Best way to get power??

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
if you're on ultimate, setup a golem farm with lilypads of fertilities with the produce going to a biofuel reactor/generator. then powerconvert the massive amounts of MJ.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What is best or not is entirely dependant on his situation. He may have no access to lava, his nether spawn may be in the middle of a netherrack cave miles from a lava ocean. As OP hasn't specified anything, then actually the best way is to spawn in some UH Solars. You cannot say what is "Best" or not with the amount of information that has been given, dispite your efforts to argue the contrary.

Lava spawns pretty commonly below y lvl12 in the Overworld. He's about as likely to have no access to lava as he is to have no access to iron or coal.

As you can tell from the rest of this thread, there really are "better" choices for OP's power generation needs. Maybe there isn't one "best" option, but there are definitely shitty choices that are inefficient, wasteful and simply end up as traps for those who are too new to know better.

Right now, from this thread, OP has the choice of:
1) Geothermals
2) MJ production then conversion to EU
3) Automated generators with recyclers and scrap
4) Automated generators with a tree-farm

Personally, I favor the geothermal approach, for reasons already given, but I can see pros and cons to all 4 approaches.

Note however, that there are an infinite array of sources of power gen not listed up there. Nuclear power isn't listed. Watermills aren't listed. Windmills aren't listed. Gregtech energy siphons aren't listed. Fusion reactors aren't listed. Boilers aren't listed. Gas turbines aren't listed. It is inaccurate and misleading to say that every power option is good or that there isn't a "best" option because that would mean that building 6 watermills is as viable as building 6 generators or 6 geothermals (it's not). Or that it's possible to save up for fusion reactors as your early power generation option (again, it's not).

Sure things like that are obvious to people who've played the game for a while. And if not, it rapidly becomes obvious after the first time you make the mistake of building a small handful of windmills and can't power even a couple simple machines. Or you make a huge complex system that keeps breaking down and requires manual input only to visit your friend and see his much smaller compact power setup that runs without maintenance and still produces more EU/t.

If you actually want to be helpful, make suggestions that help new players avoid making frustrating and dumb mistakes. Don't just toss them to the wolves with a "yeah, do whatever, anything you do is ok." Cause that isn't true, and you know good and well it isn't.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Lava spawns pretty commonly below y lvl12 in the Overworld. He's about as likely to have no access to lava as he is to have no access to iron or coal.

As you can tell from the rest of this thread, there really are "better" choices for OP's power generation needs. Maybe there isn't one "best" option, but there are definitely shitty choices that are inefficient, wasteful and simply end up as traps for those who are too new to know better.

Right now, from this thread, OP has the choice of:
1) Geothermals
2) MJ production then conversion to EU
3) Automated generators with recyclers and scrap
4) Automated generators with a tree-farm

Personally, I favor the geothermal approach, for reasons already given, but I can see pros and cons to all 4 approaches.

Note however, that there are an infinite array of sources of power gen not listed up there. Nuclear power isn't listed. Watermills aren't listed. Windmills aren't listed. Gregtech energy siphons aren't listed. Fusion reactors aren't listed. Boilers aren't listed. Gas turbines aren't listed. It is inaccurate and misleading to say that every power option is good or that there isn't a "best" option because that would mean that building 6 watermills is as viable as building 6 generators or 6 geothermals (it's not). Or that it's possible to save up for fusion reactors as your early power generation option (again, it's not).

Sure things like that are obvious to people who've played the game for a while. And if not, it rapidly becomes obvious after the first time you make the mistake of building a small handful of windmills and can't power even a couple simple machines. Or you make a huge complex system that keeps breaking down and requires manual input only to visit your friend and see his much smaller compact power setup that runs without maintenance and still produces more EU/t.

If you actually want to be helpful, make suggestions that help new players avoid making frustrating and dumb mistakes. Don't just toss them to the wolves with a "yeah, do whatever, anything you do is ok." Cause that isn't true, and you know good and well it isn't.
Quite well said, I think people that have been playing FTB/tekkit for as long as the mod packs have been out and even before that. Forget that there are ways of producing power that are easier to understand for a newb, even if they are not as efficient as something like an automated oil rig powered by bees. Or a nuclear reactor outputting 2048EU/t.
As far as how easy it is to understand and run for the EU output I agree with you the Geothermals are very newb friendly on the account of you can be collecting lava in cells while at the same time your mining diamonds.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
holy shiy 3 pages for a very basic question, awesome forums

"What power source is best?" sounds like a basic question, but it really isn't. There are so many ways to generate power that some people have spent hours running simulations, using actual math to compare the results, and debating the pros and cons of a particular approach for pages and pages of forumspace. Ultimately, the "best" method depends on a combination of personal preference, the system you wish to power, and the resources you have available to you. Whether or not you're using Gregtech is also a big factor. Also, bear in mind that enormous powergen rigs take a long time to build and may require lower-level tech in order to build the requisite machines. I prefer to start with small scale power generation, which won't be the "best" way but is inexpensive and quick to build, then scale up as my power usage grows.

For example: I don't know if anyone has said it yet, but I've always favored a Redpower-automated watermill system for the early game. It produces better EU than a equal number of solars by virtue of running at night, and I like to watch the buckets zip through the pneumatic tubes (which is where personal preference comes in). Automated watermills won't power a mass-fab (unless you put down 100+), but for running my initial ore & rubber processing rig, it works brilliantly, and much more efficient than draining the Nether of lava just to power a few machines. Remember, simplicity is a form of elegance. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If we're talking "best" power source without regard for the costs required, it's always fusion. Fusion power is the only power type that you can get running at maximum output 100% of the time without needing to supply fresh fuel, as fusion power runs on highly refined water.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If we're talking "best" power source without regard for the costs required, it's always fusion. Fusion power is the only power type that you can get running at maximum output 100% of the time without needing to supply fresh fuel, as fusion power runs on highly refined water.

*shudder* Or, if you're a sane person, you'll take one look at the mats required to build a fusion reactor and run screaming in the other direction.

Yes, I know you said "without regard for cost", but cost is a really important factor for most people. IMO, fusion is one of the worst ways to generate power.... but again, it's a matter of preference.