Beneath the Neon Stars - Signup and Out Of Character {MATURE CONTENT}

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King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Kk, will do. But aren't "cybernetic" things basically genetic mods too? o_O
What if I removed the protosuit and replaced it with a sort of power fist? I could install the pyro thing there, and since it's just a hand/wrist attachment, that has less options for power playing early on, without structural and hardware/software modifications.

You forgot about sneaky archers
Eh? Nah, get some cannons. Bitches love cannons.


Popular Member
Jul 23, 2014
Not Kansas
Basically swearing, potential for extreme violence, drug use, and sexual themes. One of the NPCs I'm working will showcase some of the seedier aspects of life in the Undercity. Due to the setting, I feel the need to be able to portray the darker, grimier sides of life in the Undercity, and the drug dealers, pimps and common thugs and psychos are a part of that.

There will not be any graphic sexual content however. I'm operating a 'fade to black' policy on that front. In addition, anyone trying to force another players character into doing something they aren't comfortable with will be surprised by one of the Commander level NPCs (Karl for example) and butchered 10 ways to Sunday.

The reason I put the tag up is I know the moderators do try to keep the forums more family friendly, and so I thought I would clearly label it for information.
Alright, as long as it's tasteful. I won't be able to make a character sheet today though, I'll shoot for tomorrow or the day after.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Need me to get rid of mine, then? My CS is open for critique, just not done yet.
I'm gonna be honest, your abilities as they are will be nerfed. I'm planning retinal augmentation to be a Precision vs Durability/Agility dependent thing for a crit, and damage will probably be additive rather than multiples. Stun rounds are either gonna go to a very stern hack check or be nerfed down to a slowing ability (or some combination). Paralysis is very much OP, and that is why Karl Marquese will have very little combat function in this RP unless you decide to directly assault the Institute (in which case RIP in pepperonis). If he does ever take to the field, expect an equivalent from the Partition to be present to balance him out.
Kk, will do. But aren't "cybernetic" things basically genetic mods too? o_O
What if I removed the protosuit and replaced it with a sort of power fist? I could install the pyro thing there, and since it's just a hand/wrist attachment, that has less options for power playing early on, without structural and hardware/software modifications.
Yeah, some sort of flamethrower augment to your body would be much more in the theme of the RP
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(Might/probably change some things in the future, editor removed the bolds for some reason.)
Name: Wyatt

Age: 22

Affiliation: Partition

Appearance (Image, description or both):
Wyatt's head show clear signs that his skull got broken in the past. He wears a dark cap whenever possible to try to hide it but without much effect.
He is long and skinny, likes to wear dark clothes and has brown eyes.

Wyatt doesn't like to talk to others, rather avoid crowds and has a chaotic mind.
It isn't uncommon for him to talk to his "pet" and he wouldn't be surprised if others thinks he is crazy thanks to that especially since some of the damage from the accident is clearly visible. Not that he cares about it though.

Backstory (at least one paragraph):
Most of the memories of Wyatt have been wiped out due to what he believes was an accident.
He doesn't remember his real name, his friends(if he had any in the first place) or where he used to live. This accident also caused most of his implants to be broken beyond repair or to malfunction.
Wyatt did manage to repair some.However talking with him about technology isn't easy, the accident caused him to forget the technical terms and names of components.
One of the implants he managed to salvage causes him to see a creature controlled by what he guesses is an AI. He has no idea what the original purpose was of it but he is happy it exist as it is the closest thing to a friend he has at this point.

Right now he lives a poor life, not able to truly show what he is capable off he feels his talent goes to waste as time passes.

Stats (25 total):
Power: 4
Precision: 3
Durability: 2
Health: 4
Agility: 2
Hack: 4

creature.shutdown(): Wyatt "kills" the creature by disallowing energy to go to the implant causing it to exist. This power can be used to strengthen the firewall or help Wyatt hacking (in total 3 points go up ). The creature can easily be brought back at the cost of the bonus.
creature.remoteTerminal(): The creature can run ahead and be used to hack from a greater distance by Wyatt or people who he gave access to it. Also boosts all hacking activities that use it by 1
CPU.overload(): Wyatt causes the CPU of a device/implant to become overloaded bringing it to an halt.

