My opinion has changed. You're not bad, but not good either.
There's nothing wrong with it, but there's nothing which sets it apart.
When I'm choosing a game or pack to play, I ask myself, why is this GAME better than that game? Right? What makes this game better than that game?
Continuum doesn't do anything wrong really, but it doesn't do anything right. There's no like, fantastic cool thing or amazing mechanic to learn to use. Its just the same thing which isn't wrong, but it isn't like a breakthrough so to say.
It's not bad, but it's not like top tier.
There's nothing wrong with it, but there's nothing which sets it apart.
When I'm choosing a game or pack to play, I ask myself, why is this GAME better than that game? Right? What makes this game better than that game?
Continuum doesn't do anything wrong really, but it doesn't do anything right. There's no like, fantastic cool thing or amazing mechanic to learn to use. Its just the same thing which isn't wrong, but it isn't like a breakthrough so to say.
It's not bad, but it's not like top tier.