
  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
Why you want to be in my server:
I am really looking forward to trying out DireWolf20's pack. I am always helpful to others, and I have a lot of experience with the mods in this pack. I have also run a few of my own servers, so I cant help with any of that stuff if needed.
I have also changed the config files like it says in the OP.
What do you think I men't by "Common-sense": Be nice to other people, don't create lag, no griefing, no exploiting, etc.
Skype name: ljrobison
ok number guy the configs are posted on the first page and everyone should be accepted (everyone) going to stop accepting now but i still might accept
Erm, Mega..... I got on but the server crashed :( Everyone got it... not just me....
Please Start Asap
IGN: Nebula8
Why you want to be in my server: I want to play the DW20 Modpack and get help and give help
What do you think I men't by "Common-sense": Don't do anything stupid follow the rules don't be a jerk
Skype name: (not required) Don't use skpye
Other:Just want to be a person help out people.
IGN: Rulerxx
Why you want to be in my server: Because i would like to be in a nice small community where i can enjoy.
What do you think I men't by "Common-sense": Using your knowledge and not steal other peoples stuff, even if they don't specifically state it.
Side Note:
Personally i really like building community machine rooms, share resources and stuff like that, so i thought i should add that in :)
Why you want to be in my server: I really enjoy the DW20 pack and would like to find a really nice server to play it on.
What do you think I men't by "Common-sense":using a little bit of logic so you don't sound completely stupid.
Skype name: hazmatinc.
IGN: GKing14231
Why you want to be in my server: I am getting tired and lonely of playing solo all the time. It is getting so boring. I want a server with a good community, and I am pretty sure yours will have a pretty nice community. I do not want to get griefed, so this is why I am looking for a whitelisted server.
What do you think I men't by "Common-sense": Do not curse. Do not be an idiot. Do not grief, steal etc. Be friendly. Don't be a jerk all the time.
Skype name: (not required) nixon13231
Why you want to be in my server: I have no where to play... single player just isnt the same.
What do you think I men't by "Common-sense": Well hopefully common sense.
Skype name: (not required)
why do want to be on my server:to be able to talk and learn more about the mods rather than that just watching forge craft
what do you think i ment by common sense:dont be stupid know when to do what and dont greif!
IGN: necrodermis
Why you want to be in my server: I'm looking for a decent server that uses the Direwolf20 pack and has good, mature people to play with.
What do you think I men't by "Common-sense": Treat people as you'd want to be treated and don't be a nuisance. Don't do dumb things.
Skype name: I don't want to post my skype name here, but would give it out to people on the server.
Other: I enjoy having so many directions to take that it can be hard to do them all because I feel it promotes more interaction between people. I've always played multiplayer games for the social interaction and I enjoy minecraft servers greatly.
IGN: FinnyDahFanny
Why you want to be in my server: Because i want to bring fun and happiness to it :D
What do you think I ment by "Common-sense": Not griefing, Being nice, Common stuff.
Skype name: N/A
IGN: DoAsnipart
Why you want to be in my server: I'm looking for a server without griefers, and nice people to play with.
What do you think I men't by "Common-sense": Dont be an idiot basicly. Dont be an asshole to others on the server.
Skype name: doasnipart
whitelist app:
Why you want to be in my server: cause i like to play modded minecraft and want to be in a friendly community without griefers
What do you think I men't by "Common-sense": don't do stupid things like stealing griefing trolling that kinda stuff
Skype name: freson01
You forgot your ingamename

Also everyone if the server goes down u have to get someone to msg me on skype. I am going to stop taking people now. sorry guys there are just to much of you. I was trying to let everyone join but im afraid i can't sorry. unless its a really good app we are closed
everyone except a few that have posted your app are in. remember 2 days to get in once so i no that you can play otherwise you space will go
IGN: Aleksas2002
Why you want to be in my server: For the experiance of FTB servdrs and playing in a good comunity.
What do you think I men't by "Common-sense": Dont steal, dont couse lagg, dont complain about lagg, dont grief?
Skype name: (not required) Only Team-Speak3 or mumble.
IGN: dnick2
Why you want to be in my server: For the experiance of FTB servdrs and playing in a good comunity.
What do you think I men't by "Common-sense": Dont steal, dont couse lagg, dont complain about lagg, dont grief?
Skype name: (not required): only teamspeak
IGN: tomthe40

Why you want to be in my server: I'm looking for a solid server, that won't crash and will be up for a while. I don't curse anyways so that rule is welcome, though i'm not particularily offended by it. The only downside I can see to this server is a sort of all ages welcome thing. It's not that I'm against younger people playing (I'm only in my mid-teens myself) it's just that they tend to spam the chat and theres not much room for good conversations. But other than all that I'd like to join your server to build nice machines and become friendly with people.
What do you think I men't by "Common-sense": THINK BEFORE YOU ACT! If you think your actions may harm another player, cause harm to their builds or cause any sort of grief then DON'T DO IT! Though taking say a bit of bread or food is fine, just take what you need and try not to be greedy. Leave a sign if possible and try to pay back the player if it was in any way valuable, though you should not take valuable items only food or a bit of wood,cobble etc.I don't use skype so I don't have a name, sorry.
IGN: kristoffer55
Why you want to be in my server: Because it seems like a nice server with nice people :)
What do you think I men't by "Common-sense": No hacks/exploits, No foul language and be a nice player.
Skype name: kristoffer017