Equipment: Home made taser (Can be used to kill but due to the energy needed will cause the creature to glitch well using it). And a normal knife.

edit: removed scout and replaced it with creature.remoteTerminal and changed good companion with CPU.overload() also changed a few points
Would you be able to clarify a couple things for me? Is this creature solely in Wyatt's imagination, or does it have some sort of physical manifestation? At the moment, I'm struggling to see how the creature is at all useful for Wyatt as opposed to the +3 bonus for shutting it down. remoteTerminal is basically going to be a dead ability - 'Hacking' as it is used here refers to any ability using a cybernetic augment that does not generate physical impact damage (basically anything that isn't superstrength abilities). So Eruantien's fire ability will most likely scale off Hack for its damage.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Eh? Nah, get some cannons. Bitches love cannons.
Fine, railgun that fires plasma-wrapped bolts? Idk
I'm gonna be honest, your abilities as they are will be nerfed. I'm planning retinal augmentation to be a Precision vs Durability/Agility dependent thing for a crit, and damage will probably be additive rather than multiples. Stun rounds are either gonna go to a very stern hack check or be nerfed down to a slowing ability (or some combination). Paralysis is very much OP, and that is why Karl Marquese will have very little combat function in this RP unless you decide to directly assault the Institute (in which case RIP in pepperonis). If he does ever take to the field, expect an equivalent from the Partition to be present to balance him out.
Yeah, some sort of flamethrower augment to your body would be much more in the theme of the RP
I changed it up a bit, see what you think.

Also I just realized, the NPCs you've provided the Institute with are quite strong...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm running 3 tiers of NPC in this game.

  1. 'Grunt-class': These guys are playing by the same rules and restrictions as you. For example, Ravyn is Grunt class.
  2. 'Captain-class': These guys are tougher, and will be the ones in charge of your squads. Their abilities are a little more powerful, and they have more stat points. They will be seen in the field, but you should have one with you too. For example, Elin.
  3. 'Commander-class': These guys are O-to-the-P. Try and take them on and they will literally tear your ass off and hand it back to you. They are incredibly powerful, have extreme abilities, and also have custom equipment which has additional effects. If these guys take to the field it is because something very big and climactic is going on. Karl is, of course, Commander class.
As things stand, the NPC balance is uneven. I intend to have one of each class for each side, although I may end up buffing the NPCs slightly if numbers are off so as not to leave any prospective Institute players in a 5:1 engagement :p (or Partition if a complete reversal occurs). So yeah, big scary stats. Your characters will also be able to gain stat points and new abilities/gear during the RP as well, so over time you will get closer to the captains and commanders.


Jul 31, 2013
Would you be able to clarify a couple things for me? Is this creature solely in Wyatt's imagination, or does it have some sort of physical manifestation? At the moment, I'm struggling to see how the creature is at all useful for Wyatt as opposed to the +3 bonus for shutting it down. remoteTerminal is basically going to be a dead ability - 'Hacking' as it is used here refers to any ability using a cybernetic augment that does not generate physical impact damage (basically anything that isn't superstrength abilities). So Eruantien's fire ability will most likely scale off Hack for its damage.
I personally wasn't planning to give the creature a physical form, although I am also not against it if you rather have it have one.
As for remoteTerminal: BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD! :p
(This is what I get for making a character without keeping everything I need to have close by I guess)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Much rebels. I was thinking of being rebel but i might have to change to balance it out :p
I never said Leo agreed with all the Partition stands for............ nor the Institute, of course........................................


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
I'm gonna be honest, your abilities as they are will be nerfed. I'm planning retinal augmentation to be a Precision vs Durability/Agility dependent thing for a crit, and damage will probably be additive rather than multiples. Stun rounds are either gonna go to a very stern hack check or be nerfed down to a slowing ability (or some combination). Paralysis is very much OP, and that is why Karl Marquese will have very little combat function in this RP unless you decide to directly assault the Institute (in which case RIP in pepperonis). If he does ever take to the field, expect an equivalent from the Partition to be present to balance him out.
Yeah, some sort of flamethrower augment to your body would be much more in the theme of the RP
I'll hop to that.


Jul 31, 2013
also changed remoteTerminal in favor of
creature.form()/creature.deform():When the creature forms it becomes possible for it to interact with the world, making it able to attack and increasing how far it can go away from Wyatt. However while formed it is a weak spot(firewall -3). If the creature glitches while formed it automatically deforms itself to prevent damage.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Know what? I might give this a roll. Got an idea of an Institute enforcer type, just need to work out a few things with him.

Sent from my Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron using Tapatalk 2


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Erza Bloodscar

Age: 34

Affiliation: Partition

No-one has ever gotten a clear look at her. But some made drawings that look like this

Erza is a power heavy women. She is very selfish and does not help people without their being a benefit in their for herself.

