
  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
Why you want to be in my server: I loved tekkit and I really had fun but I need more and need friends to help I am very coporitive with other people and I just like to help too.
What do you think I men't by "Common-sense": Using you brain. I.E not creating lag, no spamming, follow the rules you know that sort of stuff
Skype name: alexander.williams11
p.s: Is it OK if I do a modpack series with you(the owner) and some other people PLEASE oh and hope to see you on the server soon PEACE.[DOUBLEPOST=1356727614][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh and whats the servers Uptime....
ING: math0ne
Why you want to be in my server: Played minecraft seriously for many years, including lots with various mod packs. Never got too deep into servers but I think this new ftb modpack will create some stable communities and I'm interested in contributing to one.
What do you think I men't by "Common-sense": Dont be an ass, don't grief and no stealing
Skype name: math0ne
IGN: Ashen92
Why you want to be in my server: Minecraft is more fun with people and I want cool people to build stuff with!
What do you think I men't by "Common-sense": Be respectful of others, don't grief or steal.
Skype name: (not required) ash.b92
everyone who has applyed so far has been aloud on.
Because of the success my computer that im getting soon with 16 gb will be hosting it instead of my one at the moment.
sadly i haven't got it yet
IGN: alexijo
Why you want to be in my server: because i'm looking for a good dw20 server to play on :D
What do you think I men't by "Common-sense": don't make the server lag and don't challenge the admins aka don't be a d*ck
IGN: bluechiken0funk
Why you want to be in my server: looking for a friendly server to play the mods i enjoy
What do you think I men't by common-sense: dont grief, steal, cause lag, disrespect admins. etc

Im not bad with most of the mods that are also in tekkit, and i play fairly often
I have some knowledge of world edit, i have been an admin on 2 vanilla minecraft servers
IGN: Noromical
Why you want to be in my server: I love FTB but it gets boring in SSP
What do you think I men't by "Common-sense": Essentially follow the rules of just about every non-pvp server out there, if you are unsure if something is allowed or not, it probably not a good idea, don't grief, no random PVP, all that fun stuff
Skype name: (not required): Noromical Kinsara
I have knowledge of everything from Tekkit, and also of Bee Breeding from Forestry along with everything else from the previous version of Forestry. I usually will end up making random (and secret) donations to newbies to help them get started (had to get /vanish permissions from an admin back on Sk89q's server to do that
I speak to sk89q on a regular basis, so I can help w/ just about anything related to WorldEdit or WorldGuard.

Side Note: I like that I'm allowed to voice myself against an admin on this server, last server I played on, if your opinion did not perfectly match that of an admin's, you risked gettingbanned
noromical you have been accepted.
everyone else who i haven't you don't put enough effort into your app just the minimal[DOUBLEPOST=1356735234][/DOUBLEPOST]people who are in:
evilexel :)
Because of spaces running out if you aren't on in the next 2 days without a reason you will be taken off. sorry

if you haven't been accepted you can still get in just redo your app and try to add some more
IGN: asalt13
Why you want to be in my server: I'm inbetween servers and I'm looking for a small mature community server too join and build on
What do you think I men't by "Common-sense": Don't build directly outside of spawn, don't build lag machines, no tnt cannons or any thing of mass destruction, not begging OPs for stuff, etc.
Skype name: (not required): MeCJay12
hi asalt13 the first thing you said about building directly outside of spawn was funny. thats encouraged because we are trying to build a small community of people as we don't make stuff like a spawn. that is given to you the minecraftians
welcome to my server
IGN: 1726379897
Why you want to be in my server: I love minecraft , ive always played with most of these mods and love working with others
What do you think I men't by "Common-sense": No Griefing, Stealing, Dont be a jerk ETC
Skype name: (not required): Doesnt have one
Other:I like Kittens and Games... Edit: Im Sitting Refreshin Page.... Waiting "I Never said i was a very good Writer :)"
Updated app​
IGN: bluechiken0funk
Why you want to be in my server: looking for a friendly server to play the mods i enjoy
What do you think I men't by common-sense: dont grief, steal, cause lag, disrespect admins. etc
Im not bad with most of the mods that are also in tekkit, and i play fairly often
I have some knowledge of world edit, i have been an admin on 2 vanilla minecraft servers
Urm, Am i whitelisted now? i attempted a connect and it crashed me on fml.(Something Something).IDMismatch
Can you Upload a copy of your Configs to Dropbox/Mediafire?
or anyone who connects ok?
whitelist app:
Why you want to be in my server: cause i like to play modded minecraft and want to be in a friendly community without griefers
What do you think I men't by "Common-sense": don't do stupid things like stealing griefing trolling that kinda stuff
Skype name: freson01
Why you want to be in my server:Played tekkit for a long time, looking for a good DW server
What do you think I men't by "Common-sense":Don't exploit glitches and limit the use of things that lag the server like timers.
Skype name: (not required)
ok number guy the configs are posted on the first page and everyone should be accepted (everyone) going to stop accepting now but i still might accept
IGN: E46_M
Why you want to be in my server: i want to join a ftb server
What do you think I men't by "Common-sense": no cursing
Skype name: (not required)