Assistance with an Automated Boiler.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think I might try that - I already have SC running on logs (its main engine is solar). Will boilers pull directly from chests?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Will boilers pull directly from chests?
Since Version - (11-28-12)
- NEW: Solid Fueled Boiler will pull fuel from adjacent inventories.

That's why in my setup the tubes can fill inventories, instead of needing to feed directly into the boilers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Awesome - Got some changes to make after work and then hopefully start getting it fired up. Thanks for the help, much appreciated - I'll report back with results :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A word of warning I forgot to mention:
Heating a 36HP boiler up from cold to max heat, will cost you over 54 stacks of coal coke. Planks would need almost 1200 stacks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yea, I have some extra dimensional barrels that are filling up so I can get them started. Do you know how much biofuel it takes to heat up?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Almost 700 buckets.
(A 36HP boiler needs 22300945,92 fuel units until max heat)

The attached file contains a spreadsheet (one for libreoffice/openoffice, one exported to excel 2007+), which contains all the basic data from which I originated my math.

Edit: Forgot to mention: Thanks to Omicron for pointing errors in my previous version when runtime calculations were used for runtimes which didn't result in max heat.
Edit2: Updated the tables. Hopefully the export to Excel kept the dropdown menus (for fueltype) intact.


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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have my system up and running - I'll post pictures later on (at work right now). I am successfully running 2 solid boilers and 4 liquid boilers. I'm pretty sure I could set up a 5th liquid boiler if I wanted to, not so sure on a third solid boiler - But first I need to put this power to use, plus I'm out of iron!

The boilers eat very fast through the planks (less than a second per plank), so there would almost always be a demand, which would result in a big mass of planks bouncing around in the tubes.

Hmm... what could work: Scrap those tubes, put the sawmill directly next to the chest sitting between the boilers.

I am doing this, however I needed two sawmills. One sawmill was enough to keep up if I was using a relay to send the items to the boilers feed chest (a double wooden chest), however there was indeed a lot of items bouncing around. Placed the sawmill outputting directly into the chest, but it wasn't able to keep up, added a second sawmill, with the logs being split between the two (equidistant pneumatic tubes) and it is keeping the chest full.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This doesn't make any sense. With tubes you produce too much, without tubes too little? The sawmill always works the same speed (given enough logs, energy and output space). In fact one sawmill is just barely not enough to keep 3 boilers feed by the planks alone, so 2 boilers should easily be topped off.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No idea why.. I just know that when I had only 1 sawmill directly outputting to my chest, I watched the chest quickly start emptying - causing me to swap back to pipes temporarily. Both boilers pull from a single double wooden chest. I watched as the sawmill was replacing what one boiler was pulling, but not what the second was pulling. It might be due to using a double chest, instead of a single chest - The one boiler was pulling from the top left slot, the other was pulling from a slot halfway down. Basically treating the chest as two separate single wooden chests. Perhaps this behavior, and how the sawmill interacts with a double wooden chest was an issue. I didn't test if using a single chest (wood, iron, etc) would correct the issue mainly because I wanted two spots between the boilers and also because they were already heated up. In the end, two sawmills are working just as well.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
MilConDoin - you said you had a tutorial on starting up an SC farm? Is this something you can do earlier in game? I keep hearing about the boilers but I've never tried them out. I'm still fairly new to MC and FTB as well. Playing "stock" Mindcrack v8.

Oh, another quick question - so there are 4 types of boilers? solid LP, liquid LP, solid HP, liquid HP? Is that right?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
MilConDoin - you said you had a tutorial on starting up an SC farm? Is this something you can do earlier in game? I keep hearing about the boilers but I've never tried them out. I'm still fairly new to MC and FTB as well. Playing "stock" Mindcrack v8.

Oh, another quick question - so there are 4 types of boilers? solid LP, liquid LP, solid HP, liquid HP? Is that right?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Depending on the power output and available space you have, you'll need different amounts of ressources. For best fuel efficiency, you should always aim for ones with a size of 36. So add the costs of 36 LP or HP boiler tanks up and add 9 solid or liquid fireboxes on top of that. Not to forget the costs for the 9 or 18 industrial steam engines. Add to that almost two stacks of tracks for the SC farm with 5 diamonds almost a stack of iron and wood.

Depending on what you define as "earlier in game", it could be viable or not. I'd say, the first boiler will be at the transition to mid-game.

And for the variants: Fuel can be solid or liquid, pressure can be LP or HP, size (number of pressure tanks) can be 1, 8, 12, 18, 27, 36.
Thus a boiler can be fully defined for example by "36HP liquid fueled".
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Depending on the power output and available space you have, you'll need different amounts of ressources. For best fuel efficiency, you should always aim for ones with a size of 36. So add the costs of 36 LP or HP boiler tanks up and add 9 solid or liquid fireboxes on top of that. Not to forget the costs for the 9 or 18 industrial steam engines. Add to that almost two stacks of tracks for the SC farm with 5 diamonds almost a stack of iron and wood.

