I'd been looking forward to getting the channel shape for most of my spellcasting life, but once I got it, it doesn't seem to do what I thought it would. You'd think, "channel - lightning damage" would force lightning everything in front of you, or the same with fire damage, right? Instead, it just hurts you the longer you hold the button. This would all make perfectly good sense if you could just "channel - chain/touch - damage", but you can't. The table says that "Channel is a terminus shape and shapes after it will not apply", and doesn't let me make the spell.
Obviously either channel is broken, or I'm using it very very wrong. Unfortunately, finding information on Ars Magica 2 is tricky with it being so (relatively) new, so I'm hoping somebody here could help me understand.
Obviously either channel is broken, or I'm using it very very wrong. Unfortunately, finding information on Ars Magica 2 is tricky with it being so (relatively) new, so I'm hoping somebody here could help me understand.