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[Lexia's farm]

A cloak of pure light enveloped Fiona, protecting her from harm. The goblins, blinded by the light, turned around to look at Lexia, who was still shielded by brambles. 'Ack Haa!' the front one shouted, and they ran at the cocoon of brambles. The first two to reach it hacked and slashed at it, but simply cut themselves on the sharp brambles. The final one, having noticed the other two hurt themselves, kept its distance, simply poking at the brambles a little bit with its knife. Lexia's brambles retracted back into the ground, and she was revealed, curled into a little ball, clearly she must've been too scared to do anything. Sylvia felt the magik of Holy Restoration infuse with her soul.
Name: ???
Age: ???
Magiks: ???
Appearance: (Central)

Personality: Leader?
Backstory: ???
Equipment: Blowdart pipe - Cloock, Knife - Clee
Stats (14? total):

Health: 2 - 1
Armour: ???
Agility: 5
Strength: 3
Accuracy: 4
Magical skill: ???
Magical defence: ???

Magical abilities (??? total):

Paralysis dart: Deals damage to agility. If agility reaches 0, knocks them out. 1 turn cooldown
Teamwork: For every ally that has attacked the current target, gain +1 strength for that attack.

Name: ???
Age: ???
Magiks: ???
Appearance: (Right)

Personality: ???
Backstory: ???
Equipment: Blowdart pipe - Cloock, Knife - Clee
Stats (14? total):

Health: 2 - 1
Armour: ???
Agility: 5
Strength: 3
Accuracy: 4
Magical skill: ???
Magical defence: ???

Magical abilities (??? total):

Paralysis dart: Deals damage to agility. If agility reaches 0, knocks them out. 1 turn cooldown
Teamwork: For every ally that has attacked the current target, gain +1 strength for that attack.

Name: ???
Age: ???
Magiks: ???
Appearance: (Left)

Personality: ???
Backstory: ???
Equipment: Blowdart pipe - Cloock, Knife - Clee
Stats (7? total):

Health: ???
Armour: ???
Agility: ???
Strength: 3
Accuracy: 4
Magical skill: ???
Magical defence: ???

Magical abilities (??? total):

Paralysis dart: Deals damage to agility. If agility reaches 0, knocks them out. 1 turn cooldown
Teamwork: For every ally that has attacked the current target, gain +1 strength for that attack.
[Fringe street]

A dark shadow came out of Astora, and latched onto a section of the wyrm. There was a crunch as a section of the wyrm's armour broke. The shadow returned to Astora, carrying the life energy that it had stolen with it. As Astora's strength returned, he felt his fury fade away, the wounds caused by the wyrm healing. On the other hand, the wyrm roared in pain, flying towards Astora. However, due to the pain, the wyrm veered far off course, completely missing Astora. Meanwhile, a section of the wyrm's armour near Dubhan split and fell away, the softer skin underneath flying off as the blood was ripped out of its side. The wyrm appeared to slow its movements, it was clearly on its last legs. Metaphorical legs of course.
Name: ???
Age: ???
Magiks: none

Personality: ???
Backstory: ???
Equipment: none
Stats (25 total):

Health: 5 - 4
Armour: 6
Agility: 2
Strength: 5 - 2
Accuracy: 2
Magical skill: 0
Magical defence: 5

Magical abilities (??? total):
Drag under: Attack with -1 accuracy but +2 strength. 1 turn cooldown.
Heavy hitter: If an enemy is hit by ???, they lose 2 agility until the end of ??? next turn.
[Blacksmith street]

Another hedron was now floating in the air, and as it glowed, Erildus and Cait felt their magik become stronger. As the mist flowed from Cait's staff, it intensified. The third ork felt the mist begin to enter his lungs, and he choked, but for now remained unharmed. The others were again engulfed by thick mist, but were so far not experiencing the harmful effects caused by its inhalation. The dart of liquid flame pouring out of Erildus's magikal device engulfed Skullkracka. If the mist were not to obscure his vision, Erildus would have witnessed a truly horrifying sight. The ork screamed and writhed, the skin melting off of much of his body, his right fang half dissolving in the molten liquid. The orks were done for, as their screams began to replace their earlier confidence. Perhaps they began to realise what a terrible mistake they had made.

Name: Bonesnappa
Age: ???
Magiks: ???
Personality: ???
Backstory: ???
Equipment: Club
Stats (10? total):

Health: ???
Armour: ???
Agility: 2
Strength: 5
Accuracy: 3 - 1 (1 mist)
Magical skill: ???
Magical defence: ???

Abilities (??? total):

Smash: Attacks two enemies with -2 strength. 1 turn cooldown.

Name: Skullkracka
Age: ???
Magiks: ???
Personality: ???
Backstory: ???
Equipment: Club
Stats (13? total):

Health: 3 - 2
Armour: ???
Agility: 2
Strength: 5
Accuracy: 3 - 1 (1 hedron)
Magical skill: ???
Magical defence: ???

Abilities (??? total):
Graaraar!: Gain +1 strength when not on full health, but become only able to attack the last person that dealt damage to you that is still alive.
Smash: Attacks two enemies with -2 strength. 1 turn cooldown.

Name: ???
Age: ???
Magiks: ???
Personality: ???
Backstory: ???
Equipment: Club
Stats (16? total):

Health: 3 - 1
Armour: ???
Agility: 2
Strength: 5
Accuracy: 3 - 3 (2 mist) (1 hedron)
Magical skill: ???
Magical defence: 3

Abilities (??? total):

Graaraar!: Gain +1 strength when not on full health, but become only able to attack the last person that dealt damage to you that is still alive.
Tackal: Can only be used on people who did not attack the user in the previous turn. Enemies hit with this attack miss their next go. 1 turn cooldown.
[Kro Street]

The bolt that Loch had fired flew straight towards the bloodsucker, but as it neared it, it appeared to get stuck in something, before bouncing off this invisible wall with a strange reverberating noise. The bloodsucker then turned to face loch, pointing his hand towards him. Loch barely had time to realise what was happening and dive out of the way before the dart of compressed sound flew past his side. Chuck sent his own magik at the bloodsucker, but this too appeared to be stopped by this invisible wall. However, the flames appeared to spread out, surrounding this barrier. As the barrier was destroyed, flames repeatedly burned away the barrier as it tried to regenerate. For Loch, all this burning and sound waves was sure to freak him out.

