Whitelist Server Assembly Required |Direwolf20 v1.0.18 |Mindcrack Style | Whitelist | 24/7 | PVE | Mature

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Name: Hugo
IGN: thecreen
Age: Nearly 18.
Location: France, Paris.
Do you have a skype/teamspeak? Yes I do, I'll give it if I'm accepted :)
How many hours a day do you play/Activity: I can play from 1 to 6 hours a day, it depands on the work I have to do and my girlfriend.
Experience with Minecraft/FTB: I'm playing minecraft since 2011 (early beta) and playing FTB since the first season of the SSP serie of DW20 :)
Specialty in Minecraft: Mining and automating things with all the mods.
What makes you unique: My eyes... They are beautiful.... and unique.... What's making me unique is my kindness, if someone ask something, I'll give it if I got it.
Why should we choose you: You should choose me because I love helping people, I answer question when I can, I play for fun and try to not bother people around me.
Are you familiar with the Mindcrack server? I'm not, but I'm familiar with the term ''community''.
Interests outside of Minecraft: League of Legends, DoTa 2, HoS (soon :D), go out, my girlfriend, speak on mumble with friends..
Anything else you would like to add: Like I said, I'm french so I can make errors in my sentences, I'm a student in informatic section, I want to be programmer... I already played on server that I quit because it became dead, or because moderators were doing nothing to solve problems... I hope this server will be kind with me :)

Thanks for reading my apply, I hope seeing you soon in the server :)
IGN: cpt_iinzane ( no capitals)
Age: 16
Location: The Netherlands
Do you have a skype/teamspeak?: Yes I have both.
How many hours a day do you play/Activity: 6 hours or more
Experience with Minecraft/FTB: I have played a lot of ftb in the past. But in this new modpack there are some mods I am not familiar with.
Specialty in Minecraft: I am more of a technical guy.I have a hard time making good looking buildings, but I am good at the technical stuff.
What makes you unique: My Jokes and I am very nice.
Why should we choose you: you should chose me, because I can help others when they don't understand some mods. I can help fighting evil mobs and help with technical issues. Basically a common helper.
Are you familiar with the Mindcrack server? Yeah I am, for a long time.
Interests outside of Minecraft: Playing league of legends, Loadout, Dayz
Anything else you would like to add: Nothing.
Name: Porter
IGN: porter243
Age: 23
Location: USA
Do you have a skype/teamspeak? Both actually
How many hours a day do you play/Activity: Recently not very much, but used to be everyday. Im looking to get back into it now.
Experience with Minecraft/FTB: Been playing since their first modpack.
Specialty in Minecraft: No real specialty, but a very well rounded knowledge
What makes you unique: I have no problem helping other, enjoy big coop builds, and will share everything i have.
Why should we choose you: If your looking for a friendly, active player Ill do my best
Are you familiar with the Mindcrack server? Ive heard of it and watched others play on it, but never myself
Interests outside of Minecraft: Golf, Reading, Hanging out with friends.
Anything else you would like to add: Im in the US military so there maybe times when i wont be on for an extended amount of time.
Name: Hugo
IGN: thecreen
Age: Nearly 18.
Location: France, Paris.
Do you have a skype/teamspeak? Yes I do, I'll give it if I'm accepted :)
How many hours a day do you play/Activity: I can play from 1 to 6 hours a day, it depands on the work I have to do and my girlfriend.
Experience with Minecraft/FTB: I'm playing minecraft since 2011 (early beta) and playing FTB since the first season of the SSP serie of DW20 :)
Specialty in Minecraft: Mining and automating things with all the mods.
What makes you unique: My eyes... They are beautiful.... and unique.... What's making me unique is my kindness, if someone ask something, I'll give it if I got it.
Why should we choose you: You should choose me because I love helping people, I answer question when I can, I play for fun and try to not bother people around me.
Are you familiar with the Mindcrack server? I'm not, but I'm familiar with the term ''community''.
Interests outside of Minecraft: League of Legends, DoTa 2, HoS (soon :D), go out, my girlfriend, speak on mumble with friends..
