Is it possible to automate the bee-machines like synthesizer and purifier or does it have to be manual work ?
Yep, some of the latest versions add BC gate conditionals that make it possible to automate them
I was trying with an autarcihcgate but that could only show me if there is item in inventory. I need the gate to empty inventory on the synthesizer when the vial is full.
Yep, some of the latest versions add BC gate conditionals that make it possible to automate them
Even in those versions that didn't have gate conditionals you could automate them with a help from TE using energy cells and energy/tank full conditionals (they are added by TE IIRC). Just supply the machines with a little bit less energy then they should get, so you know that if machine is full of energy, bee dna and has item in inventory that it finished work.
"serum full" for the sythesizer & "serum pure" for the purifier, or something like, it is the very last condition on a long list after all the work & power & everything else.
I'm playing Unleashed 1.1.4.
Check which version of binnie's mods is listed when you click edit mod pack. If it says 1.7.1 or higher, then the conditionals should be there