Been down this road before. I'm playing Monster pack, but it was the same in Direwolf pack... I have a Magma Crucible/Fluid Transposer pair for every fluid I need on demand. Without getting WAY too overly complicated, it seemed to me to be the easiest way to go. So right now looking at my TE3 production facility, I have the following Magma/Transposer combos: resonant ender, destabilized redstone, energized glowstone, gelid cryotheum, blazing pyrotheum, creosote oil, water and lava. Basically I have one entire room devoted to fluids/liquids and having a supply handy for any on-demand tasks. An AE basic export bus feeds raw materials one by one, eventually the machines fill up and then they just sit and wait for some demand.
In Direwolf when I was running 125 compression dynamos (that's exactly 10,000 RF/t so its optimum) with fuel and gelid cryotheum, I was making the gelid cryotheum right there in the engine room a few blocks away from the massive block of dynamos. All it took was one AE basic export bus to feed blizz powder into a magma crucible, and the output from that went directly into the piping network for the dynamos. They didn't take much, not even with 125 of them. One magma crucible kept up no problem at all. If it doesn't quite keep up for your glowstone, then just put two magma crucibles and two basic export busses there. Pretty easy and simple. Don't make it more complicated than it needs to be!