Beetopia: My Attempt to Create the Perfect Bee Breeding Age

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I recently decided to add Mystcraft to my Mindcrack pack, which worked well right up until V8 came out. So I added it again (figuring out along the way that now Optifine was messing things up). Now I am trying to create the perfect age with everything I need to create/breed every bee that I might want. Excluding the Feindish branch of course.

So I started off by creating a Tiny Biomes age with I think Medows, Icy Plains, Jungle, Swamp and Desert, as well as No Weather and Always Daytime. Now before I start setting things up I wanted to ask some questions and for some opinions.

What I have in mind so far is this:
1) Power Source. I would like a fully automated power source using renewable resources.
2) Railcraft Tanks. For liquid DNA and honey at the very least.
3) Bee Production Lines. Fully automated as much as possible, except for probably frames.
4) Ill do any mutating by hand.

So my questions are these:
1) For power options right now I am thinking about using a Steve's Carts tree farm feeding into a biogas setup. However my power needs could be pretty high when I start using the higher teir extra bees machines. I haven't built one before so should I look into automating a boiler setup?
2) As for those advanced machines, does anyone know if they are working correctly? I've been reading some disturbing rumors about them. Can you make templates at all yet or are they all corrupted? If yes can you make templates of any types of bees as long as they are identical, like imperial or industrious, or just the base breeds.
3) Apiarist Pipe filtering design. I have had some trouble with apiarist pipes recently in combination with void pipes. I tried to set up some hands free systems before, but I would come back to find a princess with no drone or worse a drone in wrong apiary. I'm sure I just did the filtering in the pipe wrong but when using void pipes I can't exactly go back and easily fix that kind of mistake.

Please feel free to direct me to any other posts or threads. Any tips, tricks or advice is welcome.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
With the bee options we have with the latest Forestry and Extra Bees updates, you can easily make the Overworld the perfect bee-breeding age. Forestry Alvearies allow you to adapt the habitat to the bee's needs, and Extra Bees advanced genetic machines allow you to adapt the bees to the habitat's needs.

1) A Biofuel-fed Liquid Fire Boiler will produce many times more power than you'll need for the Extra Bees machines.

2) All of the extra bee machines are working fine. Templates are the lowest level and most basic genetic alteration, and are limited to natural breeds + common. Direwolf20 has a spotlight that shows the usage of the high end machines.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Unfortunately I haven't gotten to royal jelly yet, so I'm stuck with apiaries. And its a shame about the templates not working with more advance breeds. I think it would be really nice to create and store a template of a breed so that you could create more later on if you need it. Instead I guess I'll have to index whole breeding strains just in case.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You can create a species Serum with the Indexer. You'll also be able to assemble multiple Serums into Genomes in a future update, allowing for maximum bee customization.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ooo... I did not know that ... interesting. I thought that it would only do different stats not the actual species. Thank you.