Depending on what you define as "earlier in game", it could be viable or not. I'd say, the first boiler will be at the transition to mid-game.

And for the variants: Fuel can be solid or liquid, pressure can be LP or HP, size (number of pressure tanks) can be 1, 8, 12, 18, 27, 36.
Thus a boiler can be fully defined for example by "36HP liquid fueled".

Wow, that's a lot of materials. So yeah, definitely not something you can start out with. I'm still working on what route I want to go. On one playthrough on SSP, I was using TE doing the Magma Crucible melting stacks of netherrack powering 6 magmatic engines and feeding a Geothermal Generator. Now with the nether/lava nerf, I have to rethink that. Starting looking into farms and boilers. Forestry 2.0 changed those farms to the point where it seems too complicated and can't automate it like you could with the pre-multifarm.

I guess my ultimate goal is Matter Fab (mindcrack defaults to using GT) Just not quite sure how I'm going to get there :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I guess my ultimate goal is Matter Fab (mindcrack defaults to using GT) Just not quite sure how I'm going to get there :p
How to get there? Slow but steady with ever increasing momentum.
I currently started with exclusively TE until REConduits and RECells (almost. Back luck in the nether made me build a Compressor for netherrack->netherbrick for the magma crucible). Next targets are Ind. Electrolyzer and Ind. Blast Furnace from GregTech, with a bunch of intermittent ThaumCraft.
Add strip mining in the mix. I'll probably build a turtle soon for a bit of automated quarrying. If I feel motivated enough, I'll even write a better quarrying program than the default (conserves fuel by basically going 3 layers down each time and digging up+down+front).
After that the resource flow will steadily increase, EXP will come for fortune and silktouch. Add bee breeding into the mix.
And so on, and so on. As said: Slow but steady.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How to get there? Slow but steady with ever increasing momentum.
I currently started with exclusively TE until REConduits and RECells (almost. Back luck in the nether made me build a Compressor for netherrack->netherbrick for the magma crucible). Next targets are Ind. Electrolyzer and Ind. Blast Furnace from GregTech, with a bunch of intermittent ThaumCraft.
Add strip mining in the mix. I'll probably build a turtle soon for a bit of automated quarrying. If I feel motivated enough, I'll even write a better quarrying program than the default (conserves fuel by basically going 3 layers down each time and digging up+down+front).
After that the resource flow will steadily increase, EXP will come for fortune and silktouch. Add bee breeding into the mix.
And so on, and so on. As said: Slow but steady.
That's how I started on my SSP. Changed out the Geo's for Thermal (forget the name, the upgraded generators), built a compressor, rolling machine, Indust. Elect. and Indust. Blast Furnace. I may do a mix of the same or throw in some Thaumcraft because it looks interesting. Thanks for the link, by the way. It gives me something to work with :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Had a rather annoying glitch? happen last night. The tank (buildcraft) that my squeezer pipes into decided it wasn't going to accept any liquids anymore. Since it wasn't taking liquids, the liquiducts backed up, causing the squeezer to stop squeezer as its output was full, causing my mulch production to cease, causing my fermenter to stop, which resulted in no biomass, resulting in no biofuel, resulting in my iron tank running dry, causing my 4 liquid boilers to shut down. Some of one of the liquid boilers associated industrial steam engines power the system (squeezer, fermenter, stills, sawmills) - so no more steam, engines stop, sawmills run out of energy and stop, solid fueled boilers stop. So, I've now got a bunch of cold boilers, which will be a pain in the butt to get started again. I've no clue why the tank decided to stop taking liquid, but I think I'm going to add a back up chest of fertilizer to be used if the mulch chest empties.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Since Version - (11-28-12)
- NEW: Solid Fueled Boiler will pull fuel from adjacent inventories.
VERY interesting! With this info I will very likely change my setup to get rid of one of my timers. My boilers are actually up in my yard, while my SC tree farm delivers logs to a manager below in the basement. I convert some of the logs to charcoal via Powered Furnaces and feed the charcoal up to the boilers via a transposer and tubes. If I move the chest that catches the charcoal up next to my boiler firebox, I can get rid of the transposer and timer that pulls from that chest... woot!

/edit -- oh, side question on solid firebox fuel... with my boilers up to full heat, do you guys see any reason I should be converting logs to charcoal? I am thinking I should be able to pipe logs directly to my fireboxes and just eliminate the charcoal conversion at this point. What do you think?