The isolator runs purely off of MJs (up to 50mj/t iirc) and extracts the traits of bees as serums with a chance to kill the bees and puts it into serum vials, made from royal jelly, glass panes, and gold. Because of this, only drones should be used for isolating. The resulting serums will be empty and of average quality. A synthesizer can be used to fill the vial, up to 16 charges, but this lowers the quality. Using low quality serums on your bees can have adverse effects. A synthesizer runs at up to 50 mj/t iirc. A synthesizer also requires liquid DNA to run. To increase the quality of your serums, a purifier is used. It consumes up to 100 mj/t and also requires liquid DNA. An inoculator is used to inject serums into bees. It will never destroy the serum, but will use up charges. More than one charge is usually required to inoculate a trait.
One of my favorite techniques is to manually breed a species until I have enough drones to isolate the species serum. I then put that serum into a pair of rocky bees, which by default, have great temperature and humidity tolerances, as well as the ability to work at night, without sunlight, or during rain. I also put fast productivity onto them.