Currently, I have 13 Electrical engines with an enhanced circuit board with two tubes, increasing the output by 8MJ/t in each one, for a grand total of 130MJ/t being generated... I built Direwolf's mining well machine in an age that I created specifically for mining with it, and it draws around 400MJ/t, so I was looking for the best way to make lots of MJ energy. I looked at the different ways to make MJ energy and found the Bluelectric Engine is capable of generating 'up to' 32MJ/t and though sweet, looks like the best option... Until I read that it takes 1kW to make 1MJ. Solar panels are the best way to make Blutricity (all the other methods suck, frankly), but since they generate 120w each, I'd need 10 panels just to run one engine at full power. To generate enough power to continuuously run the machine, I'd need at least 13 Bluelectric Engines and at least 130 panels (plus Battery boxes) to generate enough power for the engines to run at full power. Are there any better (more efficient) ways to generate Bluetricity than the Solar Panels, or MJ than the Bluelectric Engines?