Whitelist Server Arelia FTB | Mindcrack 8.3.2 | A friendly community server! | Expensive Recipes Disabled!

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name: Darumbar
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: Since Beta
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: 4 Months
  • My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are: All the technical ones, I love building complex sorting machines, Steves carts for the almost endless configuration. I also like how many of the mods work with each other to open up new possibilities. Greg-Tech for the added dimension and end game content it provides. I dont really consider the Mining drill or the Macerator End game so glad to see its on easy recipies!
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: Technical aspects, using pipes and gates. Why hand move ore to the macerator then hand move it to the furnace when you can build a whole system to do it and sort it for you! My builds might not be the best looking, in fact they are definetly not, but, the systems I build are usually pretty efficient. I also like to get involved on community level helping other sort problems and contributing to builds.
On a side note I work from home which means I can log in very regularly and I do not mind donating to help run a great server.
Look forward to playing with you guys!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name: Dj_monsta_Pr
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: Since 1.2.3 about a year
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast:since The Mindcrackers Started
  • My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are:Industrial and BuildCraft But I Dont Limit My self to them , I like em reason being that ive always been into machinery and very productive electronics and so on
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: The Laughs and Fun We have learning new things and making friends :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
LMAO, Block and stirky move out, have a week + to get everything out, as I was stuck on a corrupt block, so I take what is left and get banned. LOGIC!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name: Camab1
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: I have been playing since 1.5.6
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: I have been playing for about 3months
  • My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are: All the technical things, I love building complicated machines. I also like how many of the mods work with each other to open up new items and such, more items means more complication more complication means even more fun to FTB,Greg-Tech for example. it makes everything more difficult so i get to take more time and put it into the server to find out what works with what and such.
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: using pipes i feel as the piping in this is like real life, i love how there are so many mods to explore. The thing that i love about FTB is since there are so many mods into it you cant really go wrong there are so many things to explore so if you have nothing else to do and you have a lot of supplies waiting in your crafty chests than u can start creating even tho u might not know what your doing its just something to do to waste your time and i just like having fun with the mods that have been put into this launcher.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name: Austiin
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: Since July 2010
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: Very new to the pack. I've been looking for a decent server to start and learn the pack on, and this seems to have a nice supportive community to begin my journey.
  • My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are: Although I don't have that much in-game play time, the mod that I am most interested in is Thaumcraft. This mod allows the player to explore a new magical side of minecraft, and does it better than the vanilla game, or any other 'magic-style' mod out their. The amount of recipes, tools and items it adds to the game is amazing. On the other hand, I really enjoy Forestry with it's farms and tree-breading which is really fun to play around with.
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: I like how the complexity and integration of all the mods in Feed the Beast provides an endless amount of content that you can delve into with friends, setting goals and challenges for yourself along the way. Not only this, the pack is a breath of fresh air for someone who has been playing for almost three years now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name: Teckdragon
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: Since 1.7ish Beta
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: 3-4 Months
  • My favorite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack are: Buildcraft and Forestry
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: The creative freedom that it provides, Challenges to make and overcome them.
[DOUBLEPOST=1367578230][/DOUBLEPOST]How often are people added to the list?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would just like to say Scott, you got banned for taking stuff that wasn't yours to take. You had no input with the AESU or the quantum chest/tank. If you take things without asking what are people supposed to think?

What you just said was an excuse, and a fairly bad one.

Did you ever hear me say im moving away from my base? Did I ever once tell you that you wasn't welcome? No I did not. So please keep your excuses to yourself, you wouldn't of even said anything if you hadn't been caught.

(I half expect a childish response, so I will await what garbage is to come next)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How long have I been playing Minecraft:1.8
How long have I been playing Feed The beast:around late beta.
My favorite mods in the mindcrack FTB:IC2 and Buildcraft,Red Power is gaining interest.
The thing I like most about the game is:The ways you can use machinery allows for great creativity while extra biomes adds variety to the terrain.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name:liawjunwei1999
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft:I'v been playing for about 2-3years .
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast:I've just started FTB few months ago.
  • My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are:More recipes than Tekkit and there's nothing that is smiliar to condemser that we can make extra things.
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is:IC2 and most is mining cause I love ores that are cool :b


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
LMAO, Block and stirky move out, have a week + to get everything out, as I was stuck on a corrupt block, so I take what is left and get banned. LOGIC!

