Autosmelting picks that double ores...

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Asking people who use these, if you come back with all those ingots, what do you then build with the metal? Is there any need for power then?

I understand some people like to explore and do other things besides build ore systems, but it seems with these new ways to just mine 2 ingots per ore, most if the content offered in ftb is kind of pointless, isn't it?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Use the metals to make other systems
You can do anything you want, while it may seem useless, it is fun to build newmthings
And it is optional to use those picks
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Tech Support
Oct 30, 2012
A city. A workshop. A system for your automatic mining. Houses out of metal blocks. A railway system to everyone person on my server. A system that takes in no power and produces no excess power but is also not negative and just does cool looking shit. Make new satellite bases with all the aforementioned things implemented differently. Make everything bigger. Make every item in the game. Make systems that make more systems. Rube goldberg machines.

If your only use for metal is to double the metal; why are you doubling it anyway?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There are an indefinite amount of things to do in Minecraft, especially modded.
I think you can conjure some ideas up ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would not say a portable smelting ore doubler makes anything else pointless. There are still many things you might want the unprossesed ore for. I tend to run around with a smelting pick and a silk touch pick swaping out as needed.

There are still many system you can build, ore processing is not the lynchpin of any mod packs systems. Mostly ore doubling exisits because you need so much to do anything else with mod packs.

Look at any mod pack FTB inculded. How many of the machines are directly used in the ore doubling process? How many are used for everything else. You probly counted somewhere between 2 and 6 machines depending on what mods you like the most. There are many times that number in content still there so you skipped over a handful of machines that you would have just dumped your ore into and let do all the work for you while you did something else anyways.

Complaing about autosmelting picks is like complaining about quarrys. Both do the same root thing lower the amount of time you spend endlessly mining mats so you can do everything else that is not mining mats.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I only use the smelter to double my ores anymore so having the metals does nothing a far as my ore doubling process is concerned.

I would still use the TE line of machines, if they were in 1.6.4, because they are used for other things.

I wouldn't use the auto smelt pick anyways. I prefer to use silk touch when I'm out and about to save inventory space and then auto smelt pick them back at home, or fortune.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I used to try to get as many ingots as possible, just incase I'd ever need them for something. but that something never really used up that much ingots and I ended up with loads of resources just sitting there. nowadays I try to use the ingots for other things, like aesthetic building. like yesterday I used some stacks of iron, cut them into small strips and used those to decorate my windows with it


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would not say a portable smelting ore doubler is pointless.

I might have misunderstood, but i think his point is the opposite.

I understand he feels like having portable doubling removes the need for the ore processing machines.

Could be wrong!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I definitely remove these items from my server (and remove Dartcraft completely). This mod really should be disabled by default. I feel these items, while amazing at first, remove a large part of the game which results in getting bored in mere hours instead of hundreds of hours when starting a new world. I am perfectly fine with 1x bar auto smelting pickaxes, because your choosing to lose 50% of your ore income over using machines.

I'm really hoping the 1.6.4 packs offer a more balanced default like I remember the 1.4.7 packs having. Dartcraft is just too OP, and honestly I prefer Tinker's Construct which does more or less the same with a much more balanced system.

Complaing about autosmelting picks is like complaining about quarrys. Both do the same root thing lower the amount of time you spend endlessly mining mats so you can do everything else that is not mining mats.

I disagree. Quarries require you to have a decent power system built up in order to make them worthwhile. You also need a lot of diamonds which is a very expensive investment early game. In Dartcraft you can get 2x autosmelting pickaxes within an hour of playing, rendering many machines completely useless.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I definitely remove these items from my server

Wait, what? You remove items that effectively force the player to leave their nice safe, protected base and venture out into the wilderness to fetch more resources in order to build more stuff?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wait, what? You remove items that effectively force the player to leave their nice safe, protected base and venture out into the wilderness to fetch more resources in order to build more stuff?

Huh? I remove mods that add double auto-smelting pickaxes. How does that, in anyway, mean I remove the need to go out and get materials? :confused:

By leaving them in your are effectively removing the need to have any type of ore processing machines.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think dartcraft is OP too, but noone forces me to use the OP parts.

For example, i love the early influx of some steel from loot bags for durable early tools, and the force drill with its 3x3x3 area of effect is a godsend (its saved me a LOT of mis-use of the filler heh)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Huh? I remove mods that add double auto-smelting pickaxes. How does that, in anyway, mean I remove the need to go out and get materials? :confused:

By leaving them in your are effectively removing the need to have any type of ore processing machines.

