Whitelist Server Aurora 24/7 FTB [Monster 1.1.0] [ATG] [Whitelist] [Lockette] [Essentials] [Dynmap] [TS3] [16+]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Hi and Welcome to Aurora 24/7
In Memories of the dbB+ Aurora.
Freelancer Community

Here's some information about Aurora 24/7 and the old dbB+ Aurora community:
Aurora was a old community that ran an server on the game called Freelancer. The community hosted the TNG Mod for freelancer for around 9 years. The community of aurora was one of the great things that kept people coming back but sadly after the community's owner lost his wife to cancer he could no longer afford or had the time to carry on running the community as well as the server. So in short we would like to try to build a community on FTB that closely resembles what the old aurora meant to us.


Server Ip: aurora247.servegame.com
Alternative server ip:

Teamspeak 3: eclypsis.no-ip.info
Website+Forums: http://auroraftb.enjin.com/forum

We have a bunch of friendly admins that are knowledgeable with most of the mods. The staff are there to make your experience on our server a more pleasant one.

We have hourly map back ups. So your always safe

Our staff are very fast to fix bugs and address any issues players may have.

We use countless protection plugins to stop griefing from the core. Such as lockette for protecting chests or anything mod related. Then we offer Structure protection in city's and towns which can also be created by the players themselves!

We take griefing very seriously here as it ruins game play for our members and usually can mean that they will have a bad experience with our server so we try our best to stop this from happening.

Some of the features of the server:
Server market
Spawn city with available plots for members
Transport Network
Give aways(In the form of items)
Friendly Admins


Owner: Karl2002
Admins: Erainion, Johnball2012
Mods: Preekap, Brickmasterj

  1. Staff members are always your superior. When in doubt or in arguement, consult them (And accept their decisions)
  2. Do not exploit glitches - we will punish you (But if you report them, you then may get a prize)
  3. No griefing. Griefers will be severely punished.
  4. No 1x1xY constructs, destroy it after use if you have to have one.
  5. Absolutely no floating structures. All structures should have some sort of realistic supports. Trees should be cut down all the way
  6. Have fun and play fairly.

Plugins shall remain updated


Extra mods and the configs for aurora can be found here with a read me on how to install.
Aurora Additional Mods + Configs: Download
As always if you run into a problem then feel free to ask myself on the forums or on Teamspeak for some help.

None Currently


Soon! Want to be featured here? Let us know


You must apply on this forum post to obtain builder rights or in the server via asking a admin. If you do not, you can still join the server. You just will not be able to do anything.
In certain circumstances we may make a expectation to this rule.

Please follow this format
Why you want to join:
Plugin Suggestions (optional)
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much:
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional)​
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Just a friendly bump to say that there are admins online to white list members. If you would like to find out more about our server and what is planned for the future please do ask away as its important that we know what our community wants.
You can even ask me in our teamspeak server or just have a friendly chat.

Many Thanks

We are currently looking for new admins as well as mods so put in your apps. lets have a chat and see where we go.
Wow this world is amazing... such amazing terrain generation and absolutely no lag!!♡

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk
Quick update on our website as well. I hope to have it functional tonight so that we have a place to communicate as well as a place to report griefers and such.

Also would like to know if people feel that our thread could do with a redesign? thoughts?

Server Update Complete! Server is now on Monster 1.0.4
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Server thread updated and redesigned! Now time to get to work on our website and forums!
Congrats to preekap on becoming a mod! HOORAY!
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Username: daeliee
Location: Halifax, Canada
Why you want to join: looking for a monster server that isn't too large and has a whitelist
Suggestions: for mods if it's stable: atomic science, great realistic tech mod
Plugin Suggestions (optional) not a big fan of too many plugins
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: none actually, played tekkit in 1.2.5 and then vanilla for a long time and came back to modded mc during unleashed
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional): a nuclear plant in unleashed http://imgur.com/a/6V8y1

