## Item Configuration Around Claims ##
## Items who can bypass towns when the player is outside / next to the town, thanks mod makers for not ##
## doing bukkit events... ##
## String List for all:
# id = Item ID,
# sub = Sub-ID (Use '*' to ignore sub ID),
# range = How close in blocks to a claim
# id:sub:range
- '1:*:5'
# ^ Please remove this line and put items who actually need to be there.
# - '1:*:5'
# The item with the ID 1 can shoot a troll. The troll blows up 1 block, and the range of the item is 5 blocks.
# So, we cancel it when someone attempts to use this in a range of 5 blocks where the player cant build.
- '1:*:11'
# ^ Please remove this line and put items who actually need to be there.
# - '1:*:11'
# The item with the ID 1 is a Quarry like item from BuildCraft. It can break block in a range of 11 when you place
# it down. This way of bypassing is resolved by cancelling it when its closer than 11 blocks.
# TIP: Put block breakers inside this list! Give them the range 1 and they will not take items from the edge of
# a claim