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Could anybody tell me what might be causing these problems with the texture, not being missing but rather blank or just distorted.
This shows up when you scroll through the nei with the default pack and pretty much any TP.
But if you type its full or somewhat ID name it will have an image.
Could I possibly get help on pumping lava from the nether? I have two pumps running off of redstone engines. When I am in the nether, I can get them to pump at least 2000 mB/ minute, but when I go back to the overworld, it's not nearly that fast. Also, I do have a chunk loader running in the nether. Is there something I'm missing?
Make sure your endertank/liquid tesseract is placed directly next to the pump. That way there is no bottleneck in the piping.
There shouldn't be any difference in speed based on where you are.
A pump requires a set amount of MJ for each block/bucket of lava it pumps. So there is no real advantage in using several pumps. I usually find 1 pump with redstone engines running hot is plenty to keep up with what I need. But if you more than that, I would suggest using a magmatic engine to power the pump. Remember that you will need a control to stop the engine if there is no need for lava. Else you will have to go back and reset the engine all the time. A couple of Iron gates will do fine, detecting if pump has work->pipe wire signal->output redstone signal to engine.
In 1.6.4 after the boiler adjustments, what's the ratio of multifarm to boilers (36HP) ? Also, what's the steam taken by the thermal expansion steam dynamos? Can I use 18 per 36HP boiler as in the industrial engines?

The answer would depend on what trees you have in your multifarm. Even with a brief foray into tree breeding you can easily get a good enough sapling that will support a 36HP comfortably.

This from Omicron really helped me...

You also don't need to go all the way to the best traits right away. There are trees early on that allow for massive upgrades over the vanilla offerings; you just need to know what you want. Here's what I'm using in my current world for ethanol:
1.) Cross apple oak and birch in a swamp or jungle biome (either works) until you receive a "white willow" sapling. You may receive other species, but they're not important.
2.) Grow your new willow. Harvest yourself a couple saplings so you'll always have some to spare.
3.) Cross apple oak and white willow. There's no species mutation going to happen here, just hybridization. In fact, since the apple oak species trait is recessive and the willow isn't, all resulting saplings will be willows. This is a good thing, because it's the unique canopy shape of the willow that gives it its great output.
4.) Look for a sapling that combines the best traits of both - sapling drop chance of the apple oak, size of the willow, sappiness of the willow. You only need to watch for these three traits, the rest should be identical (but keep an eye out anyway, my memory may be faulty). Also, the hybrid should be apple-bearing in addition to having the right traits. It's simply a game of chance, just keep grafting pollinated leaves until you find the perfect sapling.
5.) Grow your new apple willow. Chop down the tree trunk. Stare in amazement at what happens.
Congratulations! You now have a tree that grows as fast as vanilla apple oaks, generates slightly more wood per tree, drops 10-20 saplings per tree that are all worth three times as much as that of an apple oak, and also drops enough apples to process every single sapling with its own fruit juice (give or take random variance, it's a close call) for that beautiful 50% extra bonus. And of course, you'll have mulch for the fermenters coming out of your ears. The biomass output should be around 6 times that of apple oaks.
Not bad for a quick first foray into tree breeding, no?
Just be mindful of your multifarm - my minimum size one needed two farm hatches in order to be able to output stuff fast enough without overflowing. Larger ones may need three. And make sure it's accessible from below, because the top is going to be one giant cloud of leaves :p
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In 1.6.4 after the boiler adjustments, what's the ratio of multifarm to boilers (36HP) ? Also, what's the steam taken by the thermal expansion steam dynamos? Can I use 18 per 36HP boiler as in the industrial engines?

If with "after boiler adjustments", you mean the reduction of liquid fuel burn values across several mods, then you can just quadruple whatever number you were comfortable with before. If you had a farm that could support 5 boilers, it can now support 1.25 boilers.

Don't bother with any too in-depth math for now, though, as boilers are currently getting a big rework. Increased fuel needs during heatup are going the way of the dodo; instead, steam production speed is temperature-dependant. Therefore you still get a scaling fuel efficiency curve during heatup, but the actual fuel intake is static. No more need to stockpile a buffer before firing things up. During that rework, fuel values and/or production formulas may or may not be adjusted.

