Whitelist Server Arelia FTB | Mindcrack 8.3.2 | A friendly community server! | Expensive Recipes Disabled!

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name:Zanec321
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: 2 years
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: for about a year
  • My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are: i like forstey cause you have to find what bee's to breed and tree the get a super bee and try to get as many wood's you can get i also like thaumcraft cause you have to find what things to put in it to get up in the thaumcraft tree im also open to new mods cause i can learn them and hope to master them
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: i like building and learning new mods as i go i hope one day i can make a conpound on a server with all the mods packed in and i enjoy when i build a great build and get to the best we can like a power plant and a factory that will auto so stuff like a ender chest thing i know how to make with the bag and chest

My in-game name:
How long I have been playing Minecraft:
I have been playing minecraft since it was released. This was long before any other things were added aside from digging.
How long I have been playing Feed the Beast:
A few months. I've been playing Technic far longer. The mods are mostly the same, and I am enjoying the few differences.
My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are:
Industrial Craft 2 and Power Suits. I'm familiar with IC2 and use it regularily. Power suits give me the ability to mine and build in harsh environments with ease.
I've been liking the thermal expansion mod, because Gregtech makes IC2 a lot more difficult.
The thing I enjoy most about the game is: I like to build, mostly. I will do some mechanics to get the materials. I like to do architecture and build cities, with the infrastructure for them included.
Often times I like to invite other players to live in my cities, or my Kingdom. This makes it a bit more fun, and includes some more people in the experience. It also gives me an excuse to build just about anything I want to.
Welcome both of you to the server! Hope you have a wonderful time in Arelia.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My in-game name:xPhantomLord
How long I have been playing Minecraft:since 1.2.5 relase
How long I have been playing Feed the Beast:3-4 months
My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack are:computer craft and thaum craft
The thing I enjoy most about the game is:The turtles <3
Hope you accept my aplication


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name: Moggey12
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: Beta 1.4
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: November 2012 (or around about)
  • My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are: Computer craft and forestry, Computer craft for the awesome programs you can write with them and the versatile amount of uses for them and forestry for the Eco-friendly approach to mc and Stop overpowered Ultimate Hybrid Solar Panels
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: Building and messing around
•My in-game name: Dunferno
•How long I have been playing Minecraft: Beta 1.5
•How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: November : 2012
•My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are: computercraft cause of the turtels being so awsome and fun to mess with
•The thing I enjoy most about the game is: Caving
Sorry for the double request on one post my friends cba creating a whole new account for yet another forums site!
-Moggey12 and Dunferno


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My in-game name:xPhantomLord
How long I have been playing Minecraft:since 1.2.5 relase
How long I have been playing Feed the Beast:3-4 months
My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack are:computer craft and thaum craft
The thing I enjoy most about the game is:The turtles <3
Hope you accept my aplication
I'm afraid this application requires a huge improvement if you'd like to become a member of our server. Thanks!
  • My in-game name: Moggey12
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: Beta 1.4
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: November 2012 (or around about)
  • My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are: Computer craft and forestry, Computer craft for the awesome programs you can write with them and the versatile amount of uses for them and forestry for the Eco-friendly approach to mc and Stop overpowered Ultimate Hybrid Solar Panels
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: Building and messing around
•My in-game name: Dunferno

•How long I have been playing Minecraft: Beta 1.5
•How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: November : 2012
•My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are: computercraft cause of the turtels being so awsome and fun to mess with
•The thing I enjoy most about the game is: Caving
Sorry for the double request on one post my friends cba creating a whole new account for yet another forums site!
-Moggey12 and Dunferno
I would appreciate it if both of you could add just a touch more to your applications. Hope to see another application if you'd like to be a part of Arelia! Thank you.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name: Moggey12
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: Beta 1.4
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: November 2012 (or around about)
  • My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are: Computer craft and forestry, Computer craft for the awesome programs you can write with them and the versatile amount of uses for them, i find that using turtles for easy tasks or computers for sorting or basic jobs which can be done using simple methods but with not as many possibility's . Forestry for the Eco-friendly approach to mc and stop overpowered Ultimate Hybrid Solar Panels. I'm pretty sure u use Solar panels for cheap and easy power why not challenge your self to use only steam or biomass? Stevecarts 2 also one of my preferred mods as it takes minecarts to a new level of awesomeness and combined with rail craft what more opportunities would u want? Combining all of these mods is Redpower the most complicated of redstone circuits made in tiny space thanks to this awesome bundle of cables!
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: Building and messing around with redstone etc. Not wanting to sound arrogant i'm a very good builder, FTB adds so many new blocks and tools it takes making things to the extreme making it easy to construct massive and beautiful builds with relative ease. Redstone is my love its useful fun and tricky to work with creating a puzzle of wires which result in success
•My in-game name: Dunferno
•How long I have been playing Minecraft: 1.5 beta (back in the old days) :p
•How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: I think it was November 2012!
•My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are: I quite like computercraft and also stevecarts!
•The thing I enjoy most about the game is: In my opion I think mining turtles are the greatest just because you can do basicaly anything! I uses to always use any sort of turtle for everything on the last server was on! I also am a pretty good builder! Who takes it step by step not just making something in a rush. If I where to come on then I would probaly make something big. Maybe something out of Lord of the rings because I like their style. Normaly when I join a server my mates normaly call me a mole because i spend so much time caving! I enjoy it soo much, i can't type it! Me and turtles will rock the caves :p

Sorry for the double request on one post my friends doesn't want to create a whole new account for yet another forums site!
-Moggey12 and Dunferno!

