Ars Magica config?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sorry if this is the wrong board, but I'm trying to get Ars Magica to run with my Ultimate. I hear that it has ID Conflicts with RP and IC2, but I don't know where to change the Item ID's in ars magica, I don't want to change the Id's of IC2 or RP because I'm adding it to an already genned world, any help? or anyone to share configs?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Protip: just install the mod and start your client/server. Watch your ForgeModLoader log (the one ending in ".0" is always the most recent). Open it with something that can search for strings and look for the word "conflict". It'll tell you the ID numbers you need to fix.

For Item ID conflicts, this error is non-fatal, meaning that you'll just see a bunch of errors to fix. For Block ID conflicts, Forge will stop and scream, so you'll have to work through those 1 at a time. Since you're adding Ars in on top of ultimate, you should change the IDs in Ars's file. Try and find ranges that FTB isn't already using to maximize your pack's compatibility and minimize its maintenance going forward.

And while you're in there, turn off the Vanilla recipes for mmmPowersuits.cfg.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks I guess I'll have to try that, Im not sure where to find the Item ID's in ars since it wont add a config until i get it to load right


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, when I try to run I black screen and nothing happens (except a bunch of red in my console) but an ars magica config has not generated so