[Lexia's farm]
A cloak of pure light enveloped Fiona, protecting her from harm. The goblins, blinded by the light, turned around to look at Lexia, who was still shielded by brambles. 'Ack Haa!' the front one shouted, and they ran at the cocoon of brambles. The first two to reach it hacked and slashed at it, but simply cut themselves on the sharp brambles. The final one, having noticed the other two hurt themselves, kept its distance, simply poking at the brambles a little bit with its knife. Lexia's brambles retracted back into the ground, and she was revealed, curled into a little ball, clearly she must've been too scared to do anything. Sylvia felt the magik of Holy Restoration infuse with her soul.
[Fringe street]
A dark shadow came out of Astora, and latched onto a section of the wyrm. There was a crunch as a section of the wyrm's armour broke. The shadow returned to Astora, carrying the life energy that it had stolen with it. As Astora's strength returned, he felt his fury fade away, the wounds caused by the wyrm healing. On the other hand, the wyrm roared in pain, flying towards Astora. However, due to the pain, the wyrm veered far off course, completely missing Astora. Meanwhile, a section of the wyrm's armour near Dubhan split and fell away, the softer skin underneath flying off as the blood was ripped out of its side. The wyrm appeared to slow its movements, it was clearly on its last legs. Metaphorical legs of course.
[Blacksmith street]
Another hedron was now floating in the air, and as it glowed, Erildus and Cait felt their magik become stronger. As the mist flowed from Cait's staff, it intensified. The third ork felt the mist begin to enter his lungs, and he choked, but for now remained unharmed. The others were again engulfed by thick mist, but were so far not experiencing the harmful effects caused by its inhalation. The dart of liquid flame pouring out of Erildus's magikal device engulfed Skullkracka. If the mist were not to obscure his vision, Erildus would have witnessed a truly horrifying sight. The ork screamed and writhed, the skin melting off of much of his body, his right fang half dissolving in the molten liquid. The orks were done for, as their screams began to replace their earlier confidence. Perhaps they began to realise what a terrible mistake they had made.
[Kro Street]
The bolt that Loch had fired flew straight towards the bloodsucker, but as it neared it, it appeared to get stuck in something, before bouncing off this invisible wall with a strange reverberating noise. The bloodsucker then turned to face loch, pointing his hand towards him. Loch barely had time to realise what was happening and dive out of the way before the dart of compressed sound flew past his side. Chuck sent his own magik at the bloodsucker, but this too appeared to be stopped by this invisible wall. However, the flames appeared to spread out, surrounding this barrier. As the barrier was destroyed, flames repeatedly burned away the barrier as it tried to regenerate. For Loch, all this burning and sound waves was sure to freak him out.
[Terra Street]
As Persolus speeded towards the elemental, he stabbed it with his tiny little knife. However, despite Persolus's lack of strength and tiny weapon, it appeared to hurt the elemental. Linessa rose slightly from mud, but as it was moving as if alive, two strands of mud held her down, preventing her from flying out of it. The tornado of wind did, however, manage to create a dangerous whirlwind of mud, protecting her. The first elemental, clearly dedicated to avenging his dead friend, ignored Acar behind him, sending a shockwave through the mud. It was simply useless though, as the mud flew away from the whirlwind in the centre. Acar focused on Linessa, and ice crystals began to form over her armour. Surprisingly, it seemed only cool, as the cold from the ice appeared to be mostly held within it by magik. The final elemental attempted the same thing as the other, with similar success.
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[Lexia's farm]
A cloak of pure light enveloped Fiona, protecting her from harm. The goblins, blinded by the light, turned around to look at Lexia, who was still shielded by brambles. 'Ack Haa!' the front one shouted, and they ran at the cocoon of brambles. The first two to reach it hacked and slashed at it, but simply cut themselves on the sharp brambles. The final one, having noticed the other two hurt themselves, kept its distance, simply poking at the brambles a little bit with its knife. Lexia's brambles retracted back into the ground, and she was revealed, curled into a little ball, clearly she must've been too scared to do anything. Sylvia felt the magik of Holy Restoration infuse with her soul.
Name: ???
Age: ???
Magiks: ???
Appearance: (Central)
Personality: Leader?
Backstory: ???
Equipment: Blowdart pipe - Cloock, Knife - Clee
Stats (14? total):
Health: 2 - 1
Armour: ???
Agility: 5
Strength: 3
Accuracy: 4
Magical skill: ???
Magical defence: ???
Magical abilities (??? total):
Paralysis dart: Deals damage to agility. If agility reaches 0, knocks them out. 1 turn cooldown
Teamwork: For every ally that has attacked the current target, gain +1 strength for that attack.
Name: ???
Age: ???
Magiks: ???
Appearance: (Right)
Personality: ???
Backstory: ???
Equipment: Blowdart pipe - Cloock, Knife - Clee
Stats (14? total):
Health: 2 - 1
Armour: ???
Agility: 5
Strength: 3
Accuracy: 4
Magical skill: ???
Magical defence: ???
Magical abilities (??? total):
Paralysis dart: Deals damage to agility. If agility reaches 0, knocks them out. 1 turn cooldown
Teamwork: For every ally that has attacked the current target, gain +1 strength for that attack.
Name: ???
Age: ???
Magiks: ???
Appearance: (Left)
Personality: ???
Backstory: ???
Equipment: Blowdart pipe - Cloock, Knife - Clee
Stats (7? total):
Health: ???
Armour: ???
Agility: ???
Strength: 3
Accuracy: 4
Magical skill: ???
Magical defence: ???
Magical abilities (??? total):
Paralysis dart: Deals damage to agility. If agility reaches 0, knocks them out. 1 turn cooldown
Teamwork: For every ally that has attacked the current target, gain +1 strength for that attack.
Age: ???
Magiks: ???
Appearance: (Central)

