Well the problem isn't that it's opening with WinRar because it displays as a folder not like an archive or anything, so there's no open with... etc.
Does your browser or system automatically unpack archives?Well the problem isn't that it's opening with WinRar because it displays as a folder not like an archive or anything, so there's no open with... etc.
Nope.Does your browser or system automatically unpack archives?
Well the problem isn't that it's opening with WinRar because it displays as a folder not like an archive or anything, so there's no open with... etc.
It's an early build of Firefox, I ended up there when I was having issues with 64b web browsers.Glad you like it. What's nightly?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Nightly - Under heavy development. Least stable/secure. First tests of new changes/features; some changes/features introduced in Nightly may be removed before Release and other versions. Only for testing. Should only be used by very experienced users/testers.
I think there is an error in the program. I type in 3 in width, height and depth and 1 in number of pattern providers. Then it shows "Number of pattern providers must be betweem 1 and 0". If I type 0 I get the same.
If you keep pushing on "Calculate Blocks" for changing numbers of pattern providers then it just add the text to the list. There are missing some clear().
I think there is an error in the program. I type in 3 in width, height and depth and 1 in number of pattern providers. Then it shows "Number of pattern providers must be betweem 1 and 0". If I type 0 I get the same.
If you keep pushing on "Calculate Blocks" for changing numbers of pattern providers then it just add the text to the list. There are missing some clear().
Can you try the command line? If it still runs ok Windows may have just derped it
Excellent little program but 3 points.
1. I run dual monitors. (1 = MC, 2 = Chrome/Music etc) it constantly centres itself on Monitor 1 when I click Calculate Blocks (My guess is you're using Monitor 1 X/Y to position it just right)
2. It doesn't give an option to put more than 1 Pattern Provider (I generally have 4/5 on a decent sized MAC). Perhaps just a numeric scroll bar with min/max set to max positions available?
3. Finally an "Upgrade" option would be helpful. If I made a 3^3 but want to upgrade later to 5^3 It would defeat the purpose of this as I'd need to re-calculate the differences
The Pattern Provider Option doesn't work when you calculate a 3^3 then change it (without clicking reset) to a larger size.
Works fine when you start with a larger size.
Glad you like it! Not sure how much spare time I'll have to make changes, real life is getting the better of me. However, my thoughts:
1: Hard for me to produce, only having one monitor and allAFAIK, Swing (the Java GUI thing, you know) doesn't allow you to target specific monitors but if I get time, I'll look in to it.
2: It does for me unless you choose a 3x3 MAC in which case you don't get a choice anyways
3: Was thinking of this the other day, when I upgraded my MAC in game. However, time constraints these days...
If you code, or know anyone who does, I'd be more than happy to give you the source so you can at least get the changes you need soon.
I code. Just like riding a push bike makes me a Super Bike racer.
I'm still doing Uni for it.
But I'd be happy to have a run through and see what I can do