Besides MC, what have you been playing lately?

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Borderlands 2 is just as awesome. I ran a big damage Gunzerker through the game, and it was sweet. Perhaps someday I'll take a Mechromancer through it, too.

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Psycho was easily my favoured class - the right skills and gear turned me into a walking fireball spitting out smaller homing fireballs whilst smashing heads in with buzz axes and regenerating up to max any time my health got too low. Coupled with high speed bombings if I ever did get knocked down - merry mess of mayhem XD
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I seem to have an obsession with hexagons. I've been playing a lot of Super Hexagon recently. I've also played a bit of osu! and CS:GO
Total war series:
Turn based strategy game that goes out on that you build up your country that you chosed to play as, then you fight other countries in a battle for the power, The battles can be automated but if you want you can chose to move around your own army and do tactics and all yo minimise the loses, same with boatbattles

there are some good mods to make the total war games more harder and all, I would recommend Rome total war 1 and Empire total war/Napoleon, those I like most. Medieval 2 is great to but didn't fall me in the taste

Men of war series:
WW2 strategy game, you play as german, UK, USA, Russia or Japan and fight different battle during WW2 theatre, fun game to play if you got a hour or two and are tired of your other games, you are in controll of the armies and move them around, strategy game but you don't build factories, houses and all that.

this got great mods that make it to WW1, Cold war, modern war, zombies etc and there is a editor to play around in so you can have fun all the time.

Counter-strike Global Offensive:
This has been one of the games I have been playing most, got some thousands hours in it. It is a FPS terrorist vs police game.
A friend pushed me into playing Guild Wars 2...I only played a few minutes and yet have to figure out how the game works :p
if non computer games count
age of empires 2 for the ds, every time I go to school or go back home.
I could never really get into any other games like I do MC. Nice thread though, I might give some of them a try.
well ur actually wrong about dragon nest i have played it 2 years and still playing it everyday!
its from the best games and u can get a good end-game gears easy when u hit 80cap
the only bad thing about it is that some 80 and 70 nests are very OP u need for them 8 party members to atleast clear with b rank
A bit of League of Legends. As of late I'm hardly playing LoL at all, but when I do it's ARAM mostly (also, the Poro King gamemode)

Edit: And I thought I had already mentioned LoL in this thread. Apparently I haven't, heh
Just Cause 3 is every bit as deliciously enjoyable as I'd thought. My only gripe is that they apparently had the voice actor for Rico sound more Mediterranean and less Spanish. Other than that, its a hell of a fun romp and the wingsuit is cool as hell.
Got Banished and it is so freakin fun, I mean my first 10 tries everyone starved, but my most recent one, people were dying of old age.
Got Undertale on sale... it's kinda weird but that definitely makes it interesting ^^
Rimworld, way too much of it.
Even my computer said that I played it too much and decided that the best way to stop me from playing it is to let the sound card explode >_<
Played the StellaGlow demo earlier; it was like Luminous Arc coming back to me in a sexy new dress. I'm now having a hard time deciding between getting the full copy, or finish Etrian Odessy 2 Untold.

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I know, I know, I'm late. But just started playing Fallout 4 last week, and it's a good game for sure, but not particularly a good Fallout game by not following past game mechanics and such.
I got need for speed 2015 for Xbox one for Christmas :) I already got the Lamborghini Aventador on my 3rd day of playing :) I'm also rank 47 within 18 hours of total play time :)

I have also been playing some black ops 3, but I tend to get angry a lot. It takes to many bullets to kill people.

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Fallout 4 for a while but I got bored with it much quicker than any previous bethesda games. Just beat Super Metroid earlier today, been playing a lot of old console games lately.