Erza was once one of the biggest scientist in the institute. She was developing a new stealth technology that would make you invisible even for heat camera's. Erza didn't like the institute. They never cared about her technology. They'd rather have some new laser weapon to keep those people in down town under control. After a while Erza hacked into the system. And was able to give her self admin privileges of the science laboratory. But once she got in there. She wanted more and more privileges. She wanted to have administrator privileges over the whole network. Something only he had. She got as far as the public network before she got noticed. She tripped an alarm. And she knew it.
That night she new she couldn't stay home. They'd come for her in the morning. Taker her off to who knows where. She wouldn't see the lab or her partner ever again. Erza, still having admin rights over the public and the science's lab network decided to break into the laboratory at night. She knew where everything was. She knew where the guards where at what moment. She was the perfect thief for the laboratory. She got in, went to the main computer and logged in. If she would be taken away. She knows she will never work on her project. They'll either void it, or make someone else finish it. Erza plugged her bionic eye-brain extension into the system's main frame. Every file related to the research. She put on her bionic and deleted it from the server. After this she went to the lab. Research in here was always slow. Not enough resources. They finished the core. But never finished a machine to use it on. At home Erza started to create a suit where the core fit in. It would make the suit invisible including the person inside of it. She never knew if it would work, she'd worked on it alone and never be able to test it. But, tonight was the time to test it out.
After taking the core she went home. Fit it in the suit. And put it on. In her little apartment she had one small mirror. She walked to it. Turned it on. And shockingly enough. She couldn't see her self anymore. She decided this was her last chance. She could flee now. To down-town or stay up here. Life in the darkness. And try to survive. She decided to do both. The government told uppertown that she had been taken away and executed for violating the laws by hacking into the main system. But what they didn't know. That Erza, also called Bloodscar by the people in down-town. Is still there, plotting her revenge on the institute.

Stats (25 total):
Power: 4
Precision: 3
Durability: 2
Health: 3
Agility: 4
Hack: 5
Firewall: 4

In to the shadows:
Enables her cloaking suit. Making her untargetable for one turn. Altho is not able to do anything herself. Except for positioning
(The suit has a cooldown of 2 turns for balancing reasons)

Malware insertion:
Erza hacks anything hackable the opponent has. When it is a bionic it makes it overclock damaging the owner. Being any other device has a 40% chance of disabling it.

Shadow step (passive ability):
After using "In to the shadows"
her next melee attack has a 25% higher chance of critical strike. Her precission is also up by one. But her hack is down by 2 for a turn.
After using "Malware insertion"
she gains knowledge of the enemy's system. She gains +1 firewall for a turn but loses 1 Durability
She has 2 Katana looking plasteel swords. It can cut clean through human flesh and is her only weapon.


Jul 31, 2013
Name: Erza Bloodscar

Age: 34

Affiliation: Partition

No-one has ever gotten a clear look at her. But some made drawings that look like this

Erza is a power heavy women. She is very selfish and does not help people without their being a benefit in their for herself.

Erza was once one of the biggest scientist in the institute. She was developing a new stealth technology that would make you invisible even for heat camera's. Erza didn't like the institute. They never cared about her technology. They'd rather have some new laser weapon to keep those people in down town under control. After a while Erza hacked into the system. And was able to give her self admin privileges of the science laboratory. But once she got in there. She wanted more and more privileges. She wanted to have administrator privileges over the whole network. Something only he had. She got as far as the public network before she got noticed. She tripped an alarm. And she knew it.
That night she new she couldn't stay home. They'd come for her in the morning. Taker her off to who knows where. She wouldn't see the lab or her partner ever again. Erza, still having admin rights over the public and the science's lab network decided to break into the laboratory at night. She knew where everything was. She knew where the guards where at what moment. She was the perfect thief for the laboratory. She got in, went to the main computer and logged in. If she would be taken away. She knows she will never work on her project. They'll either void it, or make someone else finish it. Erza plugged her bionic eye-brain extension into the system's main frame. Every file related to the research. She put on her bionic and deleted it from the server. After this she went to the lab. Research in here was always slow. Not enough resources. They finished the core. But never finished a machine to use it on. At home Erza started to create a suit where the core fit in. It would make the suit invisible including the person inside of it. She never knew if it would work, she'd worked on it alone and never be able to test it. But, tonight was the time to test it out.
After taking the core she went home. Fit it in the suit. And put it on. In her little apartment she had one small mirror. She walked to it. Turned it on. And shockingly enough. She couldn't see her self anymore. She decided this was her last chance. She could flee now. To down-town or stay up here. Life in the darkness. And try to survive. She decided to do both. The government told uppertown that she had been taken away and executed for violating the laws by hacking into the main system. But what they didn't know. That Erza, also called Bloodscar by the people in down-town. Is still there, plotting her revenge on the institute.

Stats (25 total):
Power: 4
Precision: 3
Durability: 2
Health: 3
Agility: 4
Hack: 5
Firewall: 4

In to the shadows:
Enables her cloaking suit. Making her untargetable for one turn. Altho is not able to do anything herself. Except for positioning
(The suit has a cooldown of 2 turns for balancing reasons)

Malware insertion:
Erza hacks anything hackable the opponent has. When it is a bionic it makes it overclock damaging the owner. Being any other device has a 40% chance of disabling it.

Shadow step (passive ability):
After using "In to the shadows"
her next melee attack has a 25% higher chance of critical strike. Her precission is also up by one. But her hack is down by 2 for a turn.
After using "Malware insertion"
she gains knowledge of the enemy's system. She gains +1 firewall for a turn but loses 1 Durability
She has 2 Katana looking plasteel swords. It can cut clean through human flesh and is her only weapon.
*cough* invisibility sucks *couch* :p
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