Personality: Leader?
Backstory: ???
Equipment: Blowdart pipe - Cloock, Knife - Clee
Stats (14? total):
Health: 2 - 1
Armour: ???
Agility: 5
Strength: 3
Accuracy: 4
Magical skill: ???
Magical defence: ???
Magical abilities (??? total):
Paralysis dart: Deals damage to agility. If agility reaches 0, knocks them out. 1 turn cooldown
Teamwork: For every ally that has attacked the current target, gain +1 strength for that attack.
Name: ???
Age: ???
Magiks: ???
Appearance: (Right)

Personality: ???
Backstory: ???
Equipment: Blowdart pipe - Cloock, Knife - Clee
Stats (14? total):
Health: 2 - 1
Armour: ???
Agility: 5
Strength: 3
Accuracy: 4
Magical skill: ???
Magical defence: ???
Magical abilities (??? total):
Paralysis dart: Deals damage to agility. If agility reaches 0, knocks them out. 1 turn cooldown
Teamwork: For every ally that has attacked the current target, gain +1 strength for that attack.
Name: ???
Age: ???
Magiks: ???
Appearance: (Left)

Personality: ???
Backstory: ???
Equipment: Blowdart pipe - Cloock, Knife - Clee
Stats (7? total):
Health: ???
Armour: ???
Agility: ???
Strength: 3
Accuracy: 4
Magical skill: ???
Magical defence: ???
Magical abilities (??? total):
Paralysis dart: Deals damage to agility. If agility reaches 0, knocks them out. 1 turn cooldown
Teamwork: For every ally that has attacked the current target, gain +1 strength for that attack.
A dark shadow came out of Astora, and latched onto a section of the wyrm. There was a crunch as a section of the wyrm's armour broke. The shadow returned to Astora, carrying the life energy that it had stolen with it. As Astora's strength returned, he felt his fury fade away, the wounds caused by the wyrm healing. On the other hand, the wyrm roared in pain, flying towards Astora. However, due to the pain, the wyrm veered far off course, completely missing Astora. Meanwhile, a section of the wyrm's armour near Dubhan split and fell away, the softer skin underneath flying off as the blood was ripped out of its side. The wyrm appeared to slow its movements, it was clearly on its last legs. Metaphorical legs of course.
Name: ???
Age: ???
Magiks: none
Personality: ???
Backstory: ???
Equipment: none
Stats (25 total):
Health: 5 - 4
Armour: 6
Agility: 2
Strength: 5 - 2
Accuracy: 2
Magical skill: 0
Magical defence: 5
Magical abilities (??? total):
Drag under: Attack with -1 accuracy but +2 strength. 1 turn cooldown.
Heavy hitter: If an enemy is hit by ???, they lose 2 agility until the end of ??? next turn.
Age: ???
Magiks: none

