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Anyone else having issues with bees not stacking? I have at least two sets of drones for each species of forestry (not sure about binnie's or magical bees) and they seem to behave like they have different traits ie with some princesses they make 2/whatever unstacking drones.

These are freshly harvested bees strait from the field being shoved into bee houses
Anyone else having issues with bees not stacking? I have at least two sets of drones for each species of forestry (not sure about binnie's or magical bees) and they seem to behave like they have different traits ie with some princesses they make 2/whatever unstacking drones.

These are freshly harvested bees strait from the field being shoved into bee houses
Make sure they're all pristine stock. You can get ignoble bees from hives.

Derp, wasn't thinkin'.
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Anyone else having issues with bees not stacking? I have at least two sets of drones for each species of forestry (not sure about binnie's or magical bees) and they seem to behave like they have different traits ie with some princesses they make 2/whatever unstacking drones.

These are freshly harvested bees strait from the field being shoved into bee houses
I've noticed that some of the villager bees (definitely but it may have been some of the hive bees not to sure) are crossbreeds when collected which would lead to unstackable drones especially in bee houses which do not allow mutation so the hybrid status is maintained without the possibility of the common mutation or if some are analyzed and some are not they won't stack either.
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Is there a block breaker that has an internal inventory?

Got a brainwave for a project, but it hinges on a block like that existing
Anyone else having issues with bees not stacking? I have at least two sets of drones for each species of forestry (not sure about binnie's or magical bees) and they seem to behave like they have different traits ie with some princesses they make 2/whatever unstacking drones.

These are freshly harvested bees strait from the field being shoved into bee houses

That is due to the bees traits. There are 13 traits, ranging from breed, speed, lifespan, effect, and so on, and with each of those you could have simple traits, like species, forest, jungle, etc. Or more complex ones like lifespan, that can have six stages to it, or effect with any number of stages.

For drones to stack, everything has to be exactly the same. One trait being different and the bee wont stack.

If you are mixing bees, they will have a mix of each others traits plus whatever traits they started with. One may be nocturnal and one not, so some may have it and some may not, then one of them may also have a high lifespan, and the other not, so now you may have bees that are nocturnal and long lifespan, or just nocturnal, or just short lifespam, thus none would stack.

It gets complicated but also a bit easy to 'purify' a species so they always produse the exact same bee traits, and thats by constantly breeding the same trait bees (the ones that stack) to the same princess and now allowing any of the drones to re-breed unless they start stacking with the main stack. Once you get that perfect bee, and get a good stack of drones, you can in effect turn any bee into that exact same kind just by breeding in the drones.
Does anything like the Tome of Knowledge Sharing exist for Thaumcraft 4? My friend and I pretty much only want golems, and I thought it would be nice if we could combine our research points.
Does anything like the Tome of Knowledge Sharing exist for Thaumcraft 4? My friend and I pretty much only want golems, and I thought it would be nice if we could combine our research points.
if you have thaumic tinkerer tome of knowledge should be unlockable
So i was looking at the changelog for Monster 1.0.6 and it said Garden biomes from BoP were disabled. Anyone have an idea why they were disabled?
I dont want to re-add the biome if there is a bug, but if not id like re-add it.
tbh I wasn't sure either. however the latest config changes were made in an effort to make the Horizons and Monster Changelogs the same. So I believe garden was disabled in horizons and we changed it to be the same in monster. As for why it was disabled in horizons, well im not sure.

EDIT: I just asked Eyamaz why and he said it was mainly because the biome was out of place. You can re-enable it and there is no bugs

Yea I was thinking possibly a mod interaction issue as well which is why I tested vanilla as well with no luck either :(

Don't know if you solved this, but someone told me to search the deep dark and sure enough as soon as I found a snow biome, I found a blizz. he actually stood out since he is naturally "glowing."
Some mods do not have a config to disable certain items/blocks. Is there another method to do this?

Also, is there a way to adjust the lava efficiency of the Tinker's Construct smelter? It too powerful for my liking.
About to start on Monster, ive seen it as ATG and BoP. If I just create a world and go will it utilise either of these mods? Or is it just a matter of picking the one that I want in the world creation settings and going that way?
About to start on Monster, ive seen it as ATG and BoP. If I just create a world and go will it utilise either of these mods? Or is it just a matter of picking the one that I want in the world creation settings and going that way?

You'll have to pick ATG in the world gen type. It will add BoP biomes to it. I think the asthetics of ATG is amazing, so I definitely suggest it for getting your map explored and starting, but it becomes laggy, so I usually get rid of it.
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I played quiet much on my lite world and now I want to play that world in ultimate. Is there a way to refresh the world with new ores and generated structures of ultimate? Of course without losing my stuff and buildings.

EDIT: nevermind, just tried mcedit repop and it worked.
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Don't know if you solved this, but someone told me to search the deep dark and sure enough as soon as I found a snow biome, I found a blizz. he actually stood out since he is naturally "glowing."

Ah, cool. Will give it a go once I get home. Thanks for the tip :)