I made an account on this forum for the sole reason of replying to you which imo shows how strongly I feel about this.

NOTHING at our base was yours to take. NOTHING at all. You contributed about 20 minutes worth of building to the entire thing which block and I must've spent about 50-100 hours combined on. You also put absolutely no resources/help towards the making of anything which you took (i.e the AESU, the quantum chest and the quantum tank).

What exactly went through your head?
Did you think it was fine to take an AESU, one of the most expensive blocks in the game (far from the most expensive but still one of the more expensive ones).
Did you think it was fine to take a quantum chest containing like 160,000 oak wood?
Did you think we wouldn't mind if you stole the quantum tank?

As I made it VERY clear to you, what was at the base was NOT yours to take. It never had been. You were merely leaching our machines/fort without contributing at all to the creation of it.

Without sounding rude, people like you ruin the fun of minecraft for others. Nothing annoys me more than someone who is willing to use the work of others and not contribute at all, and I haven't even got started on the stealing yet...

Altogether, its been proven that you have stolen:
1 x AESU
1 x Quantum tank
1 x Quantum Chest
160,000 x Oak Wood
An unknown amount of UU matter, probably a few stacks
3 stacks of titanium (which, had I not noticed you'd stolen it, you'd still have now. I remember your excuse well- "I didn't realise I took it" BULL.)

You also leached our machines and power which block and I worked very hard to make- whilst you didn't.

Good riddance Scott. I thought you were a nice/trustworthy guy, and those are the exact words I said to Block when he asked me if I wanted you to move in. I feel extremely stupid for telling block that you were trustworthy- had I not, none of this would have happened.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name: Spitfire2k6
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: Roughly 2 years.
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: Since it's release.
  • My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are: I like thermal expansion and buildcraft for getting started but when it comes to having fun with resources I like Thaumcraft due to it's diversity. This being said I tend to dabble in most of the mods when I need something from them, that's what they're there for!
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: The diversity of the game when mods are introduced is incredible and makes the game extremely fun to learn and play.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name: Azzirallas --- you probably remember me from old arelia
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: alpha
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: 2-3 months i suppose
  • My favorite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack are: thaumcraft, industrial craft, build craft and potato craft
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: i like blocks anyone who stands in my way and like round this is lame and should firiey meatballs and socks are of the bear now!
  • My favorite flavor potato chips is: jalapeno cause i like them spicy and they are good... i am not 8 years ps...
Added! Welcome to the server.[DOUBLEPOST=1367654183][/DOUBLEPOST]
  • My in-game name: Darumbar
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: Since Beta
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: 4 Months
  • My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are: All the technical ones, I love building complex sorting machines, Steves carts for the almost endless configuration. I also like how many of the mods work with each other to open up new possibilities. Greg-Tech for the added dimension and end game content it provides. I dont really consider the Mining drill or the Macerator End game so glad to see its on easy recipies!
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: Technical aspects, using pipes and gates. Why hand move ore to the macerator then hand move it to the furnace when you can build a whole system to do it and sort it for you! My builds might not be the best looking, in fact they are definetly not, but, the systems I build are usually pretty efficient. I also like to get involved on community level helping other sort problems and contributing to builds.
On a side note I work from home which means I can log in very regularly and I do not mind donating to help run a great server.

Look forward to playing with you guys!
Added! A lovely application; welcome to the server :)[DOUBLEPOST=1367654233][/DOUBLEPOST]
  • My in-game name: Camab1
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: I have been playing since 1.5.6
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: I have been playing for about 3months
  • My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are: All the technical things, I love building complicated machines. I also like how many of the mods work with each other to open up new items and such, more items means more complication more complication means even more fun to FTB,Greg-Tech for example. it makes everything more difficult so i get to take more time and put it into the server to find out what works with what and such.
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: using pipes i feel as the piping in this is like real life, i love how there are so many mods to explore. The thing that i love about FTB is since there are so many mods into it you cant really go wrong there are so many things to explore so if you have nothing else to do and you have a lot of supplies waiting in your crafty chests than u can start creating even tho u might not know what your doing its just something to do to waste your time and i just like having fun with the mods that have been put into this launcher.