Name: ???
Age: ???
Magiks: ???

Personality: ???
Backstory: ???
Equipment: none
Stats (4? total):

Health: ???
Armour: 2 + 2
Agility: 5
Strength: ???
Accuracy: 4
Magical skill: ???
Magical defence: ???

Magical abilities (??? total):

Sound blast: Magik attack.
Sound barrier: Gain +2 to armour for 3 turns
Bite: Makes person hit miss their next go. Gain 1 health for every damage that would've been dealt. -2 accuracy for this attack.
[Terra Street]

As Persolus speeded towards the elemental, he stabbed it with his tiny little knife. However, despite Persolus's lack of strength and tiny weapon, it appeared to hurt the elemental. Linessa rose slightly from mud, but as it was moving as if alive, two strands of mud held her down, preventing her from flying out of it. The tornado of wind did, however, manage to create a dangerous whirlwind of mud, protecting her. The first elemental, clearly dedicated to avenging his dead friend, ignored Acar behind him, sending a shockwave through the mud. It was simply useless though, as the mud flew away from the whirlwind in the centre. Acar focused on Linessa, and ice crystals began to form over her armour. Surprisingly, it seemed only cool, as the cold from the ice appeared to be mostly held within it by magik. The final elemental attempted the same thing as the other, with similar success.

Name: Korrokor
Age: ???
Magiks: Earth

Personality: Likes to talk
Backstory: ???
Equipment: none
Stats (8? total):

Health: 2 - 2 (DEAD)
Armour: 2
Agility: 1
Strength: ???
Accuracy: 3
Magical skill: ???
Magical defence: ???

Magical abilities (??? total):

Controlled earthquake: Magik attack.

Name: ???
Age: ???
Magiks: Earth

Personality: ???
Backstory: ???
Equipment: none
Stats (13? total):

Health: 2 - 1
Armour: 2
Agility: 1
Strength: ???
Accuracy: 3
Magical skill: 5
Magical defence: ???

Magical abilities (??? total):

Controlled earthquake: Magik attack.
Stuck in the mud: -2 to target agility for 3 turns. 2 turn cooldown.

Name: ???
Age: ???
Magiks: Earth

Personality: ???
Backstory: ???
Equipment: none
Stats (8? total):

Health: 2 - 1
Armour: 2
Agility: 1
Strength: ???
Accuracy: 3
Magical skill: ???
Magical defence: ???

Magical abilities (??? total):

Controlled earthquake: Magik attack.
Stuck in the mud: -2 to target agility for 3 turns. 2 turn cooldown.

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Linessa was mildly annoyed when the updraft and low air pressure created by her whirlwind failed to lift her out of the mud, but pleased to see the wind-driven currents at the surface of the mud pool nullify the elementals' attacks. She felt crystals of what appeared to be ice form all over her skin- a strange feeling, but not nearly as unpleasant as Linessa would have expected being frozen into a block of ice to be. Not even as cold, in fact, as being halfway submerged in a pool of mud. At any rate, the ice didn't seem to impede her movements, so no point in worrying about it now.

Wasting no time, Linessa dug another shuriken out of her now mud-soaked pouch, wrested it and her hand out of the astonishingly viscous muck, and loosed it toward the spiky-backed elemental. Its characteristic sound was almost completely drowned out by the noise from the whirlwind.
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The screams of the burning ork brought a grim smile to Cait's face as she stood, thick strands of mist dancing around her. A faint burning smell reached her as she stood channeling in the centre - she must not be the only one here. She had already felt a positive swell to her magic, and now the fire meant that she was being aided by at least one person. Great. Cait had no interest in making friends, but as long as they didn't try and talk to her and kept helping, she could tolerate their presence if necessary.

Thick as the mist was, Cait was yet to hear any orks suffering from its effects. Either they were light breathers or they were a little more resilient than she thought. However, the result was inevitable. Ensnared within the clouds as they were, they could no longer hope to win. Their struggles would merely prolong their suffering, and waste more of her time in the process. Sighing a heavy sigh, Cait continued to channel, trying to thicken the mist and hasten the end. She had better things to do than this.
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Lexia awoke with a start. Last thing she remembered, the goblins were about to fire their darts. One must've hit her and caused her to black out. She quickly got to her feet and took a quick glance around. She saw that she must've cast bramble at some point, likely after she got hit, to protect herself. It also looked like two of the goblins got caught up in it. She then turned her attention to the kids. Looks like they were still going while she was out cold. And they weren't doing half bad either.

Focusing back on the goblins, she readied a vine and flung it directly towards the leader.
Sylvia embraced the new magic flowing within her. It felt nice, having most of her soul where it should be. Channeling the restorative magics, she targeted her sister first, aiming to heal whatever damage she could. Afterwords, any remaining restoration would go to whoever the goblins might hit in the meantime. Really it was a good thing people were so repairable, otherwise that scratch on Fiona would've been unforgivable. As it was, Sylvia was already a bit cross with these pesky creatures.
Chuck started hating this fight more and more with each moment. It was morning. He hated morning, well he started liking them more though because of the dreams. The damn dreams. He also wanted to drink some warm mint eater prepared by himself the way he was taught by the blacksmith.

This made him angrier and angrier with each moment. He channeled this anger around his fist. Him channeling it also made him more vengeful, the fist wasn't one of flaming anger anymore. It was of flaming vengeance.

"DIE MONSTER!", he yelled at the creature. "Even if I die I'll come to get you. I'll send you to a place where your soul, if you have one, can be tormented for ethernity"

In this time Chuck's fist was ready to go through bloodsucker's flesh, and burn it, to make it's bones to dust, to make it's blood evaporate, to destroy the thing from inside out.
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Acar was growing bored. The fight had seemed like something fun to do however these elementals were weak clearly not showing any true power. Acar pulled out his might sword and swung it at one of the elementals
"Uggh..." Fiona felt her stomach rumble. "Why won't you fools just begone, already? I'm missing the most important meal of the day!" Determined* to finish off one of them, at least, she raised her sceptre and fired a large ball of light at one of the goblins that had been poking Lexia's shield. Why can't I have one of those super-powerful attacks? I need to study up someday. It'd be wicked awesome, just smashing these creeps with a barrage of light... gotta get stronger, I guess.