Accepted! If your free pop onto our ts:) Otherwise you now have access to the server:)
Location: London, England
why you want to join: recently been on a server but the owner was constantly resetting the map to accommodate his friends, looking for a server thats small, whitelisted and doesnt reset every ten minutes.
suggestions: only mod i can think about is ars magica 2, but i can be quite glitch at the current time
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: probably about 100+ in ultimate, and then maybe another 200+ in modded minecraft in general

edit- missed my age,
Username: Afrique617
Age: 26
Location: USA
Why you want to join: Looking for a server to mess around with Monster in.
Suggestions: None
Plugin Suggestions (optional) None
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: 0 experience, I never played ultimate.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional). I have no pic's of anything either sorry T_T.
Location: London, England
why you want to join: recently been on a server but the owner was constantly resetting the map to accommodate his friends, looking for a server thats small, whitelisted and doesnt reset every ten minutes.
suggestions: only mod i can think about is ars magica 2, but i can be quite glitch at the current time
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: probably about 100+ in ultimate, and then maybe another 200+ in modded minecraft in general

edit- missed my age,
Username: Afrique617
Age: 26
Location: USA
Why you want to join: Looking for a server to mess around with Monster in.
Suggestions: None
Plugin Suggestions (optional) None
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: 0 experience, I never played ultimate.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional). I have no pic's of anything either sorry T_T.
Accepted! Welcome
Weather mod was installed. Block Grabbing was turned off to stop damage happening to our world and structures.
Username: optimal_muffin
Age: 16
Location: USA
Why you want to join: I want to join a Monster server with as little lag as possible. I haven't played the Monster pack very much yet, but I would like to start on a server with mature players to make my experience more enjoyable.
Suggestions: A mining age to keep automated mining holes from the overworld. Also, once people get more established, have a public tesseract network that could transport liquids such as water, lava, and even farm products.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I actually played Ultimate quite a bit. I was mainly creating a (in my opinion) pretty impressive AE network that would auto craft, refine ores, produce steam, sustain a tree farm, and produce UU matter.
Username: optimal_muffin
Age: 16
Location: USA
Why you want to join: I want to join a Monster server with as little lag as possible. I haven't played the Monster pack very much yet, but I would like to start on a server with mature players to make my experience more enjoyable.
Suggestions: A mining age to keep automated mining holes from the overworld. Also, once people get more established, have a public tesseract network that could transport liquids such as water, lava, and even farm products.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I actually played Ultimate quite a bit. I was mainly creating a (in my opinion) pretty impressive AE network that would auto craft, refine ores, produce steam, sustain a tree farm, and produce UU matter.
Accepted! See you on the server:)
Username: optibane
Age: 28
Location: Canada
Why you want to join: Looking for a mature server with a great community that helps each other out. I belonged to another great community for 2+ years but I'm afraid it has more or less collapsed since the founder took a step back in order to take care of some 1st world stuff. I'm just hoping to be lucky enough to find a second group of people like that.
Suggestions: I'd like to play awhile and see.
Plugin Suggestions (optional): I am a big fan of GriefPrevention you already have other anti-grief plugins, so.. none right now.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I played Ultimate very extensively, and had multiple gregtech fusion reactors going by the end. My AE network could produce even the most advanced machines such as quantum tanks, fusion reactor parts, and so on from raw materials. I also went very heavy into bees and soul shards and could get all of the material I needed without quarrying. I had a blast setting this all up and helping others with their builds, but by the end there was no challenge anymore. I skipped Unleashed, but have been playing SSP Monster and I'm loving it.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional) An underwater fortress that I made on vanilla SMP a long time ago. :)


  • 2012-05-10_20.22.01.png
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  • 2012-05-10_20.20.31.png
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Username: optibane
Age: 28
Location: Canada
Why you want to join: Looking for a mature server with a great community that helps each other out. I belonged to another great community for 2+ years but I'm afraid it has more or less collapsed since the founder took a step back in order to take care of some 1st world stuff. I'm just hoping to be lucky enough to find a second group of people like that.
Suggestions: I'd like to play awhile and see.
Plugin Suggestions (optional): I am a big fan of GriefPrevention you already have other anti-grief plugins, so.. none right now.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I played Ultimate very extensively, and had multiple gregtech fusion reactors going by the end. My AE network could produce even the most advanced machines such as quantum tanks, fusion reactor parts, and so on from raw materials. I also went very heavy into bees and soul shards and could get all of the material I needed without quarrying. I had a blast setting this all up and helping others with their builds, but by the end there was no challenge anymore. I skipped Unleashed, but have been playing SSP Monster and I'm loving it.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional) An underwater fortress that I made on vanilla SMP a long time ago. :)
Accepted! and welcome:)

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Server update:

Server is down for routine maintenance. Expected downtime is 45 minutes.

Will post again once back up.