Whitelist Server Beat The Beast [Resurrection 1.0.1] Server Closed Due To Lack Of Updates.

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ign: Ninjazombie
age: 24
where are you from: USA
have you ever been banned on a server and if so why: Never been banned
anything you think you should add: Im great at the machine aspect of ftb. Automation is king (but only if done with efficiency), that makes efficiency king I guess.
ign: Cadwae
age: 30
where are you from: USA
have you ever been banned on a server and if so why: Never been banned
anything you think you should add: I'm a miner and builder with my friends glaivekill and Ninjazombie
ign.... 10xephos01
age.... 18
where are you from.... USA
have you ever been banned on a server and if so why.... No
anything you think you should add.... I am well experienced with mods since mc beta 1.7.3
ign.... zb2009
age.... 19
where are you from.... midwest usa
have you ever been banned on a server and if so why.... nope
anything you think you should add.... i am looking forward to playing on this new pack and having fun
ign: dannybear
age: 21
where are you from: United Kingdom, England
have you ever been banned on a server and if so why: nope
anything you think you should add: I haven't yet played this modpack I am looking forward to playing it with a great community

whitelisted see yous ingame soon.pls make sure and add me on Skype to be put in the group
ign.... Bl4ckR41nB0w
age.... 18
where are you from.... Germany
have you ever been banned on a server and if so why.... Nope
anything you think you should add.... I want to join your server cuz i really want to try out the new modpack with other people.. solo is boring
IGN: XunRa
Age: 20
Where are you from: Estonia
Have you ever been banned on a server and if so why: Nope
Anything you think you should add: I really like Gregtech and AE so I think I will like this modpack a lot.
where are you from....Estonia.
have you ever been banned on a server and if so why....No.
anything you think you should add....Just looking for a server to have fun in.
ign.... lockdown142
age.... 17 (Birthday in April)
where are you from.... North America, Ohio
have you ever been banned on a server and if so why.... I have been playing online video games for 9 years. I have had relatively few bans, and the ones I have received were not significant to remember.
anything you think you should add.... I'm not sure, I love to build cool shit.
I have not
Uh well I have played the game for many years and have quite a bit of knowledge of the game. I think I could add a bit to the server
whats going on? i applyed like 5 days ago. everyone else is getting a response. your timing is making me rethink about applying for whitelist.
ign.... 10xephos01
age.... 18
where are you from.... USA
have you ever been banned on a server and if so why.... No
anything you think you should add.... I am well experienced with mods since mc beta 1.7.3

I ignored your request for whitelist as you ignored my request for you to be truthful so pls reconsider you app you havea global ban registered on such a site so yea as I say pls reconsider your app.
