Hey folks this is my setup and the results are nowhere near the new 50 MJ/t full quarry speed but they're ok. (half the old max quarry speed of 9MJ/t)
This is 32 solar panels so 64 Amps at a little under 70 Volts (4480W).
Using the redstone energy cell as a buffer i was able to measure the MJ/t between 4 and 5 (Max output set
to 4 is slowly charges and set to 5 it slowly discharges) and that helped confirm my math that i was producing 4.48 MJ/t.
i'm sure Omicrons math above is perfect but i thought i'd try to give what i think is the simple figure that we all just want
to know about power BC Quarry's
with Blutricity and here it is:
Red power solar panel produce 0.14 MJ/t
So 2 Blulectric engines are required to reach top speed but they don't have to run at full power so i calculate top speed to require
slightly less solar panels then Omicron suggest, but i'm not splitting hairs, its still hundreds of solar panels.
So this is a bad setup right?
Well not really, the solar panels are so cheap to make. How much Nikolite do you have sitting in chests doing nothing? or even still sat in the cave walls because there is so much of it?
so as long as you don't have the Greg tech expensive recipes turned on (quarry is much more expensive) then this is not a bad early days set and forget build i think.
Oh and here's a thought.....we actually need to produce 100 MJ/t during the day if we want it to work through the night.
Pro Tip: make sure any solar panels you use (RP2 or IC) are inside the chunks that the quarry keeps alive. (world anchors are expensive these days
