Name: Hugo
IGN: thecreen
Age: Nearly 18.
Location: France, Paris.
Do you have a skype/teamspeak? Yes I do, I'll give it if I'm accepted
How many hours a day do you play/Activity: I can play from 1 to 6 hours a day, it depands on the work I have to do and my girlfriend.
Experience with Minecraft/FTB: I'm playing minecraft since 2011 (early beta) and playing FTB since the first season of the SSP serie of DW20
Specialty in Minecraft: Mining and automating things with all the mods.
What makes you unique: My eyes... They are beautiful.... and unique.... What's making me unique is my kindness, if someone ask something, I'll give it if I got it.
Why should we choose you: You should choose me because I love helping people, I answer question when I can, I play for fun and try to not bother people around me.
Are you familiar with the Mindcrack server? I'm not, but I'm familiar with the term ''community''.
Interests outside of Minecraft: League of Legends, DoTa 2, HoS (soon
), go out, my girlfriend, speak on mumble with friends..
Anything else you would like to add: Like I said, I'm french so I can make errors in my sentences, I'm a student in informatic section, I want to be programmer... I already played on server that I quit because it became dead, or because moderators were doing nothing to solve problems... I hope this server will be kind with me
Thanks for reading my apply, I hope seeing you soon in the server
IGN: thecreen
Age: Nearly 18.
Location: France, Paris.
Do you have a skype/teamspeak? Yes I do, I'll give it if I'm accepted

How many hours a day do you play/Activity: I can play from 1 to 6 hours a day, it depands on the work I have to do and my girlfriend.
Experience with Minecraft/FTB: I'm playing minecraft since 2011 (early beta) and playing FTB since the first season of the SSP serie of DW20

Specialty in Minecraft: Mining and automating things with all the mods.
What makes you unique: My eyes... They are beautiful.... and unique.... What's making me unique is my kindness, if someone ask something, I'll give it if I got it.
Why should we choose you: You should choose me because I love helping people, I answer question when I can, I play for fun and try to not bother people around me.
Are you familiar with the Mindcrack server? I'm not, but I'm familiar with the term ''community''.
Interests outside of Minecraft: League of Legends, DoTa 2, HoS (soon

Anything else you would like to add: Like I said, I'm french so I can make errors in my sentences, I'm a student in informatic section, I want to be programmer... I already played on server that I quit because it became dead, or because moderators were doing nothing to solve problems... I hope this server will be kind with me

Thanks for reading my apply, I hope seeing you soon in the server