*[Use determination pool for ACC check]
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Persolus was quite happy so see the monsters were no longer targeting him, he was fairly annoyed to have been aroused from his light slumber, he had payed the owner of the inn a descent amount and he was going to get breakfast with his stay, something that was no longer possible.
With the battle raging around him he wandered back into ruins of the inn, on the ground he saw something that resembled a boiled egg but it was now squashed and covered in dirt (totally inedible) WHY?!? I payed the last of my money on the additional breakfast. Persolus saw a flimsy chair that had survived the demolition, it had lovely plush armrests. He jumped into the chair. Don't mind if I do. The moment he took a seat the chair dug into his back and forced him into an uncomfortable position. The destruction of the inn had somehow warped the chair. Why are Mondays always like this? Pesolus saw Acar swing his sword at the monster and a shuriken fly from Linessa whirlwind. Maybe i should help them, there is no breakfast here anyway. Persolus sprung from his chair and straightened his back and then pulled his dagger back out of his cloak before charging towards the nearest elemental.
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[Fringe street]

Astora looked at the beast. "Oh you poor, poor thing", he shouted out in a sarcastic tone. Astora didn't want to kill it. He wanted it to suffer.

The wyrm, ignoring Astora's taunt, wheeled around and charges at Dubhan, row after row of razor-sharp teeth bared.
The wyrm's teeth tore into Dubhan's leg, its mass throwing him backward in the process.

Snarling in anger rather than pain, Dubhan slammed his hand against the side of the wyrm, pumping magik into the sigil as he drew out the last of the beast's life force.

The wyrm thrashed around, roaring in pain as more of its armor plates split and fell away, but before long, its movements slowed and its roar quieted to a wail and then a low groan, as its movements ceased entirely.

"WHAT DID YOU DO YOU IGIT?" Astora yelled at the stranger. "Come on, death's a luxury for that beast compared to what I had in store for it." Astora walked over to the wyrm and kicked it repeatedly. Kick. Kick. Kick. He continued till his foot started to feel sore. He turned to the stranger. "Do yourself a favour and forget about me. COMPLETELY." Astora turned his back to the stranger and walked over to his mask. He picked it up, wiped off any dust and slapped it on his face. Without another word, Astora slowly walked off.
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[Terra Street]

While Persolus' dagger struck true, the blade was simply turned away by the elemental's rough, rocky skin. Apparently, it didn't even feel Persolus' attack...

Ssshhcccrrucck. Linessa's shuriken had struck the elemental's neck nearly dead center, and it was immediately fatal; the elemental toppled into the muck. As it fell, a cry came from its mouth: "Kroken ark, Lakarrrrrrr...!" Then, its movement stopped.

Its brethren having been defeated, the remaining elemental howled to the sky, "Dekken ark nonnor, Brackar!!" The noise was eerie, but it had no ill effect on the fighting trio. The elemental's eyes focused on Linessa, and it sent a powerful shockwave through the mud, directly at her. Stunned by the swiftness of the attack, Linessa was unable to avoid the intensity of the force, and it hit her dead on.

Suddenly, Acar's sword crashed down upon the remaining elemental, caving in its head and crushing its body to pebbles.

With the monsters finally defeated, in a battle that seemed to have gone on forever, the trio took a moment to gather themselves.
[Lexia's Farm]
Fiona's beam of light pierced straight through the chest of the goblin, it having been already weakened by Lexia's brambles. Both of its friends had run to try to save its life, but they were just too slow to save him. With a screech, he fell to the ground, the hole through its torso still smoking.​
The other two goblins made incomprehensible sounds as they watched their friend's death, not just sounds of anger but of mourning, of loss. They turned back to their assailants and screamed battle cries, both of them atacking Fiona with a lust for revenge. However, in their rush they both missed the girl as she dodged past both of their attacks.
Lexia's vine whip shot at high speed towards one of the goblins, making contact with one of their skulls, as a loud crack resounded from the contact. The creature was thrown sideways from the force of the blow, and failed to get back up. Again, its friend had been too slow to save it.
Sylvia succesfully restored Fiona back to full vitality, and had no more use for the restorative power as of yet.
Pulling back, Fiona whipped around and shot another bolt of vindicatinglight at the foremost goblin.
The beam of light shot straight past the goblin's head as it dodged to the side, missing by mere inches.
The goblin soon retaliated, spurred on by his desperation as the last surviving member of his raiding trio. Its knife opened a small slash in Fiona's shoulder, blood dripping out.
Lexia decided to charm the final goblin, hoping she could get some useful information out of it.
The goblin was taken in for a moment, taking on a dazed appearance, before shaking his head and looking around, reminding himself where he was.
Sylvia raised her hand toward her sister yet again, granting her another blessing of determination.
With the power of determination guiding her hand, Fiona unleashed another helping of rainbooms upon the last goblin.
The rainboom's harsh light burned the goblin alive, leaving only a pile of ashes and blackened bones where it once stood.
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[Blacksmith Street]
Cait's mist thickened further, with Bonesnappa and the third ork both choking for a moment, coughing up blood onto the cobbled street, before their airways cleared.

Nahiri charges at Bonesnappa while once again yelling bad insults to it. She is fully aware that it probably won't do too much in terms of damage but she hopes that she can make it so they focus her instead of the others.
Nahiri just about landed the blow, however her sword glanced off of one of his armour plates.
Bonesnappa immediately retaliated against the girl, however she deftly moved away from his attack.
Skullcracka charged at Caitriona, raising his sword above his head before swinging down at her head. There was considerable power behind it, however the blade simply sliced into the earth where Cait had been moments before, as she jumped backwards.
The third ork made the same attack, however it too was unsuccessful as Cait dodged away.

Cait was by now thoroughly bored. If the orks would kindly hurry up and die so she could get on with her day...that would be nice. More than once she had regretted that she lacked the means to directly injure opponents. Still, the fact that they were starting to cough up blood was a promising sign. The smirk on her face replaced with an expression of pure ennui, she continued to thicken the mist.