Personality: ???
Backstory: ???
Equipment: none
Stats (25 total):
Health: 5 - 4
Armour: 6
Agility: 2
Strength: 5 - 2
Accuracy: 2
Magical skill: 0
Magical defence: 5
Magical abilities (??? total):
Drag under: Attack with -1 accuracy but +2 strength. 1 turn cooldown.
Heavy hitter: If an enemy is hit by ???, they lose 2 agility until the end of ??? next turn.
Another hedron was now floating in the air, and as it glowed, Erildus and Cait felt their magik become stronger. As the mist flowed from Cait's staff, it intensified. The third ork felt the mist begin to enter his lungs, and he choked, but for now remained unharmed. The others were again engulfed by thick mist, but were so far not experiencing the harmful effects caused by its inhalation. The dart of liquid flame pouring out of Erildus's magikal device engulfed Skullkracka. If the mist were not to obscure his vision, Erildus would have witnessed a truly horrifying sight. The ork screamed and writhed, the skin melting off of much of his body, his right fang half dissolving in the molten liquid. The orks were done for, as their screams began to replace their earlier confidence. Perhaps they began to realise what a terrible mistake they had made.
Name: Bonesnappa
Age: ???
Magiks: ???
Personality: ???
Backstory: ???
Equipment: Club
Stats (10? total):
Health: ???
Armour: ???
Agility: 2
Strength: 5
Accuracy: 3 - 1 (1 mist)
Magical skill: ???
Magical defence: ???
Abilities (??? total):
Smash: Attacks two enemies with -2 strength. 1 turn cooldown.
Name: Skullkracka
Age: ???
Magiks: ???
Personality: ???
Backstory: ???
Equipment: Club
Stats (13? total):
Health: 3 - 2
Armour: ???
Agility: 2
Strength: 5
Accuracy: 3 - 1 (1 hedron)
Magical skill: ???
Magical defence: ???
Abilities (??? total):
Graaraar!: Gain +1 strength when not on full health, but become only able to attack the last person that dealt damage to you that is still alive.
Smash: Attacks two enemies with -2 strength. 1 turn cooldown.
Name: ???
Age: ???
Magiks: ???
Personality: ???
Backstory: ???
Equipment: Club
Stats (16? total):
Health: 3 - 1
Armour: ???
Agility: 2
Strength: 5
Accuracy: 3 - 3 (2 mist) (1 hedron)
Magical skill: ???
Magical defence: 3
Abilities (??? total):
Graaraar!: Gain +1 strength when not on full health, but become only able to attack the last person that dealt damage to you that is still alive.
Tackal: Can only be used on people who did not attack the user in the previous turn. Enemies hit with this attack miss their next go. 1 turn cooldown.
Age: ???
Magiks: ???
Personality: ???
Backstory: ???
Equipment: Club
Stats (10? total):
Health: ???
Armour: ???
Agility: 2
Strength: 5
Accuracy: 3 - 1 (1 mist)
Magical skill: ???
Magical defence: ???
Abilities (??? total):
Smash: Attacks two enemies with -2 strength. 1 turn cooldown.
Name: Skullkracka
Age: ???
Magiks: ???
Personality: ???
Backstory: ???
Equipment: Club
Stats (13? total):
Health: 3 - 2
Armour: ???
Agility: 2
Strength: 5
Accuracy: 3 - 1 (1 hedron)
Magical skill: ???
Magical defence: ???
Abilities (??? total):
Graaraar!: Gain +1 strength when not on full health, but become only able to attack the last person that dealt damage to you that is still alive.
Smash: Attacks two enemies with -2 strength. 1 turn cooldown.
Name: ???
Age: ???
Magiks: ???
Personality: ???
Backstory: ???
Equipment: Club
Stats (16? total):
Health: 3 - 1
Armour: ???
Agility: 2
Strength: 5
Accuracy: 3 - 3 (2 mist) (1 hedron)
Magical skill: ???
Magical defence: 3
Abilities (??? total):
Graaraar!: Gain +1 strength when not on full health, but become only able to attack the last person that dealt damage to you that is still alive.
Tackal: Can only be used on people who did not attack the user in the previous turn. Enemies hit with this attack miss their next go. 1 turn cooldown.
The bolt that Loch had fired flew straight towards the bloodsucker, but as it neared it, it appeared to get stuck in something, before bouncing off this invisible wall with a strange reverberating noise. The bloodsucker then turned to face loch, pointing his hand towards him. Loch barely had time to realise what was happening and dive out of the way before the dart of compressed sound flew past his side. Chuck sent his own magik at the bloodsucker, but this too appeared to be stopped by this invisible wall. However, the flames appeared to spread out, surrounding this barrier. As the barrier was destroyed, flames repeatedly burned away the barrier as it tried to regenerate. For Loch, all this burning and sound waves was sure to freak him out.
Name: ???
Age: ???
Magiks: ???
Personality: ???
Backstory: ???
Equipment: none
Stats (4? total):
Health: ???
Armour: 2 + 2
Agility: 5
Strength: ???
Accuracy: 4
Magical skill: ???
Magical defence: ???
Magical abilities (??? total):
Sound blast: Magik attack.
Sound barrier: Gain +2 to armour for 3 turns
Bite: Makes person hit miss their next go. Gain 1 health for every damage that would've been dealt. -2 accuracy for this attack.
Age: ???
Magiks: ???

