Automating the creation of Liquid Glowstone when engine needs it?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In my world, I´m currently trying to go for a different power source besides Lava which bored me :p. So I thought why not go with the Reactant Dynamo for once.

So with that in mind I went with the Liquid Glowstone and Blaze Powder. Now ofcourse the Blaze Powder is easy.

The Liquid glowstone, obtaining it is easy aswell. But 'only' creating Liquid Glowstone, when an Dynamo has space is a different story for me.

I have Extra Cells and stuff so, but there's no like 'Fuzzy' import/export Fluid busses, so the option for 'Move / Craft single items' is not there.

So now I'm curious what the ways are this can be automated, cause I hate putting glowstone in manually into the Crucible and then use a fluiduct everytime I see my engine low :p.

Any help is appreciated. Also I can ofcourse add mods if a different mod makes it so much easier :).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Possibly using a fluid export to get the fluid out, a precision export to place the glowstone in the crucible, and a level emitter to tell is when it needs to do it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Steve's Factory Manager is really good for that.

I had a similar issue when using a Forestry Squeezer to produce lava. It would start to run as soon as there is some room in the internal tank and since the recipe produces 2.000mb lava per step, it was wasting most of what it produces. SFM has a Condition block, you can tell it to only take lava out of the squeezer if there are less than 6.000mb in the Fluid Interface and you can tell it also to take exactly 4.000 mb out of the squeezer.

Works brilliantly - the lava level drops to 6kmb, get replenishs instantly and then the squeezer runs only twice to refill the internal buffer. No materials wasted and should also work with the tanks of TE dynamos :)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Steve's Factory Manager is really good for that.

I had a similar issue when using a Forestry Squeezer to produce lava. It would start to run as soon as there is some room in the internal tank and since the recipe produces 2.000mb lava per step, it was wasting most of what it produces. SFM has a Condition block, you can tell it to only take lava out of the squeezer if there are less than 6.000mb in the Fluid Interface and you can tell it also to take exactly 4.000 mb out of the squeezer.

Works brilliantly - the lava level drops to 6kmb, get replenishs instantly and then the squeezer runs only twice to refill the internal buffer. No materials wasted and should also work with the tanks of TE dynamos :)

Can Steve's Factory manager work with a Magma Crucible / Liquid Transposer (Don't think I need this one). or ME System ?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Can Steve's Factory manager work with a Magma Crucible / Liquid Transposer (Don't think I need this one). or ME System ?

It can work with any inventory or tank. (You can even specify the side of the inventory/tank to interact with.) The ME Interface counts as inventory, the Fluid Interface is a tank. SFM work really well with the ME system when using these interfaces.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It can work with any inventory or tank. (You can even specify the side of the inventory/tank to interact with.) The ME Interface counts as inventory, the Fluid Interface is a tank. SFM work really well with the ME system when using these interfaces.

Alright I'll look into it :). Never worked with it so wish me luck haha :p.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The most reliable system would be to have one or more magma crucibles dedicated to filling tank(s), which is integrated into your ME system via liquid storage bus. If your consumption of liquid glowstone exceeds the rate to which your magma crucibles can melt the glowstone, add more magma crucibles.

This will allow you to monitor your fuel levels from anywhere in the base via liquid terminal, give you a buffer, and allow you to scale up your production/integrate it with other sources of liquid glowstone should you require it.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just to make sure my message it's clear (which I'm sometimes not sure if I am clear :p).

I want to power like my Base with Reactant Dynamo's.
I want to use Liquid Glowstone and Blaze powder for it.

Preferably I want to use Applied Energistics and Thermal expansion with this, and Extra Cells for the Fluid busses.

So in basic terms I want to go like this: Reactant Dynamo has space for 1 bucket of Energized Glowstone --> My AE network notices this and puts glowstone in the Magma Crucible, which then ofcourse makes Energized Glowstone :p. --> Either the AE system imports this Glowstone in the Crucible OR the Crucible sends it straight to the Dynamo's.

So there's like almost 0 waste in glowstone ^^.

So hopefully that makes it clear. Still struggling at the moment :p.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would set up a dedicated magma crucible for making the liquid glowstone. Then connect an export bus for glowstone and have it (export bus) triggered by the fluid level emitter.

When the fluid level drops below a certain level, the magma crucible is given items to melt and turn into liquid. This setup will let the magma crucible run through the rest of its input slot before turning off. You could connect the emitter directly to the magma crucible, but then the crucible would be cycling ever few seconds depending on you glowstone use in the dynamo.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well if you store it in a rank or the me for later use you never waste glowstone, you can just use it later.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well if you store it in a rank or the me for later use you never waste glowstone, you can just use it later.

I know, but I don't want to constantly use the crucible to create me infinite Energized Glowstone. Even though I am using magical crops etc, I feel as it's unnecessary :p. But if all else fails, I'll just use that :).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Put a fluid export bus on the side of your dynamo, put an interface on a magma cruicble and put in a crafting pattern saying 4 glowstone = 1 bucket then eithe pipe or import it into ae.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Put a fluid export bus on the side of your dynamo, put an interface on a magma cruicble and put in a crafting pattern saying 4 glowstone = 1 bucket then eithe pipe or import it into ae.

