Aura and You: All About Thaumcraft 3 Aura Mechanics

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
how does one of those aura battery things work? The ones with 4 cubes in a frame going grey to purple
Take your node, add a few crystal clusters and when aura goes above the node's max, the capacitators will absorb it (unless they fill to their 100vis max). If the aura goes below its max, capacitators will release one vis every 5 seconds to help recharge it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This feels REALLY broken to me, it's like the new thaumcraft's vis/aura system is working backwards from intended :/ Pleaaase, Azanor, fix this! D: I can't charge my wands anymore in my home on my server, and I can't figure out any way to get vis to come back now because of this nonsense! :( Do I need to chop down my silverwood just to get it back? Will that even remove its pure node? ;_;

*Issadkitteh* :(

The weirdest part is, my aura has been reading like 355/355 with no flux, but my wands are all saying "-5%" D:
That might've been a server error though, now the meter reads "A: 184/220, F: Minimal" with a down arrow on the gauge. I just don't get it. ;_;



Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012
It's not a nerco if it was searched and bumped with relivent content.

Necro is the evil thing. There is no word for the other thing because it is good.

Do not insult the newbie by calling the post useless (and as peggle's sig is a count of USELESS posts, ahem).

We must encourage the poor wee things.


On topic... hay, kitty...

Anyway, try crafting a new wand, if you can see the node, and it's got solid aura in it (over 100 is golden) then it's not the fault of any tree.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This feels REALLY broken to me, it's like the new thaumcraft's vis/aura system is working backwards from intended :/ Pleaaase, Azanor, fix this! D: I can't charge my wands anymore in my home on my server, and I can't figure out any way to get vis to come back now because of this nonsense! :( Do I need to chop down my silverwood just to get it back? Will that even remove its pure node? ;_;

*Issadkitteh* :(

The weirdest part is, my aura has been reading like 355/355 with no flux, but my wands are all saying "-5%" D:
That might've been a server error though, now the meter reads "A: 184/220, F: Minimal" with a down arrow on the gauge. I just don't get it. ;_;

It might be possible you kinda used up all your vis or that there was a bug which drained it all. Who knows, How long hast thou been a thaumaturge?

You might want to consider investing into pure bees and crystal clusters, just sayin'.

Oh also, server, someone else might've done it.
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Bomb Bloke

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Your goggles are always supposed to show you the charge of the nearest node. I'd recommend locating the ones near your base and noting their locations in some way, so that when things go screwy you can check up on them and work out which have gone weird.

Sometimes nodes become dormant (and won't do anything), sometimes they just get outright deleted. These are bugs with no real fix, though you can force thaumcraft to regen all nodes from scratch if it comes down to it.

Chopping down a silverwood tree will not remove its node (in fact, you won't be able to see its node until the lower section of the trunk is gone). Planting another silverwood tree on the same spot will result in two nodes, which'll fairly quickly merge into a single, larger node.

Remember that larger nodes should slowly drain into any nearby smaller nodes that aren't at max vis. The largest node in the area cannot steal from other nodes and so will eventually run dry, unless you intervene.
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Well-Known Member
May 25, 2013
The weirdest part is, my aura has been reading like 355/355 with no flux, but my wands are all saying "-5%" D:
The -X% on the right side of the wand bar means you're wearing a piece of Thaumaturgist equipment, which reduces Vis costs by that percentage. With -5%, making 20 Thaumium at once will only drain 95 Vis form your wand, for example. Wand charge should show up as a "N Vis" number in the center of the wand bar.

Note that while aura will usually drain from the closest node when you've casting, that isn't always the case, if you have too many close together.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It might be possible you kinda used up all your vis or that there was a bug which drained it all. Who knows, How long hast thou been a thaumaturge?

You might want to consider investing into pure bees and crystal clusters, just sayin'.

Oh also, server, someone else might've done it.

Computercraft is the best way to monitor a diverse set of node auras in real time, isn't it?[DOUBLEPOST=1370994646][/DOUBLEPOST]
The weirdest part is, my aura has been reading like 355/355 with no flux, but my wands are all saying "-5%" D:

It would help if you actually read your thuaminomicon rather than just whine. It sounds like everything works just fine and you've decided to complain on a forum rather than read the excellent and very readable documentation from a mod that is literally one of the shining examples of a self-documenting mod.
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Bomb Bloke

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You craft a pair of goggles together with a turtle to get some aura monitoring functions. But I've yet to see a report of anyone getting anything but error messages out of them; it appears Thaumcraft got an update MiscPeripherals didn't.

