Applied Energistics 2 Questiono

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Jul 29, 2019
Hello, I'm trying to create an AE2 storage system, following this tutorial

Great tutorial, super helpful and explanatory, however when I have everything set up like he does, except for I start from the bottom rather than the top, mine looks like the attached picture. I have all my branches plugged in, everything is getting power and working fine, except for like 6 random branches. And when I build from the bottom and slowly put in the green wire, which is power, all the branches get power, and then when they're all connected all of a sudden 6 of them just lose power.

Like this.
help me.png

The storage buses that are connected to the main line have power,
help me 3.png

but the interface doesn't have power.
help me 4.png

An online storage bus is connected to an offline interface. I have no idea why this happens. Does this mean I don't have enough power for the whole system? I find that kind of hard to believe. I have a nuclear power reactor with 4 fuel rods in it, which is connected to an energy acceptor, and this is the only thing taking any power from that system.
help me 2.png

If you have any advice, ideas, suggestions, please help me! Thank you!


Jul 29, 2019
Nnnnnot enough channels purrhaps?

I don't know how well you can see it, but the main red cable is broken into 3 sections, and each section has a top and a bottom, interface and storage bus, and then 6 storage buses on the side, so it should be 8 per segment. I thought that as well, but I can't seem to figure out where the extra channels would be coming from.


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
That is what is referred to typically as a Super Soaryn Drive (SSD). They can be tricky at times to set up properly.

Personally, I prefer to set up a huge Storage Drawer room. Make it 25 x 25, with the controller in the middle.Then you just run rows and rows of drawers, connecting them through floors and ceilings with Trim. You can even have multiple floors on the same controller as long as you use trim somewhere to connect them all. Then just put a Slave near your AE system, and a single storage bus connects it all up. Much less fuss and muss.


Jul 29, 2019
Okay, this is legit fucking stupid. If I change things, even basic things such as using different colored wires, different wings of this thing lose power. Does this mod make sense to anybody ever, or is just legit guesswork until someone actually fixes this mod to make any sense? If there's some logic behind the ridiculous stupid randomness happening here, somebody let me know. Otherwise I'll just assume this is a mod problem.

Is there a mechanic I'm missing? Half of my branches just don't work. They have power off of the main branch, into the storage buses, and then the interface, CONNECTED TO THE ONLINE STORAGE BUS AND HAVING POWER COMING THROUGH IT IN 3 DIFFERENT FUCKING WAYS, is offline. What the actual fuck is this mod.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well you have to remember that the channel limit is across the grid if they're connected, regardless of location. So you could have something 10 chunks away running one color off the controller using 8 channels. Hook something up nearby using the same color and if it connects with that other line you're over the cap. That said, if you're running smart cable on the main branches, upgrade them to dense cable. Those have a 32 channel cap along their length.

A lot of people like the idea of limited channels so they have to carefully plan out their system. Personally I'm not one of them so I don't deal with it. Best advice I can offer is if it is really frustrating you that much, disassemble the system, destroy all the smart and dense cable you have as well as the controller, then go into the AE2 config and turn the channel setting off. That disables the channel limitation requirement which prevents the smart cable, dense cable, and controller from being built.