Cait's mist once more enveloped each ork, seeming alive as its tendrils reached into the throats of each one of them. Bonesnappa and Skullcracka coughed up a small amount of blood before recovering, however the third, as of yet unnamed ork, was not so lucky. The cough became a hacking fit, more and more blood and phlegm, eventually small pieces of lung flying from his throat, before his coughing ceased, and he lay limp on the ground, face-down on the cobbled street.
"'EADBASHA! NOOOOO!" Screamed Skullcracka in anguish as he saw his friend perish. Try as the two orks might, their friend wouldn't wake, no matter how they shook him and propped him up, he was gone, dead.

Nahiri wasn't surprised about the fact that she couldn't get through the armor. And without help, all she could hope was that the mist would take the orcs out before someone got hurt.

She then let another Hedron float in the air, another one that would make it easier to draw energy. And as she did this, she wondered what happened to the person that spread fire to the orcs. She hoped that he did not get hurt. With this in mind she quickly went back to trying to annoy the orcs, it was the only thing she could do to prevent others from getting hurt as these orcs seemed to dumb to wield magic.

Bonesnappa and Skullcracka turned to Cait, the one who'd murdered their friend, both charging at her with full force, a battle-cry resounding loudly from their lungs. Both blades met with her flesh, one on her leg and the other on her arm.

Cait felt the blades cut into her skin. A burning pain where she was hit. A slight gasp escaped her mouth, but no more. It was all dulled, regardless of whether it was the pain of a blade or the caress of another person...wait. Where had that second thought come from? Cait shook her head. Clearly, the fabrication of a mind stunned at the physical sensation of pain, nothing more. Well, that wouldn't do at all. She released her channeling of the mist, reaching out with dark magic. Finding the dead. Raising the dead. She made a special effort to ensure that their dead friend, the imaginatively named 'Eadbasha, was among the numbers of her puppets. "Well well well. Look, your friend is back on his feet and coming to see you! I'll make sure you three all get a proper reunion soon enough. Relax and breath deeply."

Nahiri fell he stomach twisting as she saw Cait getting hit by the blades. She hated that she was unable to do anything about it.

Nahiri charged at Bonesnappa, hoping to be able to get through the armor this time.

Cait's efforts raised both 'Eadbasha and another corpse from the earth to un-life, groaning as they shambled around the street.

Nahiri's attack once again landed, however even the ork's meager armour was enough to repel her blade.

Bonesnappa and Skullcracka one again swung their poor-quality swords at Cait, however Bonesnappa's attack missed, while Skullcracka's just about made contact, opening another gash in Cait's leg.

Cait felt another dull pain in her leg. Had she let the mist thin too much? Certainly they had stopped choking, and their blades were hitting more often than she would like. Calling her minions about herself, Cait pulled more mist into existence.

The mist thickened around the orks, rising towards their throats once more. Bonesnappa was in an area of relatively little fog, so he was saved the fate of his ally, who went much the same way as 'Eadbasha - coughing, hacking, and collapsing to the ground dead.
As the blade hit Cait, Nahiri felt worse. She now desperately wanted this battle to end or at the very least that the orcs would try and hit her a few times instead. She even considered to let them hit her to encourage it, that is if they would attack her.

She then let yet another Hedron float in the air to further improve how easy it was to gather the energy needed to cast spells. If it weren't for the fact that the last two of Nahiri's blows seemed useless she would have considered to attack instead.
"YOU KILL BONESNAPPA'S FRIENDS! YOU DIE NOW!" the ork screamed, running with the recklessness of one who had nothing to lose and had everything stripped from him. His friends, and he knew soon, his life. His only hope was to try and spite the mages for what they'd done.
"MAKE YOU PAY!" he hollored, and for the last time he swung wildly at Cait, but either she got lucky or the tears in his eyes had affected his vision. She managed to sidestep the cut, the ork's sword biting into the cobbled street.

"What are you talking about?" Cait mocked, as the shambling remnants of 'Eadbasha roamed in front of Bonesnappa. "Your friend is right here. Sure, he's little more than a mindless lump of meat at this stage, but what's different from when he was alive?" Her voice hardened. "I gave you a chance, ork. I gave you all the chance to run. I told you the consequences of not doing so. Now you see where your choice has led you. You have chosen to forfeit your life and your eternal soul to me. Just like your friend." Cait reached out and pulled the soul from within 'Eadbasha's corpse, as well as from her other zombie. As she breathed in deeply, an icy chill ran through her from head to toe and a furious whispering rang throughout her head, though it was rapidly silenced. An eerie glow shone about her as her wounds began to seal and close.

Nahiri was happy to see Cait's wounds heal, as this would probably mean that Cait wasn't in such pain anymore. Nahiri then once again charged at Bonesnappa as none of her Hedrons where ready.

"You think you good!" Bonesnappa shouted at Cait and Nahiri, "Nobody good! You do same as us, human attack ork, ork attack human. No difference! I die with friends, we drink together in heaven, honorable death in battle. Hope you die SCREAMING!"
The ork's last word was punctuated by a swing of his sword, but Cait was jsut fast enough to dodge it.

"And? I never said I was good. I never said I was right. You are not the first ork to choke in this mist and you will not be the last. Young, old, male, female, none of that matters to me. I watch you die choking. I watch your children die choking. And I smile. And I laugh. And your souls become my toys. And your dead know no rest. And this world allows it all. No, no, no, you've had me wrong from the start. You aren't the monster. I am the monster, and you should have run when I gave you the chance." Cait drew on as much magic as she could muster and pulled mist into existence.

The mist rose, but it was not thick enough to choke the ork, though his eyes did start to water.
Nahiri, not surprised that she once again failed to get through the armor of the orc, released another Hedron,which should once again made the spells from others stronger.
"You stop laugh when you die, when you friends die. Then I laugh from death." The ork once again swung at her, but Cait dodged thanks to the mist clouding his vision.

"It is adorable how, in spite of having seen me consume your friend's soul, that you think your death will be an escape from me." Cait continued pulling more mist into existence. "Your rest will not be peaceful, your bones will not be idle. Your very spirit itself shall submit to my whim, your corpse will slave to my wishes, and your torment shall be eternal."

Nahiri charged at the orc again, not expecting much from it but it was once again the only thing she could do while she charged more Hedrons.

