Server IP and most of our information can be found over at our site:
(it's still undergoing alot of work)
Will add more content to this post later.
Kind of rushed.
Applications are currently being accepted.
however exceptions apply (check the site for more information).
is currently looking for
dedicated long-term players.
BeastRealms Whitelist Application:
Minecraft Username:
Your minecraft username, for whitelist purposes.
How old are you?
Experience with Minecraft:
What's your experience with java? Do you consider yourself a beginner, intermediate, advanced or a full-fledged professional? Do you have any previously released work? If so, please provide links.
Experience with Gaming:
Tell us about how you got started with games, what was your first game? What's your favorite game? How much do you play on average? How many years have you played for?
We will be opening our door and accepting public whitelist applications nearing the end of January.
Feel free to post your applications now.
If there is any questions, comments or feedback please leave me a post or start a conversation with me.
Every vote helps!