Added! Hope you enjoy Arelia! :)[DOUBLEPOST=1367654276][/DOUBLEPOST]
  • My in-game name: Austiin
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: Since July 2010
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: Very new to the pack. I've been looking for a decent server to start and learn the pack on, and this seems to have a nice supportive community to begin my journey.
  • My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are: Although I don't have that much in-game play time, the mod that I am most interested in is Thaumcraft. This mod allows the player to explore a new magical side of minecraft, and does it better than the vanilla game, or any other 'magic-style' mod out their. The amount of recipes, tools and items it adds to the game is amazing. On the other hand, I really enjoy Forestry with it's farms and tree-breading which is really fun to play around with.
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: I like how the complexity and integration of all the mods in Feed the Beast provides an endless amount of content that you can delve into with friends, setting goals and challenges for yourself along the way. Not only this, the pack is a breath of fresh air for someone who has been playing for almost three years now.

Added! Welcome to the server! Hope you enjoy it![DOUBLEPOST=1367654333][/DOUBLEPOST]
  • My in-game name: Spitfire2k6
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: Roughly 2 years.
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: Since it's release.
  • My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are: I like thermal expansion and buildcraft for getting started but when it comes to having fun with resources I like Thaumcraft due to it's diversity. This being said I tend to dabble in most of the mods when I need something from them, that's what they're there for!
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: The diversity of the game when mods are introduced is incredible and makes the game extremely fun to learn and play.

Added! Welcome to the server.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name: Dj_monsta_Pr
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: Since 1.2.3 about a year
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast:since The Mindcrackers Started
  • My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are:Industrial and BuildCraft But I Dont Limit My self to them , I like em reason being that ive always been into machinery and very productive electronics and so on
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: The Laughs and Fun We have learning new things and making friends :)

  • My in-game name: Teckdragon
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: Since 1.7ish Beta
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: 3-4 Months
  • My favorite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack are: Buildcraft and Forestry
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: The creative freedom that it provides, Challenges to make and overcome them.

[DOUBLEPOST=1367578230][/DOUBLEPOST]How often are people added to the list?
How long have I been playing Minecraft:1.8
How long have I been playing Feed The beast:around late beta.
My favorite mods in the mindcrack FTB:IC2 and Buildcraft,Red Power is gaining interest.
The thing I like most about the game is:The ways you can use machinery allows for great creativity while extra biomes adds variety to the terrain.
  • My in-game name:liawjunwei1999
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft:I'v been playing for about 2-3years .
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast:I've just started FTB few months ago.
  • My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are:More recipes than Tekkit and there's nothing that is smiliar to condemser that we can make extra things.
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is:IC2 and most is mining cause I love ores that are cool :b
Those in the spoiler need to improve their applications if they wish to become a member of Arelia. I look forward to another attempt though, and hope to see you with us soon!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name: My in game name is king_husky
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: Ive been playing minecraft for almost a year and maybe more :D
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: I started playing feed the beast when i saw my favourite youtuber (anderzel) posting videos about
  • My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are: I dont really have any but i like thaumcraft and gregtech. I like thaumcraft because magical wepons a 3x3 furnace who wouldnt lol gregtech because it provides a challenge getting all the materails
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: The random and funny ( sometimes anoying) people i meet when i join a server xD


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Those in the spoiler need to improve their applications if they wish to become a member of Arelia. I look forward to another attempt though, and hope to see you with us soon!
Nvm . Not gonna do it again.Mann , all servers denied me . Dang it . >.>"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name:liawjunwei1999
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft:I've been playing for about 2-3years .
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast:I've just started FTB few months ago.
  • My favourite mods in the Mindcrack : Favourite mods in the mindcrack? Oh , I love gregtech because without gregtech its not fun for us . Gregtech make items harder to make.Yeah.
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is:Mining is the most because those ores are really different between Minecraft and FeedTheBeast so , Yeah ! ^.^
[DOUBLEPOST=1367675743][/DOUBLEPOST]This is a redo . *.*