Well, depends on your sorting system. I would recommend Extra Utilities as a cheap, early game sorting system. All you need to do is have the barrels at the end of your sorting system, have nothing in the barrels in previous chests, and run sorting pipes through the back / top of them. For Logistic Pipes, a good mid / late game sorting system, I believe I used a Basic Logistics Pipe, which acts as an Itemsink module, or a MK II Logistics Pipe with a Polymorphic or Terminator module. Polymorphic gives it high priority, Terminator second lowest priority. For an AE system, just shove everything in there.
If you're looking for a Logistic Pipes guide, then Direwolf20 on Youtube has a Mod Spotlight on it, and in his Let's Play series, has two episodes dedicated to them. Check them, I learned how to use Logistic Pipes from those videos. Definitely best guide.