Anything else you would like to add: Like I said, I'm french so I can make errors in my sentences, I'm a student in informatic section, I want to be programmer... I already played on server that I quit because it became dead, or because moderators were doing nothing to solve problems... I hope this server will be kind with me :)

Thanks for reading my apply, I hope seeing you soon in the server :)
IGN: cpt_iinzane ( no capitals)
Age: 16
Location: The Netherlands
Do you have a skype/teamspeak?: Yes I have both.
How many hours a day do you play/Activity: 6 hours or more
Experience with Minecraft/FTB: I have played a lot of ftb in the past. But in this new modpack there are some mods I am not familiar with.
Specialty in Minecraft: I am more of a technical guy.I have a hard time making good looking buildings, but I am good at the technical stuff.
What makes you unique: My Jokes and I am very nice.
Why should we choose you: you should chose me, because I can help others when they don't understand some mods. I can help fighting evil mobs and help with technical issues. Basically a common helper.
Are you familiar with the Mindcrack server? Yeah I am, for a long time.
Interests outside of Minecraft: Playing league of legends, Loadout, Dayz
Anything else you would like to add: Nothing.
Name: Porter
IGN: porter243
Age: 23
Location: USA
Do you have a skype/teamspeak? Both actually
How many hours a day do you play/Activity: Recently not very much, but used to be everyday. Im looking to get back into it now.
Experience with Minecraft/FTB: Been playing since their first modpack.
Specialty in Minecraft: No real specialty, but a very well rounded knowledge
What makes you unique: I have no problem helping other, enjoy big coop builds, and will share everything i have.
Why should we choose you: If your looking for a friendly, active player Ill do my best
Are you familiar with the Mindcrack server? Ive heard of it and watched others play on it, but never myself
Interests outside of Minecraft: Golf, Reading, Hanging out with friends.
Anything else you would like to add: Im in the US military so there maybe times when i wont be on for an extended amount of time.
Accepted! Check your messages for the IP Address.
Name: Daniel
IGN: Salutpoilu
Age: 19
Location: Michigan, USA
Do you have a skype/teamspeak? I have both.
How many hours a day do you play/Activity: Around 2-3 hours a day depending on work and school.
Experience with Minecraft/FTB: Played Minecraft since beta 1.3 and FTB for about a year and a half.
Specialty in Minecraft: I'm pretty well rounded, though I enjoy building.
What makes you unique: My goals are usually based on what's fun rather than any mod's endgame.
Why should we choose you: I'll be friendly and active, and will do my best to help people on the server anyway I can.
Are you familiar with the Mindcrack server? Extremely familiar. Their channels make up most of my subscription feed.
Interests outside of Minecraft: Reading (History, Sci-fi) and gaming (LoL mostly) when I'm not busy or with friends.
Anything else you would like to add: I work and attend university, so any extended absence will probably be due to those obligations.
Name: Tyler
IGN: TheNecromage
Age: 19
Location: United States
Do you have a skype? Yes. The Necromage
How many hours a day do you play/Activity: Depends on how into the game I get. I'd say 2-4 hours a day.
Experience with Minecraft/FTB: I have a lot of Minecraft experience, but not quite as much with FTB
Specialty in Minecraft: PvE
What makes you unique: I'm mellow and not much into PvP.
Why should we choose you: I'm friendly and always willing to help out others.
Are you familiar with the Mindcrack server? I haven't gotten into it yet, will in the future. I intend to watch videos of it soon.
Interests outside of Minecraft: Video games, fishing, and listening to music.
Anything else you would like to add: I normally have quite a bit of free time on my hands.
Name: i can message you it if you want it
IGN: 016Nojr
Age: 14
Location: Norway
Do you have a skype/teamspeak? Both, message me if you want
How many hours a day do you play/Activity: I can play about 4-5 hours each day except mondays
Experience with Minecraft/FTB: Alot of experience with mods'n stuff. Im helping alot of people with stuff.
Specialty in Minecraft: Technical stuff must be the good thing
What makes you unique: What makes me unique, hmmm. I have said to people im addicted to helping people. So said in another way i love helping people
Why should we choose you: You should choose me because i can help people if they need help and i want to join a small community without griefers and stuff
Are you familiar with the Mindcrack server? Yes i am
Interests outside of Minecraft: Skiing and winter acitivities and working with some fun stuff. I also like trains.