The mist finally tore into Bonesnappa's throat, drawing blood and a coughing fit. Through sheer determination, the Ork managed to stay standing, not falling to his knees like his brothers. He coughed blood and managed to hit Cait in the face, finally collapsing to the ground, face down as blood leaked from his mouth, iouth, onto the street.

Cait stood motionless as the ork coughed blood onto her face, not even flinching. With one hand she wiped away the blood from her face. With the other, she raised the two other dead orcs before immediately disintegrating them, bathing herself in more unholy light and fully restoring her wounds. With that done, she walked off without even a backwards glance at Nahiri.

Nahiri ran a bit after Cait but quickly gave up after she realized that apparently this girl didn't look back anyway. "Fine, then I won't make sure you are alright and get my brother to heal you if you need it." She silently said to herself. She looked at the Hedrons that where still floating in the air and sighed. "I should really find a better way to clean them up" She thought while she focused on the energy inside them. Soon after they all released their stored energy, creating small lightning strikes going towards the ground while the Hedrons fell out of the air.

"Maybe some kind of magnetic field, they are made of metal after all" She though as she started to grab the Hedrons from the ground.
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Loch notched his crossbow once again, taking sight and letting it loose towards the foe. The bolt struck the wall behind the ghastly figure, as it narrowly evaded the projectile.

The noisy, invisible barrier of protection began to waver slightly. The bloodsucker turned his attention inwards, channeling it's magic and reinitiating the protection, although the flames that originated from Chuck continued to nullify it.

Chuck started hating this fight more and more with each moment. It was morning. He hated morning, well he started liking them more though because of the dreams. The damn dreams. He also wanted to drink some warm mint eater prepared by himself the way he was taught by the blacksmith.

This made him angrier and angrier with each moment. He channeled this anger around his fist. Him channeling it also made him more vengeful, the fist wasn't one of flaming anger anymore. It was of flaming vengeance.

"DIE MONSTER!", he yelled at the creature. "Even if I die I'll come to get you. I'll send you to a place where your soul, if you have one, can be tormented for ethernity"

In this time Chuck's fist was ready to go through bloodsucker's flesh, and burn it, to make it's bones to dust, to make it's blood evaporate, to destroy the thing from inside out.

Chuck's fist raged forward, leaving a sizable, smoldering dent in the wall behind where the foe had been moments earlier.

Loch took another careful aim-and-fire with his crossbow, but it flew wide once again. In a counter-strike, the bloodsucker flew forward towards Loch, who easily evaded the attack.

Chuck became even angrier, and he stopped fighting his anger a long time ago in this battle. He cursed the blooduckers in a way that scares even old men.

"I'll take your freakin' heart out of your chest and bake it for breakfast!"

Chuck channeled his anger around his fist and attacked the flippin' monster.

The monster once again evaded Chuck's fist, along with another bolt from Loch. A half-crazed, half-impatient smirk crossed the Bloodsucker's face. On one hand, it hadn't been hit once, but on the other, the hunger was only growing with each passing moment. Clearly the madman with the crossbow was a difficult target, so it raised a ghastly pale hand towards Chuck and eminated a powerful sonic blast that knocked Chuck back into the wall, causing a minor concussion.

"You think that you can do that to me and stay alive?! You fool..."

Chuck created a fire and shot IT at the creature, this fire would destroy armours and burn clothes, for a limited amount of time though. The flames burned at the sonic barrier, nullifying it again.

Meanwhile, Loch had already fitted yet another bolt into the crossbow. "This mage is mad, cursing in such ways and insulting a monster, like him" he thought, "I need to get away or slain this otherwordly beasts!" Yet, in his disturbed frenzy, the shot once again flew off-course.

Focusing entirely on Chuck, the bloodsucker lept for his throat, but Chuck was ready for it and sidestepped the assault. With this, the sonic barrier faded, allowing the fire to nullify what little protection the Bloodsucker still had.

At this point Chuck was filled with anger, rage, wrath, and that could be seen on his now crimson red eyes. Anything that he would say from now on would be said by his wrath, not by him.

He looked at Loch and yelled at him: "YOU BETTER SHOOT THE BEAST THIS TIME!" He then channeled his anger around his fist creating feelings of vengeance, his fists becoming ones of vengeance now. He attacked the thing prepared to tear through his flesh at any time.

Loch shot another bolt at the thing, and murmured: "Not that I would mind if it hit you." Although Chuck swung wide once again, the Bloodsucker sidestepped straight into Loch's bolt as it tore into its softened flesh. It let out a slight wail as the barrier reformed, once again fighting the flames.

Chuck channeled his rage around his fist and prepared himself to go through the monsters flesh. Another swing, another sidestep.
"Guess my encouraging helped the guy." he thought.

Loch shot yet another bolt at the creature. The bolt made a small scratch on the ghastly figure's arm, but was otherwise harmless.

The bloodsucker turned to the source of the previously damaging bolt and channeled a quick sound blast towards him. Loch was simply to quick for him however, and promptly rolled off to the side. Having been surrounded by terrifyingly powerful magic attacks for too long, something awoke inside of Loch. Perhaps it was a kind of magic itself, but whatever it was, this strange power enveloped both Chuck and the Bloodsucker, nullifying their magic channeling abilities.

Chuck was getting angrier.

"Just stay in one damn place so I can freakin' hit ya!"

Chuck starter channeling his rage, but he failed, he still went for the bloodsucker. However, it didn't pay much heed to this command, and dodged anyways.

After several minutes of attacks flying back and forth, the bloodsucker took a final bolt to the chest and fell down, slowly bleeding out.

As Chuck looked at the corpse of the bloodsucker he said to himself while looking at the creature: "This could've ended worse... for you."
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[Terra Street]

The cowardly innkeeper had clearly fled in the chaos of the battle, but he soon returned, with a tall, strong-looking man behind him. The man had what looked like a sword which had been grown, showing the work of a nature mage. He looked bored at first, but upon spotting the elemental corpses, his expression changed to one of surprise. "So these are the ones that saved you?" He asked the innkeeper. After receiving a nod, he stepped forward. He held out his hand, and a look of intense focus took over his face. Multiple strange looking plants sprung from the ground and sprayed a pink mist over them. They felt their wounds close slowly, and finally heal completely. The man wiped a bead of sweat from his brow. "For your heroic deeds I will take you all in under my wing on the front lines. This will give you a decent rank, awarding you and any remaining family members with far higher funds than you currently have. We must hurry though, there is a raid happening soon." The man began to walk away.

