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What should I do with a lot of wood? I set up a SC tree farm for the saplings for biomass, but I'm overflowing with wood. (I am just beginning this world, just have basic ore processing, storage, 1 biomass engine; Ultimate pack)

If you plan on using barrels to store resources, you will likely need a lot of it; one single barrel requires 7 logs. That means you can only craft approximately 9 barrels out of a full stack of logs, that's not a lot.

Also, if you are interested in getting into bees, you will need even more, as apiaries are rather costly in terms of wood (and alvearies even more!), and that's not even taking into account all the wood you'll need for frames. (One apiary requires 8 logs, 5 planks and 3 slabs. One frame requires 8 logs.)

But if you really want to spend it on something, you could turn it into charcoal, which you can use in generators or solid fueled boilers to generate EU and MJ respectively. Or of course, you could use it as a building material.

You can never have enough wood.
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So they're powerful, but not powerful enough to harvest a redwood? Also, is it alright if I use copper cable and not that cable you're using in your screenshot?
Well yes, but the more power you give them, the faster it'll work. Hence why I used a Quantum Infinite Power Thingy and glass fiber cables, I wanted to burn through the saplings quickly.
But apparently you can turn up the size of tree it can harvest, which means it could work with redwoods.
I found a fantastic seed for FTB Ultimate that is basically perfect in every way, the best of every seed I've ever seen.

I load it into the client successfully... But when my friend started a server with it, the world was completely different! What gives?

I'm pretty sure we used the same settings for world generation.

Double-check your ExtraBiomesXL config for the seed generating correctly as you intended and for the one where it's generating incorrectly. One biome being disabled/enabled is enough to totally transform the biome distribution entirely.

I had disabled Marshes to deal with a bug in an earlier EBXL version and the result was a radically different spawn area. The only sign it was the same seed - which will be the case with every seed - is that the oceans were all in the same place and the same shape.

For a brief time we accidentally left Marshes on again and suddenly an icy area in our southwest became desert mountains. The difference will be that extreme!
Peat bogs used to be a good source for dirt. You would get back 8 dirt for every 4 dirt + 4 sand you made into bog earth.

You can make sand from cobble, so that input was unlimited.

Not sure how the new forestry farms do peat bogs. Hopefully it is still dirt positive. It probably makes the bog earth for you in the multifarm and outputs spare dirt and peat?
I tested this last night. The ratio is the exact same. Thanks for pointing that out. I just assumed it was less since I didn't properly test it out. The drawback is it's slowish and I have about 20 mj/t going into it so I don't think it can go any faster as I read the multi-farms use from 10-20 mj/t. Now it's a matter of finding out how many or how big or do this plus other methods like making plantballs and doing scrap boxes. I'll probably just do all the things. Thanks Peppe.
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Yes, it's the simplest way to separate items, especially if you're already using Buildcraft pipes. If you really don't want to spend two diamonds just on this, then what are the options... a Filter? If the items are in a chest or other inventory, you need a redstone pulse to extract items. Sorting Machines don't need an external pulse, but they do need Blutricity, so a Thermopile or Solar Panel would be needed (and make sure it's a Redpower panel, not an IC2 one, sorry if you already knew that). No, if this is all you want to do then a couple of diamonds are probably the thing. Diamonds are cheap these days, and you'll probably end up using the other 7 for something.
I make all of my diamonds from macerating coal; so I can get akkt he diamonds I want, but at a price.
MY QUESTION IS, oh sorry, too loud? My question is "how the balls do I get baby villagers? I tried offing half a village once and they never made a single child, but I also once had a village making babies 24/7 once, for no reason. The second example was a long time ago, and was a vanilla bug, though, which had led me to believe that they(Mojang) had had all the Testificates Chemically Sterilized.
It's all about the doors. See for details.
I'm trying to set up a tree farm and I wanted to know if I could link together about 5 of them but only use one diamond pipe to re-stock the planters? I think I could do it, but the saplings wouldn't be distributed evenly, right?
What's the difference between a still and a refinery? I'm planning on converting biomass into biofuel and it appears these two devices do the same thing.
The still creates slightly more biofuel out of the same amount of biomass than the refinery does (3 buckets vs. 2.5 buckets).

EDIT: curses, foiled again!
I make all of my diamonds from macerating coal; so I can get akkt he diamonds I want, but at a price.

This isn't the best idea; a stack of coal is FAR more useful than a single diamond, because of the prelevant need for Carbon plates, especially in Gregtech-enabled modpacks. You can also turn it into coal coke for creosote oil
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This isn't the best idea; a stack of coal is FAR more useful than a single diamond, because of the prelevant need for Carbon plates, especially in Gregtech-enabled modpacks. You can also turn it into coal coke for creosote oil
- Carbon plates can be crafted from charcoal with GT
- Creosote oil can be received from the log->charcoal conversion, too (at least that was possible back in railcraft for MC1.1)
- Carbon plates can be crafted from charcoal with GT
- Creosote oil can be received from the log->charcoal conversion, too (at least that was possible back in railcraft for MC1.1)

Well, I suppose you learn something new every day :P
(although I consider being a member of the wiki team cheating ;) )
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This isn't the best idea; a stack of coal is FAR more useful than a single diamond, because of the prelevant need for Carbon plates, especially in Gregtech-enabled modpacks. You can also turn it into coal coke for creosote oil

And considering how unimportant diamonds are after you've got even a halfway decent mining setup going, it's pretty silly to waste coal on them.

But then again, considering how unimportant coal is after you've got even a partially halfway decent mining setup going, it's pretty silly to do anything else but store all of your stuff in massive barrels and weep tears of joy that you have so much stuff you'll never use.

Yay for quarries!
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Thanks. Another quick question. What are the benefits of the industrial blast furnace over the blast furnace? I just need to make steel for now. I'm leaning towards the industrial blast furnace simply because I can afford it.
Thanks. Another quick question. What are the benefits of the industrial blast furnace over the blast furnace? I just need to make steel for now. I'm leaning towards the industrial blast furnace simply because I can afford it.

For steel, it's usually a lot cheaper to just go with the RailCraft blast furnace (and a coke oven to make coke coal to fuel the steel making process).

The industrial blast furnace has a bunch of other things it can make, which you'll need later on.
Well, I suppose you learn something new every day :p
(although I consider being a member of the wiki team cheating ;) )
I'm in the wiki team because of the bees. Charcoal->Carbon Plates is just the result of using NEI, long before I started any work on a wiki.

I'm the master cheater, I know to press 'u' ;)
A Time ago said everybody not to use Chunkloader on a Frames and use World Anchor instead. Can i use Chunkloaders on a frame now?
I don't know what the Problem was with Chunkloaders but i need the bigger Radius for my Lava Pump OFU in a Mystcraft Lava Ocean :O