Personality: ???
Backstory: ???
Equipment: none
Stats (4? total):
Health: ???
Armour: 2 + 2
Agility: 5
Strength: ???
Accuracy: 4
Magical skill: ???
Magical defence: ???
Magical abilities (??? total):
Sound blast: Magik attack.
Sound barrier: Gain +2 to armour for 3 turns
Bite: Makes person hit miss their next go. Gain 1 health for every damage that would've been dealt. -2 accuracy for this attack.
As Persolus speeded towards the elemental, he stabbed it with his tiny little knife. However, despite Persolus's lack of strength and tiny weapon, it appeared to hurt the elemental. Linessa rose slightly from mud, but as it was moving as if alive, two strands of mud held her down, preventing her from flying out of it. The tornado of wind did, however, manage to create a dangerous whirlwind of mud, protecting her. The first elemental, clearly dedicated to avenging his dead friend, ignored Acar behind him, sending a shockwave through the mud. It was simply useless though, as the mud flew away from the whirlwind in the centre. Acar focused on Linessa, and ice crystals began to form over her armour. Surprisingly, it seemed only cool, as the cold from the ice appeared to be mostly held within it by magik. The final elemental attempted the same thing as the other, with similar success.
Name: Korrokor
Age: ???
Magiks: Earth
Personality: Likes to talk
Backstory: ???
Equipment: none
Stats (8? total):
Health: 2 - 2 (DEAD)
Armour: 2
Agility: 1
Strength: ???
Accuracy: 3
Magical skill: ???
Magical defence: ???
Magical abilities (??? total):
Controlled earthquake: Magik attack.
Name: ???
Age: ???
Magiks: Earth
Personality: ???
Backstory: ???
Equipment: none
Stats (13? total):
Health: 2 - 1
Armour: 2
Agility: 1
Strength: ???
Accuracy: 3
Magical skill: 5
Magical defence: ???
Magical abilities (??? total):
Controlled earthquake: Magik attack.
Stuck in the mud: -2 to target agility for 3 turns. 2 turn cooldown.
Name: ???
Age: ???
Magiks: Earth
Personality: ???
Backstory: ???
Equipment: none
Stats (8? total):
Health: 2 - 1
Armour: 2
Agility: 1
Strength: ???
Accuracy: 3
Magical skill: ???
Magical defence: ???
Magical abilities (??? total):
Controlled earthquake: Magik attack.
Stuck in the mud: -2 to target agility for 3 turns. 2 turn cooldown.
Age: ???
Magiks: Earth

Personality: Likes to talk
Backstory: ???
Equipment: none
Stats (8? total):
Health: 2 - 2 (DEAD)
Armour: 2
Agility: 1
Strength: ???
Accuracy: 3
Magical skill: ???
Magical defence: ???
Magical abilities (??? total):
Controlled earthquake: Magik attack.
Name: ???
Age: ???
Magiks: Earth

Personality: ???
Backstory: ???
Equipment: none
Stats (13? total):
Health: 2 - 1
Armour: 2
Agility: 1
Strength: ???
Accuracy: 3
Magical skill: 5
Magical defence: ???
Magical abilities (??? total):
Controlled earthquake: Magik attack.
Stuck in the mud: -2 to target agility for 3 turns. 2 turn cooldown.
Name: ???
Age: ???
Magiks: Earth

Personality: ???
Backstory: ???
Equipment: none
Stats (8? total):
Health: 2 - 1
Armour: 2
Agility: 1
Strength: ???
Accuracy: 3
Magical skill: ???
Magical defence: ???
Magical abilities (??? total):
Controlled earthquake: Magik attack.
Stuck in the mud: -2 to target agility for 3 turns. 2 turn cooldown.
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