.

In response to the OP I would, as nearly everyone else, say to go with geothermal gens for Eu as they are your best bet for starting off. If its MJ's your looking for i'd highly reccomend a sugarcane farm combined with a sugarcane harvester to give u reeds, which can be turned into biomass through a Fermenter which can be put into Biomass Engines which produce 5 mj/t. Around 5 of these are more than enough. (Hint: just hoard a tonne of sugarcane/saplings to start off and if you wish you can use a tree farm instead)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I learned quite a bit about the mods from the tekkit wiki actually.

As did I. But the wiki only helps with specific questions like "what's the recipe for this item" or "how many EU/t does this machine need." General concepts like "early-game power automation designs" aren't really easy to figure out. For example, I didn't start building the simple setup of 6 geothermals+MFE that I mentioned earlier until several months into playing tekkit. Why? Because geothermals need lava, and I didn't think about using a Buildcraft pump as part of my IC2 power generation. Those sort of inter-mod connections don't come until you are advanced enough with the mods to know how things relate to each other. And yeah, the OP would probably figure it out on his own in a couple months. Or he could get bored, not realize the potential out there and stop playing.

If you actually want new people to enjoy playing this game, refusing to help them learn isn't really the way.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A heavily underrated source of power is diesel fuel. Oil wells last a lot longer than you think when you consider that one bucket of fuel gets you 600 000MJ which is exactly how much you can fit into a single Redstone Energy Cell. If you want EU all you need is a Power Converter and suddenly that 600K MJ becomes almost 1.5M EU - per bucket.

Mystcraft also adds oil oceans in which makes this even more ridiculously viable. The only limitation of fuel - which is why you'll eventually want a nuclear reactor - is that it generates a lot of power but does so very slowly, so you will need to build engines in bulk to get a decent response time from your fuel.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Q- "What is the best way to get power?"
A- "There is no best way."

Wrong. For the needs that OP has outlined, geothermals are the best way.

let's take his options:
1) Generators - he said he didn't want to use them
2) Windmills - hahahahah
3) watermills - again with the laughs.
4) Nuclear - not exactly the thing to suggest to someone new to the game. unless you are a sadist.
5) Solar - he said solar is too expensive
6) Geothermal - best solution for his needs.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yet another person overlooks oil entirely. This must be a lasting side-effect from the days when oil sucked ass generally; the buff to its power output per bucket is actually quite recent.
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