Whitelist Server Asgard | Direwolf20 1.0.16 | Whitelist | Small Friendly Community | 24/7 | No Lag

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi everyone, the minecraft Direwolf20 FTB Asgard server is looking for new players. We are looking mainly for friendly players, experience is not a requirement. I would also prefer to have older players(17+), but if you're young and mature it's fine.

This server has a small community of friendly people, where people can chat, help each other and have a nice time playing FTB.

The server has 10 slots and around 6 or 7 active players and would like to have 5 to 10 more.

We are running MCPC+ and have GriefPrevention, Essentials and some other nice plugins running.

If you would like to join us please post here the following things:
1 - What is your experience with FTB?
2 - How old are your?
3 - Why would you like to play on this server?
4 - What is your ingame name?

Server specs:
Processor: Intel Quad Core Xeon E3-1245 3.4GHz (3.8GHz Turbo)Ram: 4GB DDR3 Ram SSD: 2x 240GB SSD Internet: 1GBIT Port Location: Las Vegas

Server Ip:
Pack Version: Direwolf20 1.0.16
Disabled Items:
- Mystcraft Binder, IC2 Nukes, ChickenChunks loaders (world anchors work fine)

- No Quarries on the overworld
- No griefing
- Use your common sense and be nice to each other :)
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1. I have been playing ftb since it came out and played Tekkit b4 that. I have a lot of knowledge with the mods but not must expierence with the 1.6 versions
2. 17
3. I want a good community of people that can be trusted. I don't want to have anything banned from the server so I can get the whole ftb expierence. I also want a quality server that will be around for a while and it looks like you know what you are doing
4. Caddysmack25
Extra: I have a friend that I have played with from the start who is even better then me. His name is 1000megavolts and he is also 17. He has reduced lag on the server before that we were on and is a great asset to ask questions. Thank you
1 - What is your experience with FTB?
On and off for about 2 years now.

2 - How old are your?

3 - Why would you like to play on this server?
Looking for a good server with a small friendly community

4 - What is your ingame name?
I would like to make this post for me and my twin Brother. We both agree on the Answers. :D

If you would like to join us please post here the following things:
1 - What is your experience with FTB?
Played it since came out. Even Before it came out i used to play the old mods i.e mo'creatures, All thuamcraft, pistons (when it used to be a mod)
2 - How old are your?
19 (we are twins :P)
3 - Why would you like to play on this server?
I build things and want to show others. also, A SP world isnt as fun as a SMP :P
4 - What is your ingame name?
dragonhippie and blazorfire
What is your experience with FTB?
Played on and off since it came out. Played Tekkit-pack before that. Avid viewer of Direwolf20 series.

How old are your?

Why would you like to play on this server?
Looking for a friendly, fun and small community.

What is your ingame name?
1 - What is your experience with FTB? I played Tekkit for over 2+ years and about FTB for 1/2 years. I'm experienced in basic mods but sadly I have not played since 1.4.7/1.5.2 and now the mods are highly different and such.
2 - How old are your? 16
3 - Why would you like to play on this server? I need a small, friendly community to play with.
4 - What is your ingame name? cpaxe97
1) What is your experience with FTB? I have been playing FTB for about a year now and checked out a lot of different modpacks also on top of that I still play on different launchers like Void Launcher, ATLauncher and Technic platform. I am experienced with a wide range of mods going from MFR to Forestry or ars magica 2.
2) How old are you? 16
3) Why would you like to play on this server? I would rather prefer small communities as then I think I can get on with everyone and always we can learn from each other me and my friend where looking for a good server where we could keep in touch with other people and see how they go around things.
4) What is your ingame name? pokemonmaster201
I've been playing for a while on Tekkit and FTB.
40 years
Looking for a server that has low ping.

Don't have much time to build on the weekdays, but weekends I do.
1 - What is your experience with FTB? I just started out and this looked like a nice server to play on, Looks very freindly :)
2 - How old are your? I am 16 years old
3 - Why would you like to play on this server? It look's like a great server to start out on and hopefully stay for a long time :)
4 - What is your ingame name? King_husky
Hi there.

1 - I played for around 6 months just after ftb was released however it seems a lot has changed since then.
2 - 39
3 - I'd like to play multiplayer and prefer a small community of mature people to play with.
4 - Omatche
1 - What is your experience with FTB? I have played for a pretty short time, only a few months, but I learn fast and I have learned a decent amount.
2 - How old are you? 18
3 - Why would you like to play on this server? I've been playing on large servers, but I would prefer a smaller community of players who can get along and possibly help each other rather then a large population of greedy players.
4 - What is your ingame name? SupremeAlan
1 - What is your experience with FTB? I am very experienced in industrial things like pipes, quarries, and much much more
2 - How old are your? 17
3 - Why would you like to play on this server? i'm looking for a small private community server with no griefing and this server looks perfect
4 - What is your ingame name? Eddie_Edwardson
1 - Experience with FTB: Played over 200 hours on a single server, and a bit on some other servers (AE is my favorite mod in my opinion from the time I've played; Thaumcraft close second)
2 - Age: 16
3 - Why I want to play: Because the server I played on before everything was deleted over the course of a map reset and the update. So I want a new start on a good friendly private server.
4 - IGN: kainorulez
Hope you accept me =)
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1 - What is your experience with FTB? I have played about 50-70 hours of different FTB packs this far.
2 - How old are you? 16
3 - Why would you like to play on this server? I am already playing on FTB monster server, but I feel that some of the mods are overpowered (nether ores), and I like to have a good challenge. Also I want to test all packs before investing more time into one server. And I chose this server because I prefer small communities and low ping!
4 - What is your in-game name? MegaVoimaa
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1. Several packs over years. Had a server for some friends in my home for quite some time.
2. 37
3. A friend and I are/were looking for a new server after the other one died (still twitching). He already joined and seems convinced the search is over. :-) I am looking for a small smoothly running server with a bit of talk between the players.
4. LordBane42
Hey Shaft, Thanks for adding me to the list, I just tried logging into the server however it gives me the following crash report.

The following multiparts are not installed on this client: extrautils:fence, extrautils: pipejacket.

Do you know how to fix this so i can logon and come join your little community?

Edit: Found the fault. Launcher is listing the 1.0.14 version I tried force update but that still didnt resolve the issue. Is there anyway i can manual down and update the direwolf pack?
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1 - What is your experience with FTB? Been playing it for years.
2 - How old are your? 28
3 - Why would you like to play on this server? Trying to find a friendly server with good latency and nice people to do stuff together
4 - What is your ingame name? neoandrew