I tried using wooden pipes prior to making this but i've never used autarchic gates, i'll have to look into that
Autarchic gates are just redstone engines you can wrap around the pipe itself rather than taking up an entire block, and can be configured to run indefinitely without a redstone signal necessary. It's a space-saver, but a good one.
The important thing to note is that the Apiarist's Pipe doesn't automatically draw anything from the apiaries.
Once Insertion Pipes become available, you can use these to automate your apiaries. The top of the apiary has a wooden pipe with an autarchic gate, which wraps around to the side where there's an insertion pipe connected to an iron pipe. This is set up in series, so that all spare drones and products are filtered out to a single apiarist's pipe, which sends the spare drones to a Void Pipe and the products to your production facility.