As for TE engines, they consume as much as commercial steam engines (half as much as industrial ones).

EDIT: @Infallible83 - note that in the quote you posted, I was making statements about apple production that were from a gameworld with nonstandard Forestry config settings.
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Just a few questions. I'm playing FTB Unleashed.

First, will MFR planters plant cocoa beans?
Second, can MFR machines handle dartcraft's force trees?
Third, is there a way to make fertilizer (ic2 or forestry) renewable early game without a skelly farm?

Thanks in advance.
Just a few questions. I'm playing FTB Unleashed.

First, will MFR planters plant cocoa beans?
Second, can MFR machines handle dartcraft's force trees?
Third, is there a way to make fertilizer (ic2 or forestry) renewable early game without a skelly farm?

Thanks in advance.

1. Not sure if MFR planters will plant those since you need to place them on jungle logs.. normally. Though, with the IC2 crop sticks, you can plant them manually (don't need the logs either, just plant them on the crop sticks which are placed on tilled dirt). The harvester WILL harvest those, and because the plants will regrow automatically you don't need the planter to work. Same counts for melons, pumpkins and even netherwarts if you would want to.. For wheat you could even do the same, though you won't get any seeds this way. Extra tip, sugarcane works too and you wont need a water block right next to it! You still need to have a water block every 4 blocks like you normally would.

2. By default. no. Not in my current 1.5.2 unleashed game. Though I've read someone made an MFR addon mod to make it work. (

3. Yeah the sewer from MFR will make sewage. And the composter from MFR will make the sewage into industrial fertilizer which can be used in the MFR fertilizer. No need for apatite 'n the stuff you just need a field with some animals and a sewer block.
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@Infallible83 - note that in the quote you posted, I was making statements about apple production that were from a gameworld with nonstandard Forestry config settings.

damn... I knew I should have waited for the pros. Out of curiousity, when you say it was relating to a gameworld with edited configs were you meaning the OP's world, or your world was edited? (Basically, is this still a good route to take for your average player?)

1. Not sure if MFR planters will plant those since you need to place them on jungle logs.. normally.

Unless something has changed recently, a good tip that I used was to put a jungle wood log next to the planting area. I need to test that this still works but I will get back to you this evening when I am home from work.
3. Yeah the sewer from MFR will make sewage. And the composter from MFR will make the sewage into industrial fertilizer which can be used in the MFR fertilizer. No need for apatite 'n the stuff you just need a field with some animals and a sewer block.

Does MFR fertilizer work in Forestry machines? Now that i think about it, can forestry farms use dartcraft trees?
Unless something has changed recently, a good tip that I used was to put a jungle wood log next to the planting area. I need to test that this still works but I will get back to you this evening when I am home from work.

Ah I see, so that the planted cocoa would be just in range of the harvester, but the log itself is outside the harvest area.

I also noticed there is an option to harvest jungle logs, I assume this was made so you could grow cocoa on it without the harvester mining the logs. So it would probably be possible to use the planter to plant them too. Anyway, I just use the crop sticks and it works perfectly too. I guess it's just what your own preferences are.

Does MFR fertilizer work in Forestry machines? Now that i think about it, can forestry farms use dartcraft trees?

Hmm I do know you can use Forestry fertilizer in the MFR fertillizer machine. Not sure if you can do it the other way around. I can't check it right now, but my mind says no :)

Don't know about Force trees in a Forestry farm though.
Apply enchantments using it.

You'll see it advance every time you use one, new ones you've not used before advance it quicker I believe.
Was the NEI Hightlight tip. Once I turned that off everything started working.[DOUBLEPOST=1385603350][/DOUBLEPOST]

As a player you chunk load about a 9 chunk radius. Depending on the chunk loader being used that could be lot smaller. However, it would help to know what pack/version you are running and what pump you are using. Pics can also help. I know when I was pumping the nether for power I would have to move my pump to fresh lava when it stopped producing.
I'm using the DW20 v5.3.2 pack, and the BC pump. Also, the problem is not the pump itself, because it pumps adequate lava when I'm in the nether. (I have the chunk loader set to 9 chunks i think)