Whitelist Server Beast Server - Unleashed 1.1.4 - White-Listed - Mature -Survival - Teampseak

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In Game Name: EgG4mer
Why you want to join: Looking for a good community of people on a decently powered server. :)
Have you been banned before: No
If so Why:
How often do you plan on playing: At least 1 hour day
Game name:Wendeekat
Have you been banned before:No
If so Why:
How often do you plan on playing:Everyday
In Game Name:WendeeKat
Why you want to join:Want a fun server without drama
Have you been banned before:No
If so Why:
How often do you plan on playing:Almost everyday
Sintel1911, there is a little bit swearing on the server, for the most part none but it is a mature server. I have whitelisted both of you, welcome.
This server was started a couple of months ago when Ultimate was released, before that my server has been running since Christmas, I'm finally starting to recruit people. Right now I'm only recruiting 20 people and will see if the server can handle that.
I'm looking for mature people (16+) who want to join a friendly server to play on. This server has been running 24/7 since late December and I plan on keeping it that way for a long time. I intend to setup this server as people would play in single player, that being said people are allowed to use Mystcraft worlds and chunk loaders, but they need to be in control because overuse will lag the server for everyone.
I'm only looking for people who actually plan to spend time on the server, at the very least be on once a week. You do not have to be a expert on the mods to join, its a learning experience for everyone.
A little history about the server, I started this server back in late December with two other guys, after we got tired of the previous server's admins abusing their power and using creative mode. We decided to set strict rules about no cheating and spawning stuff in as admins on the new server.
All mods has been enabled.
This server is set hard mode survival.
Currently 20 slots available
Server specs:
3 Core CPU
4 GB Ram
Nightly backups
Hosted by Creeper Host
Server Rules:
No Greifing
No Unprovoked Killing
No Cheating
No Rudeness
No x-ray mods
Limited Mystcraft worlds
Limited chunk loaders
Server IP : Beast.PlayAt.CH
In Game Name: Technix888
Age: 14 and 8 months
Why you want to join: Im sick of Greif servers i prefer the pleasant kind
Have you been banned before: Yes
If so Why: for flying because i glitched out the world purely accidental
How often do you plan on playing: ALOT
In Game Name: Celonic
Age: 22
Why you want to join: Looking for a fun server to livestream from :)
Have you been banned before: Nope
If so Why:
How often do you plan on playing: As often as I can. Working two jobs limits how much time i can play, but ill be on whenever i can.
In Game Name: Docxx
Age: 32
Why you want to join: Seems like a good server with a Mature and sensible owner, need somewhere to call home :)
Have you been banned before: nope
If so Why:
How often do you plan on playing: I usually get on daily but I just became a dad so might be less than I used to be on
In Game Name: James_P_Skully
Age: 16
Why you want to join: I want to join a community based server that has close to all mods enabled and no little kids (younger then 15/16). This seems like a pretty good server with a mature community.
Have you been banned before:No
How often do you plan on playing: Pretty Much everyday for at least an hour
In Game Name: aceksa1
Why you want to join: Looking for a good community of people on a decently powered server. :)
Have you been banned before: No
If so Why:
How often do you plan on playing: At least 1 hour day
In Game Name: infizl
Age: 17
Why you want to join: join a good server play a little ftb from time to time
Have you been banned before:nope
If so Why:
How often do you plan on playing: daily or every other day depending on work
In Game Name:RyanMiller
Why you want to join:i love playing modden mincraft with others
Have you been banned before:Nope
How often do you plan on playing: At least 5 hours a day
In Game Name: XX0wnsXY (spelled with a zero)
Age: 27
Why you want to join: I've been searching for a mature server that I could build on and just have a good time.
Have you been banned before: Nope
If so Why: N/A
How often do you plan on playing: Most days mon-friday.
In Game Name: Denster91
Age: 15
Why you want to join: I've been looking for a good server that doesn't disable everything that's useful, and has a nice community. This one looks pretty good.
Have you been banned before: Nope
If so Why: N/A
How often do you plan on playing: Most likely everyday.
In Game Name: JyrasiQ
Age: 21
Why you want to join: Looking for a nice feed the beast community
Have you been banned before: No
If so Why: I haven't been banned
How often do you plan on playing: every late night
In Game Name: JyrasiQ
Age: 21
Why you want to join: looking for a cool community to play with
Have you been banned before: No
If so Why: N/A
How often do you plan on playing: i play every late night around 12am eastern
In Game Name: bigbass1997
Age: 16
Why you want to join: About a month ago the last server I was playing and administering on was basically abandoned by the owner and rest of the staff. Since then I was busy with life matters but now I am looking for a new server to join. I have extensive experience and knowledge with Minecraft, FTB, MCPC+, and managing the internals of a server. More specifically about my personality I always strive to help those around me, even those who are being mean to myself or others (to an extent). Because of these aspects I feel that I would be a good member of your server.
Have you been banned before: Not that I know of. If I have been then it wasn't a fair ban, as I always try to respect whatever rules I need to adhere to.
How often do you plan on playing: As much as I can. Tuesday and Thursdays I have work right after school so on those days I might not be online, but I still might.
Sorry, I stopped getting notified and completely missed all of you guys, if you are still interested in playing I have white-listed you.
In Game Name: ewokrage
Why you want to join: Looking for a mature FTB server to build and relaxe on
Have you been banned before: Nope
If so Why:
How often do you plan on playing: Daily. I have insomnia and play a lot at night.