Beez? (yes, thats intentional)

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, I guess, this is kind of a question/answer/bug/how i did it thread... not sure where to go with it, and i have no idea if this is even in the right section... but here it is!

So, I've got my base up and running, (dw20 1.6.4, for those interested) and after getting my power/resources situated, I've got to the point where I wanted to start messing with bees. so I guess, I'll log my journey here :p Is that ok?

So, first things first; I'm not going to do a walk-through of this, you guys should know about the start of bees by this point, so I'll be starting my jouney after the initial phase of collecting, and I'll skip the essential breeding phase, (imperial/industrial) so we can get more onto the interesting stuff.

So as a first note, I'll get a bit into the fact that Bee Houses are great! at first, anyways.
I've noticed that they tend to up the amount of produce (combs and byproducts) that you get from bees, without the need for frames, but without the option to automate. However, they don't kill the ignoble stock, so I found that its a good way to get some initial drone production without having to worry about the type (ignoble/pristine) of bee that you are dealing with. Of course, once I got to getting some seed oil production, I found that its best to get some apiaries up and running. But I've found that the drone production of the the houses is nice for breeding stock in the later phases of breeding, so I'm keep them just for that... and a little extra honey too!

Once I got the apiaries, automation was finally an option, so I concentrated on getting those bees that are essential for alvearys. (alvearies?) At this point, the production of bee products is kind of slow, so I went exploring, build my base up, got my system generating tons of power, and so on. I was also lucky enough to find an oblivion frame in a dungeon chest! At this point, I noticed a bug, but I don't know if its just cause of the version on the mod that I have, or whats going on, but I noticed that randomly my bees would disappear... and yes, I'm sure at least one was because of an ignoble stock bee dying off in an apiary. Anyways, I would come back and notice that my production of one thing (pollen or jelly) would have stopped, so I was no longer able to produce my alveary blocks. I go to check on the hive, only to find that my princess was gone! (yes, they were pristine) after checking all of the chests that I had hooked up I knew that they were truly gone. By this point, I had my quarry going, so I was getting rocky bees coming in rather regularly, so with the drones, replacement of the bee was rather easy, but annoying. but I finally got beyond the phase of having to rely on apiaries for production, and finally got mt first alveary! WOO that took me DAYS! (literally!)

And after this, I got into alveary production big time... finally! and right now, I'm a bit beyond that, but not much... got 3 complete, and automating the production of scented plates so I can assemble a 4th at my leisure.. but where do I go next?