[Blacksmith Street]

Suddenly the street was filled with the loud sound of a whirlwind, and, looking up, Nahiri and Caitronia could see a stern-looking woman descending in the centre of this makeshift tornado. "Ugh. Dark magik." The woman said, as the whirlwind began to blow away the mist, making it dissipate into the air. The moment she landed, she strode over to Caitronia. "Ms. Feardorcha. Dark mage." She said with some level of disgust. "You have been selected to join the front lines due to showing... an ability to kill orks. You will be assigned to an ork related mission that I will do my utmost to avoid." She turned to Nahiri, and the disgust vanished from her face. "Nahiri, good job with killing those orks and defending the street. You have been selected to join the army based on your interesting research into magik machines that can enhance the abilities of allies and hinder enemies. Unfortunately, you will most likely be assigned to a squadron with Ms. Feardorcha here. I wish you the best of luck, but for now both of you must come with me." She turned around and began to walk away. "Now both of you, come along."

[Kro Street]

The bloodsucker, despite knowing he was going to die, looked oddly worried. "Astra?" A small voice rang out in the darkness. "Flee, my spawn, or they shall slay us both." Astra replied. "You will have to go hungry tonight." His words were followed by a fireball, that barely missed the young bloodsucker, as he yelped and flung himself to the side. Calhoun Reeves walked down the street, walking towards Chuck. "You are being recruited to join the front lines. Come, you crazy bitch." He glanced at Loch. "You're scared of magik, so you're not recruited for being a pussy." He started to walk away. "Come here Chuckington, we have someone else to get."

[Fringe Street]

An eerie silence descended upon the street. All was quiet, save for a slight dripping noise. A dark liquid was moving through the cracks of the street. Blood? No, blood is red, and the liquid was almost black. More and more of the liquid flowed near to Dubhan. Suddenly, tendrils of the liquid began to rise into the air. The tendrils began to rotate around each other, faster and faster, wrapping around some unseen shape. Slowly, the liquid began to solidify, gaining colour. Soon, a man stood before Dubhan, showing no resemblance to the liquid that he had been before. The whole process had taken around ten seconds. The man coughed. "Ugh, I am never getting used to that, even if I did make it up myself." He looked over at Dubhan, and then to Astora, who was busy kicking the dead wyrm. "Oh, for fuck's sake, I knew I'd be put with other criminals, but not the bloody criminally insane. Oi! You! I can't make out who you are, so you must be Astora, the one who murdered their whole family! We've been called in at the lowest rank at the front lines to pay back what we did! Get over here!" He turned to Dubhan. "And you must be Dubhan, the one that murdered their father. Not judging, personally, I kill people if they even piss me off. I can understand why you'd do that after living with a religious nutter. I don't know how they find out aboutall our wrongdoings, but being 'scouts', which is of course their suicide squadrons, has got to be better than a death penalty. We should go. I'm Scivoloso by the way.

[Lexia's farm]

A short, pudgy man hurried over to them. As he reached them, he wheezed, catching his breath back. Lexia recognised him as one of the men that her parents were supposed to be at a meeting with. "Hello, everyone. I see you've been busy defending your farm." The man said, tilting his head towards the goblin corpses. "Your parents sent me to give you all a very important message. You've been selected to join the front lines! Your parents didn't want to come in person, because they'd spoil your big moment by worrying over you. Apparently it's great out there, with much better living conditions than here. Come on now, everyone follow me, I'll take you to your captain!"
The corner of Cait's mouth twisted up in what almost approached a scowl. Why did people always have to try and interfere with her, try to twist her from what she was into something else? Her words when they came, were delivered in a sarcastic monotone. "As overjoyed as I am to have been selected to serve in this glorious army of yours, I don't seem to recall having asked to join, or even expressing any interest. If you want dead orks, I don't have to be part of the army to deliver on that. As much as I'm grateful for your offer," Cait stressing the word to put her view across, "I must respectfully decline. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have business to attend to." Turning her back on that pompous meddling harridan, Cait strode away. Leave the army to the fools who cared about friends, glory and honour. She had no time for any of that, and even if she did the reek of death hung heavy around her. No, she would continue as she always had - walking the world alone, leaving death and devastation in her wake.
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Chuck looked at the guy and told him: "Crazy bitch? I think I like you already!" He then smiled.

"Anyway, while I may be crazy, I'm not stupid and I don't really have a choice, so I guess I'm in... What's your name?"

"You don't know who I am?" The man asked. 'I'm Calhoun Reeves, I run many classes in this village to train people to become warriors. It's pretty boring. As is talking to you." They arrived at the door to the inn and stepped inside. "Also, you must be really crazy to enjoy being called crazy. This is going to be a long few weeks." Calhoun began to walk up the stairs.

To be honest I don't care about someone, if they aren't my client or I'm not their client, thus I couldn't know your name." Chuck told Calhoun while looking at him.

"Hmph. You sure are good at ignoring the world outside your business." They had reached a door. Calhoun slammed it open, waking the small, black, teenage boy inside. "S.. sir Reeves?" He stuttered. "Siunaus, you've been selected for the front lines." A strange look of determination overcame the boy's face. "Yes, sir." He picked up what looked like a small bladed instrument, which seemed more suited for medical use than for fighting. Calhoun pushed past Chuck, heading for the door. The boy offered his hand to Chuck. "Siunaus." He said.

Chuck shook hands with Siunaus. "My name's Chuck. Do you have a middle name or nickname that's easier to say?" he asked the teenager.

Siunaus looked at him quizzically. "You may call me Si." he said, hurrying to catch up with Calhoun.

Chuck just casually walked after the guys.

The two men carried walking in silence, travelling through a series of streets.

Chuck catched up with the two mea and continued walking with them.

They arrived at a large building, and as they entered they found a series of empty seats. "It seems my colleagues are taking their time." Calhoun complained. "Well, it seems we must wait."
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Linessa hauled herself out of the mud and began scraping the worst of it off her arms and clothes just as the inkeeper returned with a nature mage. She was certainly grateful for the mage's healing mist, as the elemental's last shockwave had shaken her up quite a bit. When he spoke, she wasn't entirely sure how to respond. Defending her home from unprovoked elementals was one thing, but joining an offensive raiding party was something else entirely. She looked at the frost mage who'd helped out in fighting the elementals, then at the light mage, then back to the nature mage as he turned and began walking away.

