Recently I've built a blaze farm from 2 tier 5 blaze spawners from soul shards and have been try to find a way to automatically kill them so that they drop blaze rods. If anyone has an idea how that would be great.
I don't use Soul Shards, but if you build those spawners in the Overworld, then water is a very easy way of killing them.
I've also seen a setup where Blaze as sent through a Nether portal to the Overworld (basically a regular Blaze spawner surrounded by portals), and again, damaged by water and then killed with a damage potion for the XP and rods. If you just want the rods though I'm certain you can just leave them in water for a while and they'll die and drop rods.
Isn't there a UU-Matter recipe for water source blocks?
Battle Turtles on an infinite loop of attack()ing. Drops end up in the turtle's inventory, so you might want to deposit them somewhere. Keep in mind that they drop XP orbs too, so you should find a way to get rid of them before they lag out your game. (Or maybe you can research a way to make use of them.)
Spoilers...A Thaumcraft Brain in a Jar would suck that xp up and then let you get (most) of it back.