Whitelist Server Beat The Beast [Infinity]{1.3.4} small close community.

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i banned you for stealing and have a block log entry to prove it and your not making any sense about the items things but anyway your banned and have no right to appeal as you where caught bang to rights and we dont want any thieves on the server
good try but the block you broke was a security centre for an ae system and the players where able to tell me what they had lost diamond ways and when i checked your inv they where in it plus the fact breaking a security block and you gave yourself a bio card for access to it also after the player had told you he didnt want you in his base as you invited yourself to just life with a team of 6 after they said you where not welcome so pls stop insulting me by telling lies your banned and youll stay banned no matter what you say good bye and good luck in finding a community to call home but its not going to be ours.
ign.... MCAdventureCity
age.... 13
where are you from.... United States
have you ever been banned on a server and if so why.... Once, but it was a long time ago and I have changed since then.
anything you think you should add.... Not Really.
ign: Eternldragon
age: 32
where are you from: Miami, Fl
have you ever been banned on a server and if so why: No
anything you think you should add: I've been playing F.T.B. since 1.4.7 Ultimate pack. If I'm added I'll participate in Teamspeak/Skype. I enjoy the playing with a community and consider myself an approachable person.
Been playing MC for a long time, server i used to play is no longer up and running. I enjoy smaller servers with decant folks. I also play WoT :)
Was on the same server as INTENSS, so looking for a good server to play on again. Long time minecraft and modded minecraft player. At one point I even did a few youtube videos. Too much work to keep doing that, just want a nice place to play with some other people.
where are you from....USA
have you ever been banned on a server and if so why....Nope, only kicked :D
anything you think you should add....I am here to prepare for my friends pack coming out in the summer, so I am hoping to expand my knowledge as well as benefit the community.
ign: Gunner3564
where are you from: Arizona
have you ever been banned on a server and if so why: I Have been banned, The reason though was because I won a UHC (ultra hard core) and the owner thought i was hacking.
anything you think you should add: I Hope i get accepted, I have been looking for a good server for a while and I finally Think i found one.
IGN: TrueSirGamer
Age: 17
Where are you from: Arizona
have you ever been banned on a server and if so why: Yes, I got banned from a Survival Games server because i killed an admin and he banned me for "Hacking". I can assure you, i have never hacked, griefed, or cheated.
anything you think you should add: Thank you for reviewing my application, and i hope to see you all soon :) Good Day.
IGN: wackoman6789
AGE: 17
have you ever been banned on a server and if so why: no
anything you think you should add: been playing minecraft since 1.8.1 alpha
heyyy! This is IceEye. I haven't been active in the community for a while because my skype account was deleted. I have a new one:

[email protected] or
Joshua Hames

If someone would be kind enough to add me to their skype and back to the group id be very happy :3
ign.... Thronk
age.... 40s
where are you from.... Canada
have you ever been banned on a server and if so why.... No
anything you think you should add.... I've been playing modded Minecraft for a while and can be helpful if needed.
IGN: OminousPig
Where are you from: Florida
Have you ever been banned on a server and if so why: no I haven't
Anything you think you should add: I've been wanting to play this mod pack but no one to play with. So I'm looking forward to playing with this community
no i have not
I have played alot of the ftb mods and have run a server with some close friends in the past
ign: thcHlade
age: 17
where are you from: Slovenia
have you ever been banned on a server and if so why: Yes but on friend server it was joke :D
anything you think you should add: I really hope that server doesn't lag ;)