Bee production times question.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So for my power production I have decided to use fuel for my 3 36 hp boilers. So on the bee wiki, it says a distiller bee produces am oil comb every 5.1 minutes. So my question is, will it take 5.1 minutes I'm an alvery or apeairy? If it is a slow worker or a fast one?

Oh yeah, would any of you know how long a bucket of fuel lasts in an max effeiccent boiler?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i cant tell you the exact number of bees, nor the time the fuel burns but i can tell you a range, on our server we managed to run two boilers, with approximatly 10-15 bees, without frames and continue to generate oil, the trick is during the start up period you use alot more fuel there is some calculations out there. good luck and have fun, hope it helps a little anyway


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The times in the database are at "100%" with default stats. Most bee breeds default to "slower" or "slowest", so if you put Fast on them it will increase times. Also, an Alveary with the Extra Bees frame housings can get the production speed above 100% (An Alveary with zero frames is 100%, an Apiary with 3 is 70% - an Apiary with 0 is 10%)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone knows how much quicker "fast" actually producing compared to "slower" or "slowest"? How about "faster" and "fastest" from thaumic bees?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The times in the database are at "100%" with default stats. Most bee breeds default to "slower" or "slowest", so if you put Fast on them it will increase times. Also, an Alveary with the Extra Bees frame housings can get the production speed above 100% (An Alveary with zero frames is 100%, an Apiary with 3 is 70% - an Apiary with 0 is 10%)

So its default times are the times in an apiary?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So its default times are the times in an apiary?
I think he is saying the base time is the breed's default trait - for most this is 'slowest' and in an Alveary. That is considered 100%. In an apiary this drops to 10%, but can be boosted with frames back to 70% using the basic forestry frames (20% per frame).

Converting a slowest bee to fastest production will give some unknown boost. -- someone deeper into bees will have to help on that.
Putting in extra bee frame housings on an alveary will give a 20% production boost per basic frame added, so you can get above the base rate using frames and breeding in production speed.

Take all that and then i believe the comb production is not guaranteed it is just a chance of a comb calculated per queen life tick. So putting identical queens in a row of containers won't output all at the same time, but will on average- over time have the same production.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
is there a max amount of frame blocks you can put in an Alveary? Say if I wanted to put 16 frame blocks 9 on bottom, 8 in middle, and leave the top alone? I believe you have to leave the top alone for it to form correct? Is there a point at which frames do not provide a bonus or the alveary will not form?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, Bee Times act like this.
There is a base chance for any bee to produce a comb every "Bee Tick," which is how long between part of life lost. "Bee Ticks" last about 27.5-30 seconds. If the base chance is 25%, the bee will make products approximately every 110-120 seconds, or an average of 115 seconds, which is also =~= 1.9 minutes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1st. The official FTB wiki ( has become the best source of bee info recently. They now even have products in the base % instead of the obfuscated times. 2nd, looking at the distilled be the oily comb is a product at 10% chance. Since it is a product instead of a specialty we can potentially get 2 combs every "bee tick" of 27.5 seconds. Assuming you breed in fast speed you will need 5 frames in an alveary to reach this cap (found using my bee math spreadsheet). At fastest speed this drops to 4. Considering you can automate inserting frames into an alveary I see no reason not to maximize production like that.

Further we can see that refined bees give the same oily comb output, while at the same time giving a specialty of the Petroleum comb at 4%. Specialties are capped at only one per "bee tick" and we actually need the same amount of frames in this case to maximize that.

So, for max fuel output you should use a refined bee in an alveary with 4(fastest) or 5(fast) frames. This will give just over 4 oily combs and 2 petroleum combs per minute.

EDIT: Worth noting that assuming you breed in fastest speed and these %s do not change you will be able to continue operating like this in 1.5 even under the new caps.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay that is good to know. I maxed out a alveary at 21 frame blocks, but noticed right away that the production did not scale much higher than the 3 frame blocks I started with. I was going to pull 1 frame block out at a time till it impacted the output but this saves me a lot of time thanks. I will look into the wiki, as I found some bee information is very hard to find.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I ran 2 36HP boilers off of 4 "fast" distilled queens in no-frames alvearies(this was post-nerf, before the nerf 2 fast queens handled it). You're not going to need a bunch of frames to keep up with 3 boilers.

As with any fuel source for boilers you just want to build up a surplus before starting the boiler since they burn a lot of fuel getting up to temp.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am running 3 max boilers with 2 queens with fastest traits in alvearies with 3 impregnated frames at all times. I am producing more oil than I am currently using.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have done a little calculation but for some reason is vastly different from what other has been suggesting. I am unsure which part of it is done wrong so I really wish someone help me out on it

Distilled Bee with "Fast" trait

1 Bee production round = 27.5 seconds
Chance of producing a Oily Comb = 10%
Each Oily Comb yields 0.6 Oily Propolis
Each Oily Propolis is worth 0.5 bucket of Oil (Fuel)
Bee with Fast trait produces 1.2x as the normal speed

So on average each production round I can produce 10% * 0.6 * 0.5 * 1.2 = 0.036 Bucket of Oil

If they are in a no-frame Alveary, they produce 10x faster, which is 0.36 bucket of oil per round

Expected Time to produce a single bucket of oil = 27.5/0.36 = 76.4 seconds, or 1 minute and 16 seconds

You need to have 12 buckets of fuel per hour to sustain a 36 HP boiler, or 1 bucket of fuel every 5 minutes

So a single alveary of distilled bee can sustain 4 36 HP boiler? But from what I read from above, you need 2 alveary to even sustain a single 36 HP boiler

Where did my calculation miss? Thank you very much