Building skills in the file attached enjoy =)


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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name: Moggey12
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: Beta 1.4
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: November 2012 (or around about)
  • My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are: Computer craft and forestry, Computer craft for the awesome programs you can write with them and the versatile amount of uses for them, i find that using turtles for easy tasks or computers for sorting or basic jobs which can be done using simple methods but with not as many possibility's . Forestry for the Eco-friendly approach to mc and stop overpowered Ultimate Hybrid Solar Panels. I'm pretty sure u use Solar panels for cheap and easy power why not challenge your self to use only steam or biomass? Stevecarts 2 also one of my preferred mods as it takes minecarts to a new level of awesomeness and combined with rail craft what more opportunities would u want? Combining all of these mods is Redpower the most complicated of redstone circuits made in tiny space thanks to this awesome bundle of cables!
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: Building and messing around with redstone etc. Not wanting to sound arrogant i'm a very good builder, FTB adds so many new blocks and tools it takes making things to the extreme making it easy to construct massive and beautiful builds with relative ease. Redstone is my love its useful fun and tricky to work with creating a puzzle of wires which result in success
•My in-game name: Dunferno

•How long I have been playing Minecraft: 1.5 beta (back in the old days) :p
•How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: I think it was November 2012!
•My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are: I quite like computercraft and also stevecarts!
•The thing I enjoy most about the game is: In my opion I think mining turtles are the greatest just because you can do basicaly anything! I uses to always use any sort of turtle for everything on the last server was on! I also am a pretty good builder! Who takes it step by step not just making something in a rush. If I where to come on then I would probaly make something big. Maybe something out of Lord of the rings because I like their style. Normaly when I join a server my mates normaly call me a mole because i spend so much time caving! I enjoy it soo much, i can't type it! Me and turtles will rock the caves :p

Sorry for the double request on one post my friends doesn't want to create a whole new account for yet another forums site!
-Moggey12 and Dunferno!

Building skills in the file attached enjoy =)
Much much better applications! Pleased to see the effort, and as such I'm happy to welcome you to Arelia. Hope you have a wonderful time! :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name: kalen2701
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: Early alpha, don't remember the exact version, but I remember getting excited about getting snow.
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: About a month or so. I currently play on a yogcraft server just because my brother is on there, but the pack is really limited.
  • My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are: I really like the thaumcraft pack. I could never get into the other packs e.g. buildcraft/ic3 (? maybe it's still ic2, I don't remember) because thanks to the old server rules I could only use coal engines to run quarries, and I just got lazy when it came to building all the dang machines. I'd love to get into the other packs which I hope I can do here.
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: I love the building aspects of minecraft. I have so much fun just sitting down and building things. The crafting and mining are also great as well. All I can really say is I love the game.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name: kalen2701
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: Early alpha, don't remember the exact version, but I remember getting excited about getting snow.
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: About a month or so. I currently play on a yogcraft server just because my brother is on there, but the pack is really limited.
  • My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are: I really like the thaumcraft pack. I could never get into the other packs e.g. buildcraft/ic3 (? maybe it's still ic2, I don't remember) because thanks to the old server rules I could only use coal engines to run quarries, and I just got lazy when it came to building all the dang machines. I'd love to get into the other packs which I hope I can do here.
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: I love the building aspects of minecraft. I have so much fun just sitting down and building things. The crafting and mining are also great as well. All I can really say is I love the game.

Enjoy your practically unrestricted access to the MindCrack FTB pack on Arelia! Welcome to the server, have a wonderful time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name: infect_ram
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: since 1.7.3
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: A couple weeks on and off
  • My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are: So far I'v only played around with IC2. I have yet to explore the other mods so I cannot say what is my favorite mod yet. Ideally I would explore them more before joining a server, but I get lonely playing in single player.
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: Playing with others. I have never gotten the hang of playing single player minecraft for extended periods of time. I love to play with others. Even if it's just by talking to them and visiting their place from time to time. I mysealf like to play by mysealf, but love to show my work. Building is runner up on my list of things I love on minecraft. I like to challenge myself with new types of builds. Best of all is being able to build amazing thing's completely in survival and getting all the resources, and then sharing it with people in game.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name: infect_ram
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: since 1.7.3
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: A couple weeks on and off
  • My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are: So far I'v only played around with IC2. I have yet to explore the other mods so I cannot say what is my favorite mod yet. Ideally I would explore them more before joining a server, but I get lonely playing in single player.
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: Playing with others. I have never gotten the hang of playing single player minecraft for extended periods of time. I love to play with others. Even if it's just by talking to them and visiting their place from time to time. I mysealf like to play by mysealf, but love to show my work. Building is runner up on my list of things I love on minecraft. I like to challenge myself with new types of builds. Best of all is being able to build amazing thing's completely in survival and getting all the resources, and then sharing it with people in game.

I got your application on the Minecraftforums thread a few days ago! You were added quite a while ago! :p Welcome for the second time to the server :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I never applied on the minecraft forum... Also I just checked it and never saw my name. Whatever though thanks for the welcome and it will be good to see you again robbo. I noticed a lot of people from arelia and some from orbis have applied as well. I think we are all just excited to see you again


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I never applied on the minecraft forum... Also I just checked it and never saw my name. Whatever though thanks for the welcome and it will be good to see you again robbo. I noticed a lot of people from arelia and some from orbis have applied as well. I think we are all just excited to see you again
You're right! I'm confusing you with someone else! xD Apologies. But welcome anyway.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name: waywardbat
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: Since 1.4.2
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: Since January
  • My favorite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are: My favorite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack are the ExtraBiomes and the Twilight Forest packs. The reason I like them are the diversity that they bring to the game adding more biomes and animals. I like the machines and playing with all the rest that FTB has to offer over the Vanilla game.
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: The thing I enjoy most about the game is the adventure aspect of the game. In the beginning of playing the game, everything was equal (building, caving, adventuring), but my four-year old is infatuated with creepers. :)