Anything else you would like to add: I dont think so.
Name: Chase
IGN: Cpt_AssBurgers (with capitals)
Age: 18
Location: the netherlands
Do you have a skype/teamspeak?: Yes. Both Btw
How many hours a day do you play/Activity: Mostly all day.
Experience with Minecraft/FTB: I know allot of mods that are in this pack. i am familiar so i can start of anytime!
Specialty in Minecraft: I am a good builder, and i like to do some magical stuff. But in vannila i just build..
What makes you unique: My Character is unique and there is just one of the kind.
Why should we choose you: You should accept me becuase i am a very funny guy. i make very good buildings. And i am a nice guy when it comes to poeple. Adn Machines :)
Are you familiar with the Mindcrack server? Yes i am.
Interests outside of Minecraft: Legue Of Legends And many other steam games such as: Loadout, TF2 and more.
Anything else you would like to add: Yas.
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Name:juan Pablo (spanish name)
Location:santiago, chile
Do you have a skype/teamspeak?yes
How many hours a day do you play/Activity:1 or 2 a day depends
Experience with Minecraft/FTB:like 3 years
Specialty in Minecraft:thermal expansion, thaumcraft, Industrialcraft, computercraft
What makes you unique:I now a bit of java and other stuff, play the guitar
Why should we choose you:becouse I have experience in whitelist servers like this one
Are you familiar with the Mindcrack server?yep
Interests outside of Minecraft:informatics, music, 8 bits stuff, old games kind a ps1
Do you have a skype/teamspeak?: Teamspeak ( i have 3 TS servers )
How many hours a day do you play/Activity: 18 when im not working.
Experience with Minecraft/FTB: played since alpha/ since mindcrack formed.
Specialty in Minecraft: automation
What makes you unique: im simply awesome
Why should we choose you: love helping other people with build, automation ect...
Are you familiar with the Mindcrack server?: yep, i watch etho.
Interests outside of Minecraft:Gaming, my business (self employed)
Anything else you would like to add:
Name: Jon Joss
IGN: Jonnyjoss
Age:14 didn't see a age limit but i don't like playing with people that are immature
Location: Canby CA
Do you have a skype/teamspeak? Skype yes Jonnyjoss has family crest of Stebbins on it
How many hours a day do you play/Activity: generally about 2 hours
Experience with Minecraft/FTB: playing for 6 months becoming

Specialty in Minecraft: automation and building
What makes you unique:ready to help and love hunting and outdoor stuff when I'm not doing minecraft
Why should we choose you: I think i am extremely mature for my age and will help anybody with the mods to my knowledge
Are you familiar with the Mindcrack server? very, love following it
Interests outside of Minecraft:hunting and sports as welll as gaming
Anything else you would like to add: Question is there any mods i would have to add
Application Form:
Name: Evan (Evy)
IGN: Evydder
Age: 19
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Do you have a skype/teamspeak? Skype : Evydder , Teamspeack yes inducing sevrer
How many hours a day do you play/Activity: Deponds on what day normaly 4 hours
Experience with Minecraft/FTB: Yes been playing Direwolf mod pack for about 3 weeks now, Been playing mc sense 1.2.5 beta
Specialty in Minecraft: Progarming, Modding, Redstone
What makes you unique: I am a It tech who is also a game designer
Why should we choose you: I am a friendy guy who likes to play games with people and also know how to fix problems.
Are you familiar with the Mindcrack server? I have heard of it.
Interests outside of Minecraft: Programing, Game Development And IT
Anything else you would like to add: Have a dedicated server that needs a use
The server is telling me "Missing ID 9050 from projectred:core "I haven't made and changes to my client. Is there a new config i should have downloaded?
Sorry for not updating the forum for the past week and a half, We are currently going through huge changes and hopefully everything will be resolved by tomorrow. Will keep the forum posted.
It says I'm not whitelisted anymore. i assume its because changes are being made to the server and you don't want anyone joining for now. but just to be sure i thought d post anyway.
Any updates on the server? I still cant access. Is it still due to work or is it a issue on my side?