Hmm this doesn't seem to work for me.

Here is how it's setup.

I have an ME Interface on my Crucible with the recipe: 4 Glowstone = Energized Glowstone Bucket (not sure if this is correct). On the Orange side of the Crucible I have an ME Fluid Import Bus.
My AE system has a Fluid Storage Cell.

My Reactant Dynamo has a ME Fluid Export Bus with a Energized Glowstone Bucket in it.

Now that is the part that's not working. It doesn't auto craft it. I can manually click in my AE system on the Energized Glowstone Bucket and it'll do the 4 glowstone in the crucible but it doesn't auto craft.

So I think I have to do the Fluid Level Emitter with an import / export bus? But I'm not sure how those work. Or did I do something wrong ?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Put a fluid export bus on the side of your dynamo, put an interface on a magma cruicble and put in a crafting pattern saying 4 glowstone = 1 bucket then eithe pipe or import it into ae.

That sounds expensive. And is there actually a "Craft only" equivalent for Fluid Export buses?

Again, SFM might be the cheaper, more modular and more reliable solution. It's probably as easy as using the "Input (Liquid)" block, whitelist Glowstone, right-click and set 250mb as quantity. As "Output (Liquid)" then the dynamos. SFM will wait until one of the dynamos has room for 250mb and then take it out of the system. Always 250mb, which is exactly what a glowstone makes in a Magma Crucible.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That sounds expensive. And is there actually a "Craft only" equivalent for Fluid Export buses?

Again, SFM might be the cheaper, more modular and more reliable solution. It's probably as easy as using the "Input (Liquid)" block, whitelist Glowstone, right-click and set 250mb as quantity. As "Output (Liquid)" then the dynamos. SFM will wait until one of the dynamos has room for 250mb and then take it out of the system. Always 250mb, which is exactly what a glowstone makes in a Magma Crucible.

Alright but I'm confused with SFM. Like where to I put the blocks and what else do I need etc. SFM is confusing me a little there. I don't know if they interact with cable, if so which cable etc etc. So yeah that's why I tried to stay away from it :p.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, dedicating a machine to a task that is essential to your energy production, is by no means a bad investment.

You will be using energy all the time, thus using that machine for a good portion of its lifetime. Unless your energy use is very irregular, it shouldn't be that big an issue. A machine frame, reception coil, two copper ingots, a bucket and two nether bricks.

My current AS base has ~ 100 TE machines doing 100 different things. Well, I also have 100 MFR machines and over 400 ME cables running around my base too.

Don't worry too much about starting cost investments, especially for a single-block machine like a magma crucible.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Alright but I'm confused with SFM. Like where to I put the blocks and what else do I need etc. SFM is confusing me a little there. I don't know if they interact with cable, if so which cable etc etc. So yeah that's why I tried to stay away from it :p.

Check YouTube for a tutorial, I think @Bevo also did one not too long ago. It might look confusing at first, but when you get the "programming" right, you can build really easy and elegant designs.

The cliff-notes version for your scenario:
1. Craft the manager block (looks like a red cube in NEI) and several Inventory Cables (the black thingies)
2. Lay out your dynamos, like you normally would, RF output at the top. Just instead connecting them with Fluidducts you use Inventory Cables instead
3. Use the manager as first block, touching the Inventory cables
4. Add the ME Fluid Interface so that it also touches the manager or an Inventory block. Have it export Liquid Glowstone and remember what side it exports to.
5. Click the Manager block to open the "programming" interface
6. Add a "Trigger", no changes necessary here
7. Add an "Input(L)", a liquid input. In the Tank section select the ME Liquid Interface, in the target section activate the direction. I think first slot in the ME Interface exports to the top, second to the bottom, then the sides.
8. Open the Liquid section, still in the "Input(L)" block. Set it to Whitelist, select Liquid Glowstone, right-click on it, select "Choose Quantity" and set it to 250mb
9. Add an "Output(L)", the destination where the liquid from the "Liquid(L)" goes. In the Tank section select all dynamos, as Target choose anything but the Top.
10. Connect the Trigger to Input(L) and Input(L) to Output(L), make sure that the ME Liquid Interface is connected to your ME network and you should be ready to go.

Might sound confusing. But it's really just a timer, a source where you get the Liquid Glowstone from and the destination where the Glowstone goes. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Or just put a magma crucible on a dyanmo export glowstone into it and pump it out into the dyanmo once it's buffer is full it will only use glowstone when needed.

Sent from my ST26i using Tapatalk


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I dont see why you cant just have a stack of glowstone in the melting apparatus of your choice at all times. How is this complicated?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well his other comment was about dedicating a crucible, soley to the purpose of melting glowstone. But the reliability of a system which utilizes the dedication of machines, is worth it imo.