Assistance for connecting online with a friend.

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Minnesota Jeff

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello, First off I want to say I apologize for posting here in the event this topic should have been threaded someplace else on the forums.

A friend of mine and I started Minecraft about 3 or 4 months ago. We started on the Mojang standard issue Minecraft client using version 1.7.10 and Forge. We tried to do multiplayer then and had no luck and gave up on it and player our own worlds. After watching a couple 'how-to' videos on You Tube I saw how crisp and nice some peoples worlds looked and discovered FTB and been here since.

We have both expressed a desire to try connecting again and bombing around in the same world helping one another out and what ever. Well I've tried and tried to get us connected and no luck.

Some info: I'm on a Comcast connection with 50mb/sec service and My friend is on Allo ( I believe that's how its spelled) with something in the area of 100mb/sec service. We run similar systems. That being we both have Intel I7 systems him with 16gb of ram and me with 8gb ram running on Windows 7 Professional. (Cause yah know... 8 and 8.1 sucks). We both play on the Direwolf20 pack.

I've seen videos on You Tube that do their best to try and teach people how to do this. But I've done things like port forwarding and dropping Windows Firewall and such and we still cant ever seem to connect.

So given the information I have provided can somebody please tell me how to correctly get us playing the same world. And if any further info is needed please let me know and I will off what is needed and asked for (aside from the obvious things such as IP addresses and person info, of coarse).


Minnesota Jeff

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have in the past tried to open my world to LAN. Attempting to emulate what I've seen on vids. I have wondered if the only way to do this is via a server version of Minecraft (hope I am conveying that properly). But to answer your question directly, no I don't have a server situation running.
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Brick Thrower
Forum Moderator
Dec 11, 2013
I have in the past tried to open my world to LAN. Attempting to emulate what I've seen on vids. I have wondered if the only way to do this is via a server version of Minecraft (hope I am conveying that properly). But to answer your question directly, no I don't have a server situation running.

Yeah, opening your world to LAN only lets people on the same network as you connect. You'll need an actual server for this, whether it be hosted by a third party, on a different machine, or on the same machine as someone playing is up to you to decide.

Minnesota Jeff

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So are you saying that its possible for me to run Minecraft server software on my machine so that my friend in Nebraska and possibly my brother in Germany can hook into my machine and play a world I create? Or would it be easier maybe to use a service like Triangle (free for 512mb) to host a server for us?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So are you saying that its possible for me to run Minecraft server software on my machine so that my friend in Nebraska and possibly my brother in Germany can hook into my machine and play a world I create? Or would it be easier maybe to use a service like Triangle (free for 512mb) to host a server for us?
With an i7 machine you should be able to run the server software and the game itself locally and still get an acceptable framerate, so yes this is possible! Only thing you might have to watch out is the memory usage if you're using a high fidelity texture pack. Also, be aware that the server software has to always be on if any one of you wants to play on the server!

However setting up a modded Minecraft server can be a bit finicky - at least currently as Mojang has DMCA'd (to my knowledge) most 3rd party server software providers in an attempt to modernize their own server software. Just do a quick Google search about "Minecraft DMCA" if you're interested to hear more, I won't go into any further detail in this post.

Thankfully for DW20 pack, the FTB team provides a server package of the pack also. So in this case you could do the following:
- download the server pack from the launcher
- port forward port 25665 in your Windows firewall / router settings (MC server port, can be changed in if need be)
- run the server .bat-file
- go to and add the :25665 after the ip you got from here (for example
- make sure that all of you have the same version of the mod pack as the server has
- give this previous IP to your friends and ask them to add this address as a server in Minecraft and join the server
- if you run the server locally, you yourself can simply connect to "localhost"

Here is a video of the process. I didn't review this video personally very carefully, so no guarantees at all. However at least it's something.

Best of luck setting up the server!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
at least currently as Mojang has DMCA'd (to my knowledge) most 3rd party server software providers in an attempt to modernize their own server software. Just do a quick Google search about "Minecraft DMCA" if you're interested to hear more, I won't go into any further detail in this post.

The fuck am I reading? That's utter utter garbage... And if you're refering to the Cauldron/Bukkit debacle you've got some facts SERIOUSLY wrong.

Rest of the post is correct tho OP.
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Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
With an i7 machine you should be able to run the server software and the game itself locally and still get an acceptable framerate, so yes this is possible! Only thing you might have to watch out is the memory usage if you're using a high fidelity texture pack. Also, be aware that the server software has to always be on if any one of you wants to play on the server!

However setting up a modded Minecraft server can be a bit finicky - at least currently as Mojang has DMCA'd (to my knowledge) most 3rd party server software providers in an attempt to modernize their own server software. Just do a quick Google search about "Minecraft DMCA" if you're interested to hear more, I won't go into any further detail in this post.

Thankfully for DW20 pack, the FTB team provides a server package of the pack also. So in this case you could do the following:
- download the server pack from the launcher
- port forward port 25665 in your Windows firewall / router settings (MC server port, can be changed in if need be)
- run the server .bat-file
- go to and add the :25665 after the ip you got from here (for example
- make sure that all of you have the same version of the mod pack as the server has
- give this previous IP to your friends and ask them to add this address as a server in Minecraft and join the server
- if you run the server locally, you yourself can simply connect to "localhost"

Here is a video of the process. I didn't review this video personally very carefully, so no guarantees at all. However at least it's something.

Best of luck setting up the server!
Just want to add that if he wants to set up a server on his home internet, he should make sure he have a decent upload(you don't need much, but you might have problems if you are still stuck with a serious asymmetrical connection like 25/1mbit).
Also you will most likely also need to contact your internet provider and ask for a static outer IP address. Almost all use dynamic IPs a default and this will change over time. I even believe some ISPs(specially Fiber optic providers) use a system where individuals don't actually have an outer IP as such unless you ask for a static IP(not sure if I understood that right, but was something about conserving IP addresses.).

Minnesota Jeff

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OK thanks for the information guys. I have a dynamic IP but I am yet to see it change. Its been the same for several months now. Though I have really no clue how often Comcast decides to change IPs. I've heard too that Static IP's could cost some money. There again not sure if Comcast does that or not. Would have to call them.

Again thanks guys. I've actually been into the world created after I got the server set up and going. But nobody else can get in. I did a port forward check and I am being told, according to the check anyways, that Port 80 is closed on my IP Address. Figure it might have something to do with that. The upload issue is something to think about too, but here again, I don't have anything to go by as my friends cant get in and tell me how crappy the lag is for them. So...