Linessa considered her situation. On the one hand, she didn't feel that her powers were particularly well suited to combat; but on the other hand, her life as a tailor was a bit dull and she was now curious as to the nature of this raid- who or what was being raided and why the party must be organized this early in the morning. Heck, for all she knew, they'd be sent to deal with some fire elementals, in which case her wind magic could prove very useful indeed.

Acar shook his head, despite the man having turned around to leave. He spoke quietly to himself. "I am not worthy to receive a rank like this. Not after what I did." He then turned, and walked away.

Her decision made, Linessa summoned a precisely articulated gust of wind to sweep a handful of dust into the open door of her home and deposit it on the floorboards, forming the words "On a raid -L ♡". She then summoned another gust to swing the door shut before turning to follow the nature mage.

As she began to walk, she became acutely aware of the mud caking her robes, causing them to cling together and wetly slap at her legs with each step she took. She kept her eyes peeled for a convenient stream to hop into to wash all this mud off.

Persolus seemed too busy looking for some of his stuff to pay much attention, and the man, with Linessa in tow, walked with her to a large building. Inside were a group of women, who seemed to have been in some kind of argument, Calhoun, with what looked like two students, and two shady looking guys, led by a man with striking red hair.
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[Blacksmith Street]

The woman waved her hand, and a gust of air blew her off her feet. She strode over to Caitronia. "Yes, the great benefits that come with being on the front lines give it the illusion of being a choice, don't they? Don't get the wrong idea though, this village wouldn't survive if anyone could decide that service was above them. You are coming to the front lines. Now, are you coming along, or will I need to bring you along with force?"

A flush of heat within her. What was this? Was it...anger? She could not remember having been angry before, not properly. All of the violence she had peddled, all of the death she had doled had been through a sense of natural progression. They had got in her way, so they had died. That was the way things happened. Now? Now she actually wanted to start killing. Wanted to watch the snobby bitch choke her last words through that mean, pinched face. However, she could not give into that anger. Her mist had already been swept aside effortlessly, and to try would merely be a waste of her energy. "Well, what a great job this army is doing, protecting the town. Is this your way of saving face, recruiting the people who do your job for you so you can claim the credit?" She looked coldly at the woman. "Where was the army when these orks made it into the town? Were it not for people who hadn't been forced into service yet, who knows how much damage could have been caused?" Her concern was feigned, as she cared little if the whole town was razed to the ground. In truth, it would probably make her life a lot more straightforwards not dealing with the stares and the whispers. Her hand drifted to her throat, where the ribbon hid the mysterious scar she bore.

Nahiri swallowed and looked back to her home when she received the news. She didn't want to leave her brother alone, not while that voice is still in his head. But what other choice did she have now? Refusing is seen as a crime and she promised to never talk about Darien's pain making even that an invalid reason to stay.

Then again, what if she somehow is allowed to stay and someone gets hurt or even worse dies because she wasn't there to protect them. Nahiri couldn't think about it without her feeling sick of guilt. She looked at a Hedron she had in her hand and recognized that this would also be a very good opportunity to test them for their full potential.

She made up her mind and walked towards the woman, "Though I am willing to go I have one request before I come. Can I go back home first to say my brother good bye? He couldn't get involved in this battle due to his health and he is now waiting for me."

The woman glared at Cait, and opened her mouth to speak, before she was interrupted by Nahiri. She blinked in surprise, turning to her. "Uh, yes, go, but try to make it quick." She turned back to Cait. "The front line fighters are to fight on the front lines. The orks that you killed were weaklings, not even at the age of 18 yet. If you had even a little intelligence, you would have noticed the lack of points on the end of their upturned fangs, signalling that they have not fully grown. Sometimes weaker monsters must be let through as we are occupied with far more dangerous monsters than you can deal with using your puny methods." She turned away, expecting the end of the arguing.

Cait smirked. "Then leave me here, to deal with these weaker monsters. That way, you don't have to worry about looking bad when the monsters get in."

The woman spun around. "Oh, trust me, if I was in charge, I would very happily leave you here. But unfortunately, I'm not one of the incredibly powerful people that control this village, but I am more than capable of forcing you to come with me the moment Nahiri gets back."

Cait looked at the woman. "You don't care about the safety of the people living here, do you." It was not a question, more a statement of fact. She tasted bile in her mouth - why? She didn't either, so why were her thoughts starting to whirl? Why did she feel cold and hot, why did her eyes start to prickle? She shut her eyes, trying to regain control. Instead, sounds began to echo around her head - laughter, screams, wet, sticky noises ohgodwhoisitwhatisthatnoisewhyamIinherewhataretheydoingto- Her eyes snapped open, rolled back, and she collapsed on the floor, unconscious.

The woman's jaw dropped open for a second, before rushing to pick Cait up. "Oh for fuck's sake!" She rushed to the door of where Nahiri was living and slammed the door open. "I'm really sorry I couldn't give you more time Nahiri, but the flipping bitch passed out, and I'll get in a lot of trouble if she dies, so I need you here, right now!" She called.

Nahiri quickly came and as soon as she saw that the woman was carrying the now unconscious Cait she hasty spoke "Get her inside!" while pointing towards the couch and making sure the woman could easily walk passed her "My brother should be able to help" Nahiri continued as she looked at Darien, not sure if he really could as he was once again innerly fighting against that dark voice, something that she could clearly see in his eyes and felt.

The woman looked dubious, but if this man was a healer, then it would save time. She lifted her arms, and Cait floated away onto the sofa.

Darien quickly got to Cait to look for any obvious hints at what caused the collapse and was shocked once he noticed how cold her body was. He quickly decided that there was no time to look for the cause and just had to spread his magic knowing very well that having a single point to focus on would be a lot better.

Darien closed his eyes and tried to focus on his magic and as he did the voice in his head started to scream again and Darien's magic which was swirling around Cait visibly suffered from it, looking like something dark was hiding deep withing it. However it didn't take long for Darien to "lock out" the voice and his magic returned to normal soon after.

