Whitelist Server Beat The Beast [Resurrection 1.0.1] Server Closed Due To Lack Of Updates.

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IGN: PatsandBucks
Age: 27
From: Ohio (US)
Previous bans: Nope. Never saw the point of acting like an idiot and doing something that would warrant a ban.
Further details: Just recently got back into minecraft after a good amount of time away from playing. Figured I'd try to find a good server to join and play in my spare time when I'm not working and stuff. Should be able to play pretty frequently during the week after work and more on the weekends. Thanks for your consideration.
IGN: LegendOfStuff
Age: 15
From: MN USA
Previous Bans: None
Further Details: been playing FTB for about 2 years, took a break and went to vanilla but gregtech is calling me back again and i have to answer:)
Im mostly on week days because of sports on weekends, but all around maybe a hour or two every day.

whitelisted see you ingame soon
when ingame ask someone to add you in Skype so you can be added to the group chat
ign: flapjacck
age: 16
where are you from: England
have you ever been banned on a server and if so why: Nope, never.
anything you think you should add: Always enjoy community servers, inventions are key ;)
ign: fallingskies17
age: 17
where are you from: United States: Ohio
have you ever been banned on a server and if so why: Never been banned, I'm pretty trust worthy and have been an OP on many of my other servers.
anything you think you should add: I'd like to know how long the current world has been going and how far most of the players are. I don't want to be too far behind.
Also I have 3 years of modding experience and know many mods inside and out (Haven't done that much with gregtech since 1.4.7).
ign: Steven_McWayne
age: 35
where are you from: Germany
have you ever been banned on a server and if so why: no
anything you think you should add: Yeah, got a long break from MC so it's like a newbie again for me :P
I am unable to connect to the server, any ideas? Also could you add me to the Skype group, my name is: gofinko

whitelisted see you ingmae

gofinko I have added you in Skype to sort the problem
hope you dont mind that i apply for both me and my friend :)

ign - saides10
age - 16
where are you from - sweden
have you ever been banned on a server and if so why - nope
anything you think you should add - loved gregtech in ultimate and im looking forward to play with it again and get to know a couple of new friends

ign - Laserboy123
age - 16
where are you from - Sweden
have you ever been banned on a server and if so why - Not that i can think about
anything you think you should add - love small communitys where everyone knows everyone
ign.... Ch4ot1cn1ghtm4r3
age.... 20
where are you from.... Washington State.
have you ever been banned on a server and if so why.... No.
anything you think you should add....I loved the FTB Ultimate and this being a newer version I am looking for a fun server to join and enjoy playing.
Yes my friend was admin and banned me
Want to play with GregT on server