Because if theres no reward to going out and manually mining, you encourage people to set up and rely on passive generation loops and never leave their bases. There will always be a certain amount of the passive generation going on, but if thats the only option then players are more likely to sit and wait, which leads to boredom and players quitting.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Because if theres no reward to going out and manually mining, you encourage people to set up and rely on passive generation loops and never leave their bases. There will always be a certain amount of the passive generation going on, but if thats the only option then players are more likely to sit and wait, which leads to boredom and players quitting.

I don't follow. If your ore is automatically turned into 2 bars, there is no reward for building ore processing machines and increasing power generation in order to do it as fast as possible. Your argument is exactly the opposite of what i've experienced. People get bored because there is no longer a reason to make machines with these tools, it renders half the content pointless (like OP stated). All passive automatic mining systems require a good sized power system and quite a few machines, not to mention passive mining systems are very expensive early/mid game. They aren't something you have up and running within an hour of world creation. They also usually don't give you enough materials until much later, manual mining is still going to be needed with or without these double smelting pickaxes.

By the way, why would you sit around your base and wait for your quarry to mine if you were low on materials? How would removing double smelting pickaxes make that the only choice? Again, I'm not following your logic here. All early/mid game passive mining systems still require you to go out and manual mine, then bring the materials back to be processed in a system that you built. Much more rewarding system than automatic bars.


Tech Support
Oct 30, 2012
Show me a player who uses a pick for his doubling and smelting from automatic mining and I'll show you someone wasting his time. You can certainly do that but it does not in any way invalidate ore doubling(not to mention tripling) machines.

And your bias against darcraft is showing. It isn't the only mod with ore doubling picks. In fact it is the weaker of the two. The number of people that actually use ore doubling + smelting picks and don't use any processing machines is probably within the 5% of players that have the mods installed.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
An ore processing system can do something that an auto-smelting tool can not: work without you. Whether you auto-mine or hand mine and send it home, the manual processing of ores is still manual. Many machine & magic systems offer rewards for processing ores.

So having more options does not degrade the other options. Remember that your play style is not singular. People play this game many ways. Some players even do this human thing called "changing their minds." They may think 3 separate strategies are cool and they use all 3.

I personally really like auto-smelting. I'll never use it because I don't really want to. I have no clear reason not to except personal preference. I don't sit around worrying about what other people do with auto - smelting. Good on them if they use it. I play my own game and welcome new options.


Also isn't auto doubling via manual tools kind of old hat anyway? IJS


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
An ore processing system can do something that an auto-smelting tool can not: work without you. Whether you auto-mine or hand mine and send it home, the manual processing of ores is still manual. Many machine & magic systems offer rewards for processing ores.

So having more options does not degrade the other options. Remember that your play style is not singular. People play this game many ways. Some players even do this human thing called "changing their minds." They may think 3 separate strategies are cool and they use all 3.

I personally really like auto-smelting. I'll never use it because I don't really want to. I have no clear reason not to except personal preference. I don't sit around worrying about what other people do with auto - smelting. Good on them if they use it. I play my own game and welcome new options.


Also isn't auto doubling via manual tools kind of old hat anyway? IJS

I wonder why you can be so snide and insulting, but mods don't warn you about it? Gotta find the Ignore option on this forum, I found it once...

It's interesting that you advocate people doing what they want, but if people say that an item is OP or imbalanced, suddenly we aren't allowed to voice our opinions?

If you think it's so important that people get to do or think how they want, how about you take your own advice and just reply like this: "I like autosmelting, but don't really use it."

End of comment. See? That wasn't hard was it?

"I don't sit around worrying about what other people do with auto - smelting."

No but you do spend a LOt of time worrying that other people think differently than you do.


Tech Support
Oct 30, 2012
I wonder why you can be so snide and insulting, but mods don't warn you about it? Gotta find the Ignore option on this forum, I found it once...

Simple; his post had nothing snide or insulting in it. You simply seek to take offense to those who don't hold your same opinion.

It's interesting that you advocate people doing what they want, but if people say that an item is OP or imbalanced, suddenly we aren't allowed to voice our opinions?

In the game. If people are advocating to make something changed for everyone because of their personal preference then yes; your opinion therefore become meaningless.

If you think it's so important that people get to do or think how they want, how about you take your own advice and just reply like this: "I like autosmelting, but don't really use it."

End of comment. See? That wasn't hard was it?

Because this is a discussion and he sought to provide insight beyond "I agree" or "I disagree".

"I don't sit around worrying about what other people do with auto - smelting."

No but you do spend a LOt of time worrying that other people think differently than you do.

This would be snide and insulting.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
An ore processing system can do something that an auto-smelting tool can not: work without you.

Unless your system is connected to a quarry of some kind you still need to provide the ore. So technically it can't.

With a pick you are combining the 2...


Not sure if it has been changed, I've gone back to my drill since it became easy to enchant them. You can take it a step further and have auto smelting with fortune and get more than the double output.