Not knowing what the cause was also meant that Darien has no idea for how long he would need to cast his magic, not that that was a big problem as Cait waking up would be a good sign he could stop.

Cait stirred. Darkness receded from her vision, carrying with it the faintest echoes of sounds she could barely perceive. Her eyes felt slightly damp, and she felt as though she was floating. As she came to, she realised that it was merely the sensation of a battered sofa on numbed skin. A boy was standing over her, an odd glow shining from his hands and coating her body. Her hands flew to her neck to check - her mask was still there. The ribbon that stopped the stares.

Why was she lying here? That bitch descended from the sky and started giving orders...then what? Who was this brat? Where was she? Slapping the kid's hands away, she lurched to her feet, before fixing the bitch with a steely glare. "What do you think you're doing to me?"

"You fainted, you ungrateful bitch. Nahiri's kind brother here decided to heal you, as it might have been from your wounds that you sustained in your battle against the orks, because apparently even going low enough to practice your disgusting dark magik rather than learning to fight with just weaponry still doesn't make you very strong. And now that you've finally woken up, I'll answer your previous question. Yes, I do care about the people in this village. But the vast majority of people here have been taught in the battle school, and you can't live in this world without being strong. Even you would be more useful on the front lines, fighting actual strong enemies. Now, thank Darien here, and stop being such a little shit."

"The battle school isn't enough to save them." The words slipped out of her mouth. What did she mean? Where had they come from? Her head began to fill with whispers, sounds, images. An unrelenting pressure built up behind her eyes: not the numbed pseudopain she was used to; rather real, genuine intense pain. She clasped a hand to her head as her vision blurred, the sounds roaring in her ears blocking the cry of pain that she let slip without hearing it. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" The blur began to fade, the pain receded, the sounds died away. She looked up to see them all staring at her. Had she said that aloud, rather than mentally? Now they were going to start probing, pulling her apart, hunting for what made her different, trying to fix her, nosing around in her, prying, prodding...just like everybody tried to do with the stares that hid from her eyes but followed her wherever she went. She could never escape. She couldn't escape. "Whatever. Go ahead, drag me wherever you will."

"The fuck? Oh, you know what, we're late, I don't even care anymore." She flicked her wrist, and a small whirlwind surrounded Cait, pulling her up into a sitting position, on top of a seat of wind. If she tried to move from her position, wind would push her back into place. "Come on Nahiri, let's go, I'll find someone to find out what's wrong with her when we get there. And thank you, Darien." With that, she flicked her wrist and began to walk forward, Cait remaining a consistent distance behind her.

"Wait" Darien said as he got in the way of the Woman "I want to talk with her, alone". Laying emphasis on the word alone. Nahiri already knew why Darien suddenly wanted this and agreed that it would be better if at least the woman would be away while Darien talked about whatever it was that is appreantly in her head and went on where Darien left of "I doubt it will take long, and I know it will help her"

The woman frowned, then sighed. "Five minutes, no longer, no less." She flicked her wrist, and Cait was dumped onto the floor unceremoniously. She then proceeded to stride out of the door.

"Don't worry" Darien said to Cait when the woman and Nahiri left. "I didn't want to talk to you to "fix" you. I wanted to let you know that Nahiri should now be trying to have this woman stop trying that. I know how it feels to fear that you are insane or the fear that others might think that about you. And I know that having stuff forced onto you claiming that it will "fix" will only make it worse. If you need help while you are away then I'm sure Nahiri will be there for you."

Meanwhile, Nahiri is talking to the woman."You shouldn't have someone looking at her. I promise you that she is fine after Darien talked to her." Nahiri took a deep breath before continuing "Maybe you should also leave her alone for a bit. You don't seem to like her much and I doubt anyone is waiting on another argument."

Cait's eyes lazily flicked to the small boy. "And I suppose you think that you're in some way better than them. That saying you understand me is going to make everything better." She let out a derisive snort, before walking out of the house. "We're done. If your porter system is that unpleasant, I'll walk." she said to the wind mage.

"Are you sure about that?" The woman replied before turning to Cait. "Good. I don't like wasting my magik." She began to walk forward, heading up the street. Eventually they reached a large building. Stepping inside, they saw Calhoun, sitting with two teenagers. "Taking your time Violet?" he smirked. "Shut up Calhoun." She said, taking a seat.
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Dubhan looked at the man that had come to take them into some regiment with contempt. It was obvious what they were doing wasn't it? There was no reason to hide behind a diplomatic way of saying "you can be operation meat shield, or you can be killed for refusing."
He was no way he could refuse, he knew that. He couldn't beat them... he'd have to join them.
"You could at least do us the decency of telling us that we're the expendable ones meant to make it safer for the non-criminals. Besides, you have no idea what my life was like, before I killed that man. Don't act like you know me."

"Decency isn't exactly my top priority mate. And I was hoping you'd note my sarcasm, no wonder you got caught if you can't even recognise that. Anyway, I was assuming best-case scenario here. If you were forced into killing your dad, that's just boring." Scivoloso smirked. "Oi, hurry up, the fucking thing is dead mate!" He shouted over to Astora.

"I'm fairly sure he's mad, just leave him to kick the corpse and let's get moving." Dubhan said to Scivoloso impatiently.

"You know what, I'll just tell them that he put up resistance to being taken in. I can't be arsed, and we're running late. Trust me, he'll regret the consequences. We should get going." He said, then turned and walked down the street. Dubhan thought he saw a flicker in his peripheral vision, but it turned out to be nothing.
They turned up just in time to see a stroppy looking girl, an angry looking woman, and another woman who seemed to want to stay out of whatever had happened, entering a building. A man flickered into view in front of them, with striking ginger hair, and a bored look on his face. "Oh, hey Red." Scivoloso said, seemingly not surprised by the man who had just appeared out of nowhere in front of him. "One of the.."
"Whatever." The man interrupted. "I know he didn't, but I don't feel like going anywhere near that guy either." Suddenly, the man punched Scivoloso in the stomach. "Ow, but I thought you said.."
"My name isn't Red." The man said, walking away inside. Scivoloso shrugged and followed him in.
Dubhan watched Scivoloso getting punched in the stomach, slightly confused as to what the two were going on about, but he followed him inside without a word.
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