The errors come from the internal APIs used by the functions, so it's pretty obvious they're bugged out. I've tried them myself and only managed to avoid errors by using them far away from any nodes (which is useless for obvious reasons).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
On Topic:
Yeah, it's really confusing so far. I've tried using the goggles and the thaumometer to locate other nodes, but I can't seem to find them. It probably doesn't help that I can't tell which end of the meter is pointing the right way, but I figure it's the side that doesn't flip around instantly when I turn slightly left or right. >.> It's like it's saying the nearest node is across the ocean, or under the ocean, or something. Maybe I settled in a dead region or something? D:

Another oddity, if I go a bit east of my home into a nearby desert, in certain areas my wands will start recharging again.

And Yeah, I'm a complete novice to Thaumcraft 3, and I frankly liked 2 better, but... oh well. Gotta deal with 3 if I wanna play in FTB. xD I'll try cutting the trunk of my tree and seeing how the node looks, or if I can even see it.. If I can't then I know something's broken for sure. I have a feeling that the problem is I set up shop in the center of a dead zone, so there -are- no nearby nodes to drain from. I wonder, if I plant a chain of silverwoods between my area and the nearest big node, would it fix this? Hmm..

These are bugs with no real fix, though you can force thaumcraft to regen all nodes from scratch if it comes down to it.
How do you go about doing that? I might have to suggest it to the server admins, I'm starting to wonder if their deleting part of the map earlier in the week screwed thaumcraft up.

Off Topic:
I'm sorry if I offended anyone by posting in an apparently old thread, but CountFrom0 is right about that generally not being a bad thing. Seems like any time people make new posts, others go 'why u no use search?' and any time we post in an existing topic it's called a 'necro'. xD We can't win! :p Glad people are trying to help though! <3

Except for KirinDave who just seems to want to insult rather than help. Okay, I misunderstood the -5%, the issue remains that wands aren't charging anymore in an allegedly full-aura region. :/ There's no need to be a jerk.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Been a little while but I thought I'd report: Regenerating the world's aura nodes did the trick, everything went back to normal :3


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Suddenly, my Mystcraft void world base that has zero natural aura seems like a horribly bad idea. I was going to create nodes with Silverwood trees, not realizing they themselves needed Aura to grow. Well damn.

Yes i did the same thing and thought it was a bug until i read this, so vis is naturally generated by infused stone, the vis ore, and obviously a void age has none of that. Irecommend what the article here wisely does as well, find a small purenode to act as your surrogate workshop and make crystal clusters there, and bring them over to your void age to make some vis, but you need much of them, for they are not very efficient.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes i did the same thing and thought it was a bug until i read this, so vis is naturally generated by infused stone, the vis ore, and obviously a void age has none of that. Irecommend what the article here wisely does as well, find a small purenode to act as your surrogate workshop and make crystal clusters there, and bring them over to your void age to make some vis, but you need much of them, for they are not very efficient.
Crystal Clusters charge existing nodes, they cannot generate new ones. So like it was said months ago: Regenerate the nodes for the node-empty world, otherwise you cannot have nodes there.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey guys, i tried to read through the whole thread, but i gave up after page 3 :confused: Sorry for digging up this thread again but as far as i know, i am not the only one who did that :rolleyes:

I have a problem and i think i found the solution here. Just wanna know if i got it right. So the problem is: I managed to drain out all Nodes nearby my base. (I didn't really understand how nodes work until i realized that they are gone) As far as i understood from this thread, the solution is to try and create new nodes in the area. I thought it might be smart to make a trail of silverwood trees from existing nodes to my base. Do you guys think that might work?

My base is in the sky. It is at about 160. Does that matter for nodes? So do i have to make a node trail from the ground up to my base? Also, i still have some crystal clusters in my base. Will they work on freshly created nodes and if so, will they be able to increase the node's max charge?

Ah yeah right, we have TC3 on our server. Just in case that matters.

Many thanks,